< Acts 10 >

1 There was then in Caesarea a man named Cornelius, a Captain in the regiment known as the ‘Italian Regiment,’
kaisariyAnagara itAliyAkhyasainyAntargataH karNIliyanAmA senApatirAsIt
2 A religious man and one who reverenced God, with all his household. He was liberal in his charities to the people, and prayed to God constantly.
sa saparivAro bhakta IshvaraparAyaNashchAsIt; lokebhyo bahUni dAnAdIni datvA nirantaram Ishvare prArthayA nchakre|
3 One afternoon, about three o’clock, he distinctly saw in a vision an angel from God come to him, and call him by name.
ekadA tR^itIyapraharavelAyAM sa dR^iShTavAn Ishvarasyaiko dUtaH saprakAshaM tatsamIpam Agatya kathitavAn, he karNIliya|
4 Cornelius fixed his eyes on him and, in great alarm, said: “What is it, Lord?” “Your prayers and your charities,” the angel answered, “have been an acceptable offering to God.
kintu sa taM dR^iShTvA bhIto. akathayat, he prabho kiM? tadA tamavadat tava prArthanA dAnAdi cha sAkShisvarUpaM bhUtveshvarasya gocharamabhavat|
5 And now, send messengers to Jaffa and fetch a man called Simon, who is also known as Peter.
idAnIM yAphonagaraM prati lokAn preShya samudratIre shimonnAmnashcharmmakArasya gR^ihe pravAsakArI pitaranAmnA vikhyAto yaH shimon tam AhvAyaya;
6 He is lodging with a tanner named Simon, who has a house near the sea.”
tasmAt tvayA yadyat karttavyaM tattat sa vadiShyati|
7 When the angel, who had spoken to him, had gone, Cornelius called two menservants and a religious soldier, who was one of his constant attendants,
ityupadishya dUte prasthite sati karNIliyaH svagR^ihasthAnAM dAsAnAM dvau janau nityaM svasa NginAM sainyAnAm ekAM bhaktasenA nchAhUya
8 and, after telling them the whole story, sent them to Jaffa.
sakalametaM vR^ittAntaM vij nApya yAphonagaraM tAn prAhiNot|
9 On the next day, while these men were on their way, just as they were nearing the town, Peter went up on the housetop about mid-day to pray.
parasmin dine te yAtrAM kR^itvA yadA nagarasya samIpa upAtiShThan, tadA pitaro dvitIyapraharavelAyAM prArthayituM gR^ihapR^iShTham Arohat|
10 He became hungry and wanted something to eat; but while it was being prepared, he fell into a trance,
etasmin samaye kShudhArttaH san ki nchid bhoktum aichChat kintu teShAm annAsAdanasamaye sa mUrchChitaH sannapatat|
11 and saw that the heavens were open, and that something like a great sail was descending, let down by its four corners towards the earth.
tato meghadvAraM muktaM chaturbhiH koNai rlambitaM bR^ihadvastramiva ki nchana bhAjanam AkAshAt pR^ithivIm avArohatIti dR^iShTavAn|
12 In it were all kinds of quadrupeds, reptiles, and birds.
tanmadhye nAnaprakArA grAmyavanyapashavaH khecharorogAmiprabhR^itayo jantavashchAsan|
13 Then he was aware of a voice which said — “Stand up, Peter, kill something, and eat.”
anantaraM he pitara utthAya hatvA bhuMkShva tampratIyaM gagaNIyA vANI jAtA|
14 “No, Lord, I cannot,” answered Peter, “for I have never eaten anything ‘defiled’ and ‘unclean’.”
tadA pitaraH pratyavadat, he prabho IdR^ishaM mA bhavatu, aham etat kAlaM yAvat niShiddham ashuchi vA dravyaM ki nchidapi na bhuktavAn|
15 Again he was aware of a voice which said — “What God has pronounced ‘clean’, do not regard as ‘defiled’.”
tataH punarapi tAdR^ishI vihayasIyA vANI jAtA yad IshvaraH shuchi kR^itavAn tat tvaM niShiddhaM na jAnIhi|
16 This happened three times, and then suddenly it was all taken up into the heavens.
itthaM triH sati tat pAtraM punarAkR^iShTaM AkAsham agachChat|
17 While Peter was still perplexed as to the meaning of the vision that he had seen, the men sent by Cornelius, having enquired the way to Simon’s house, came up to the gate,
tataH paraM yad darshanaM prAptavAn tasya ko bhAva ityatra pitaro manasA sandegdhi, etasmin samaye karNIliyasya te preShitA manuShyA dvArasya sannidhAvupasthAya,
18 and called out and asked if the Simon, who was also known as Peter, was lodging there.
shimono gR^ihamanvichChantaH sampR^iChyAhUya kathitavantaH pitaranAmnA vikhyAto yaH shimon sa kimatra pravasati?
19 Peter was still pondering over the vision, when the Spirit said to him: “There are two men looking for you at this moment.
yadA pitarastaddarshanasya bhAvaM manasAndolayati tadAtmA tamavadat, pashya trayo janAstvAM mR^igayante|
20 Go down at once and do not hesitate to go with them, for I have sent them.”
tvam utthAyAvaruhya niHsandehaM taiH saha gachCha mayaiva te preShitAH|
21 Peter went down to the men and said: “I am the man for whom you are looking. What is your reason for coming?”
tasmAt pitaro. avaruhya karNIliyapreritalokAnAM nikaTamAgatya kathitavAn pashyata yUyaM yaM mR^igayadhve sa janohaM, yUyaM kinnimittam AgatAH?
22 The men replied: “Our captain, Cornelius, a pious man who reverences God and is well spoken of by the whole Jewish nation, has been instructed by a holy angel to send for you to his house, and to listen to what you have to say.”
tataste pratyavadan karNIliyanAmA shuddhasattva IshvaraparAyaNo yihUdIyadeshasthAnAM sarvveShAM sannidhau sukhyAtyApanna ekaH senApati rnijagR^ihaM tvAmAhUya netuM tvattaH kathA shrotu ncha pavitradUtena samAdiShTaH|
23 Upon this Peter invited them in and entertained them. The next day he lost no time in setting out with them, accompanied by some of the Brethren from Jaffa;
tadA pitarastAnabhyantaraM nItvA teShAmAtithyaM kR^itavAn, pare. ahani taiH sArddhaM yAtrAmakarot, yAphonivAsinAM bhrAtR^iNAM kiyanto janAshcha tena saha gatAH|
24 and the day following he entered Caesarea. Cornelius was expecting them, and had invited his relations and intimate friends to meet them.
parasmin divase kaisariyAnagaramadhyapraveshasamaye karNIliyo j nAtibandhUn AhUyAnIya tAn apekShya sthitaH|
25 So, when Peter entered the city, Cornelius met him, and, throwing himself at Peter’s feet, bowed to the ground.
pitare gR^iha upasthite karNIliyastaM sAkShAtkR^itya charaNayoH patitvA prANamat|
26 Peter, however, lifted him up, saying as he did so: “Stand up, I am only a man like yourself.”
pitarastamutthApya kathitavAn, uttiShThAhamapi mAnuShaH|
27 Talking with him as he went, Peter entered the house, where he found a large gathering of people, to whom he said:
tadA karNIliyena sAkam Alapan gR^ihaM prAvishat tanmadhye cha bahulokAnAM samAgamaM dR^iShTvA tAn avadat,
28 “You are doubtless aware that it is forbidden for a Jew to be intimate with a foreigner, or even to enter his house; and yet God has shown me that I ought not to call any man ‘defiled’ or ‘unclean.’
anyajAtIyalokaiH mahAlapanaM vA teShAM gR^ihamadhye praveshanaM yihUdIyAnAM niShiddham astIti yUyam avagachChatha; kintu kamapi mAnuSham avyavahAryyam ashuchiM vA j nAtuM mama nochitam iti parameshvaro mAM j nApitavAn|
29 That was why I came, when I was sent for, without raising any objection. And now I ask your reason for sending for me.”
iti hetorAhvAnashravaNamAtrAt kA nchanApattim akR^itvA yuShmAkaM samIpam Agatosmi; pR^ichChAmi yUyaM kinnimittaM mAm AhUyata?
30 “Just three days ago this very hour,” Cornelius said, “I was in my house, saying the Afternoon Prayers, when a man in dazzling clothing suddenly stood before me.
tadA karNIliyaH kathitavAn, adya chatvAri dinAni jAtAni etAvadvelAM yAvad aham anAhAra Asan tatastR^itIyaprahare sati gR^ihe prArthanasamaye tejomayavastrabhR^id eko jano mama samakShaM tiShThan etAM kathAm akathayat,
31 ‘Cornelius,’ he said, ‘your prayer has been heard, and your charities have been accepted, by God.
he karNIliya tvadIyA prArthanA Ishvarasya karNagocharIbhUtA tava dAnAdi cha sAkShisvarUpaM bhUtvA tasya dR^iShTigocharamabhavat|
32 Therefore send to Jaffa, and invite the Simon, who is also known as Peter, to come here. He is lodging in the house of Simon the tanner, near the sea.’
ato yAphonagaraM prati lokAn prahitya tatra samudratIre shimonnAmnaH kasyachichcharmmakArasya gR^ihe pravAsakArI pitaranAmnA vikhyAto yaH shimon tamAhUyaya; tataH sa Agatya tvAm upadekShyati|
33 Accordingly I sent to you at once, and you have been so good as to come. And now we are all here in the presence of God, to listen to all that you have been instructed by the Lord to say.”
iti kAraNAt tatkShaNAt tava nikaTe lokAn preShitavAn, tvamAgatavAn iti bhadraM kR^itavAn| Ishvaro yAnyAkhyAnAni kathayitum Adishat tAni shrotuM vayaM sarvve sAmpratam Ishvarasya sAkShAd upasthitAH smaH|
34 Then Peter began. “I see, beyond all doubt,” he said, “that ‘God does not show partiality,’
tadA pitara imAM kathAM kathayitum ArabdhavAn, Ishvaro manuShyANAm apakShapAtI san
35 But that in every nation he who reverences him and does what is right is acceptable to him.
yasya kasyachid deshasya yo lokAstasmAdbhItvA satkarmma karoti sa tasya grAhyo bhavati, etasya nishchayam upalabdhavAnaham|
36 God has sent his Message to the Israelites and told them, through Jesus Christ, the Good News of peace — and Jesus is Lord of all!
sarvveShAM prabhu ryo yIshukhrIShTastena Ishvara isrAyelvaMshAnAM nikaTe susaMvAdaM preShya sammelanasya yaM saMvAdaM prAchArayat taM saMvAdaM yUyaM shrutavantaH|
37 You yourselves know the story which spread through all Judea, how, beginning form Galilee, after the baptism which John proclaimed —
yato yohanA majjane prachArite sati sa gAlIladeshamArabhya samastayihUdIyadeshaM vyApnot;
38 The story, I mean, of Jesus of Nazareth, and how God consecrated him his Christ by enduing him with the Holy Spirit and with power; and how he went about doing good and curing all who were under the power of the Devil, because God was with him.
phalata IshvareNa pavitreNAtmanA shaktyA chAbhiShikto nAsaratIyayIshuH sthAne sthAne bhraman sukriyAM kurvvan shaitAnA kliShTAn sarvvalokAn svasthAn akarot, yata Ishvarastasya sahAya AsIt;
39 We are ourselves, too, witnesses to all that he did in Judea and in Jerusalem; yet they put him to death by hanging him on a cross!
vaya ncha yihUdIyadeshe yirUshAlamnagare cha tena kR^itAnAM sarvveShAM karmmaNAM sAkShiNo bhavAmaH| lokAstaM krushe viddhvA hatavantaH,
40 This Jesus God raised on the third day, and enabled him to appear,
kintu tR^itIyadivase IshvarastamutthApya saprakAsham adarshayat|
41 not indeed to every one, but to witnesses chosen beforehand by God — to us, who ate and drank with him after his resurrection from the dead.
sarvvalokAnAM nikaTa iti na hi, kintu tasmin shmashAnAdutthite sati tena sArddhaM bhojanaM pAna ncha kR^itavanta etAdR^ishA Ishvarasya manonItAH sAkShiNo ye vayam asmAkaM nikaTe tamadarshayat|
42 Further, God charged us to proclaim to the people, and solemnly affirm, that it is Jesus who has been appointed by God Judge of the living and the dead.
jIvitamR^itobhayalokAnAM vichAraM karttum Ishvaro yaM niyuktavAn sa eva sa janaH, imAM kathAM prachArayituM tasmin pramANaM dAtu ncha so. asmAn Aj nApayat|
43 To him it is that all the Prophets bear witness, when they say that every one who believes in him receives through his Name forgiveness of sins.”
yastasmin vishvasiti sa tasya nAmnA pApAnmukto bhaviShyati tasmin sarvve bhaviShyadvAdinopi etAdR^ishaM sAkShyaM dadati|
44 Before Peter had finished saying these words, the Holy Spirit fell on all who were listening to the Message.
pitarasyaitatkathAkathanakAle sarvveShAM shrotR^iNAmupari pavitra AtmAvArohat|
45 Those converts from Judaism, who had come with Peter, were amazed that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been bestowed even upon the Gentiles;
tataH pitareNa sArddham AgatAstvakChedino vishvAsino lokA anyadeshIyebhyaH pavitra Atmani datte sati
46 for they heard them speaking with ‘tongues’ and extolling God. At this Peter asked:
te nAnAjAtIyabhAShAbhiH kathAM kathayanta IshvaraM prashaMsanti, iti dR^iShTvA shrutvA cha vismayam Apadyanta|
47 “Can any one refuse the water for the baptism of these people, now that they have received the Holy Spirit as we did ourselves?”
tadA pitaraH kathitavAn, vayamiva ye pavitram AtmAnaM prAptAsteShAM jalamajjanaM kiM kopi niSheddhuM shaknoti?
48 And he directed that they should be baptized in the Faith of Jesus Christ; after which they asked him to stay there a few days longer.
tataH prabho rnAmnA majjitA bhavateti tAnAj nApayat| anantaraM te svaiH sArddhaM katipayadinAni sthAtuM prArthayanta|

< Acts 10 >