< 1 Timothy 3 >

1 How true is that saying! When a man aspires to be a Presiding-Officer in the Church, he is ambitious for a noble task.
Usemi huu ni wakuaminika: Kama mtu anatamani kuwa Msimamizi, anatamani kazi njema.
2 The Presiding-Officer should be a man of blameless character; a faithful husband; living a temperate, discreet, and well-ordered life; hospitable, and a skilful teacher,
Kwa hiyo msimamizi ni lazima asiwe na lawama. Ni lazima awe mume wa mke mmoja. Ni lazima awe na kiasi, busara, mwenye utaratibu, mkarimu. Ni lazima awe uwezo wa kufundisha.
3 not addicted to drink or brawling, but of a forbearing and peaceable disposition, and not a lover of money;
Asiwe anatumia mvinyo, asiwe mgomvi, bali mpole, mwenye amani. Ni lazima asiwe mwenye kupenda fedha.
4 he should be a man who rules his own household well, and whose children are kept under control and are well-behaved.
Inampasa kuwasimamia vema watu wa nyumbani mwake mwenyewe, na watoto wake imewapasa kumtii kwa heshima zote.
5 If a man does not know how to rule his own household, how can he take charge of the Church of God?
Maana ikiwa mtu hajui kuwasimamia watu wa nyumbani mwake mwenyewe, atalileaje kanisa la Mungu?
6 The Presiding-Officer should not be a recent convert, that he may not be blinded by pride and fall under the same condemnation as the Devil.
Asiwe mwamini mpya, ili kwamba asije akajivuna na kuanguka katika hukumu kama yule mwovu.
7 He should also be well spoken of by outsiders, that he may not incur censure and so fall into the snares of the Devil.
Lazima pia awe na sifa njema kwa wote walioko nje, ili asije akaanguka kwenye aibu na mtego wa mwovu.
8 So, too, Assistant-Officers should be serious and straightforward men, not given to taking much drink or to questionable money-making,
Mashemasi, vilevile wanapaswa kuwa wenye kustahili heshima, wasiwe wenye kauli mbili. Wasitumie mvinyo kupita kiasi au kuwa na tamaa.
9 but men who hold the deep truths of the Faith and have a clear conscience.
Waweze kuitunza kwa dhamiri safi ile kweli ya imani iliyofunuliwa.
10 They should be tested first, and only appointed to their Office if no objection is raised against them.
Wawe pia wamethibitishwa kwanza, halafu waweze kuhudumu kwa sababu hawana lawama.
11 It should be the same with the women. They should be serious, not gossips, sober, and trustworthy in all respects.
Wanawake vivyo hivyo wawe wenye heshima. Wasiwe wasingiziaji. Wawe na kiasi na waaminifu kwa mambo yote.
12 Assistant-Officers should be faithful husbands, and men who rule their children and their households well.
Mashemasi ni lazima wawe waume wa mke mmoja mmoja. Lazima waweze kuwasimamia vema watoto wao na wa nyumbani mwao.
13 Those who have filled that post with honour gain for themselves an honourable position, as well as great confidence through the faith that they place in Christ Jesus.
Kwa kuwa wale wanaotumika vizuri hupata msimamo mzuri na ujasiri mkubwa katika imani iliyo katika Kristo Yesu.
14 I am writing this to you, though I hope that I shall come to see you before long;
Ninaandika mambo haya kwako, na ninatumaini kuja kwako hivi karibuni.
15 but in case I should be delayed, I want you to know what your conduct ought to be in the Household of God, which is the Church of the Living God — the pillar and stay of the Truth.
Lakini ikiwa nitachelewa, ninaandika ili upate kujua namna ya kuenenda katika nyumba ya Mungu, ambalo ni kanisa la Mungu aliye hai, nguzo na msaada wa kweli.
16 Yes, and confessedly wonderful are the deep truths of our religion; for — ‘He was revealed in our nature, Pronounced righteous in spirit, Seen by angels, Proclaimed among the Gentiles, Believed on in the world, Taken up into glory.’
Na haipingiki kwamba kweli ya Uungu uliyofunuliwa ni mkuu: “Alionekana katika mwili, akathibitishwa na Roho, akaonekana na malaika, akatangazwa miongoni mwa mataifa, akaaminiwa na ulimwengu, na akachukuliwa juu katika utukufu.”

< 1 Timothy 3 >