< 1 Corinthians 10 >

1 I want you to bear in mind, Brothers, that all our ancestors were beneath the cloud, and all passed through the sea;
Ina son ku sani, 'yan'uwa, cewa ubaninmu duka suna karkashin gajimarai kuma sun bi ta cikin teku.
2 that in the cloud and in the sea they all underwent baptism as followers of Moses;
Dukansu an yi masu baftisma cikin gajimarai da kuma teku,
3 and that they all ate the same supernatural food,
kuma dukansu sun ci abincin ruhaniya iri daya.
4 and all drank the same supernatural water, for they used to drink from a supernatural rock which followed them, and that rock was the Christ.
Dukansu sun sha abin sha na ruhaniya iri daya. Gama sun sha daga wani dutsen ruhaniya da ya bisu, kuma wannan dutsen Almasihu ne.
5 Yet with most of them God was displeased; for they were ‘struck down in the desert.’
Amma Ubangiji bai ji dadin yawancinsu ba, saboda haka gawawakin su suka bazu a jeji.
6 Now these things happened as warnings to us, to teach us not to long for evil things as our forefathers longed.
Wadan nan al'amura, an rubuta mana su domin muyi koyi da su, kada mu yi sha'awar miyagun ayyuka kamar yadda suka yi.
7 Do not become idolaters, as some of them became. Scripture says — ‘The people sat down to eat and drink, and stood up to dance.’
Kada ku zama masu bautar gumaka kamar yadda wadansun su suka yi. Wannan kamar yadda aka rubuta ne, “Mutanen sukan zauna su ci su sha kuma su tashi suyi wasa.”
8 Nor let us act immorally, as some of them acted, with the result that twenty-three thousand of them fell dead in a single day.
Kada mu shiga zina da faskanci kamar yadda yawancin su suka yi, a rana guda mutane dubu ashirin da uku suka mutu.
9 Nor let us try the patience of the Lord too far, as some of them tried it, with the result that they ‘were, one after another, destroyed by the snakes.’
Kada mu gwada Almasihu kamar yadda yawancinsu suka yi, macizai suka yi ta kashe su.
10 And do not murmur, as some of them murmured, and so ‘were destroyed by the Angel of Death.’
kada kuma ku zama masu gunaguni kamar yadda suka yi, suka yi ta mutuwa a hannun malaikan mutuwa.
11 These things happened to them by way of warning, and were recorded to serve as a caution to us, in whose days the close of the ages has come. (aiōn g165)
Wadannan abubuwa sun faru dasu ne a matsayin misalai a garemu. An rubuta su domin gargadinmu - mu wadanda karshen zamanai yazo kanmu. (aiōn g165)
12 Therefore let the man who thinks that he stands take care that he does not fall.
Saboda haka, bari duk wanda yake tunanin shi tsayyaye ne, to yayi hattara kada ya fadi.
13 No temptation has come upon you that is not common to all mankind. God will not fail you, and he will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength; but, when he sends the temptation, he will also provide the way of escape, so that you may have strength to endure.
Babu gwajin da ya same ku wanda ba a saba da shi ba cikin dukan mutane. A maimako, Allah mai aminci ne. Da ba zaya bari ku jarabtu ba fiye da iyawarku. Tare da gwajin zai tanadar da hanyar fita, domin ku iya jurewa.
14 Therefore, my dear friends, shun the worship of idols.
Saboda haka ya kaunatattu na, ku guji bautar gumaka.
15 I speak to you as man of discernment; form your own judgment about what I am saying.
Ina magana da ku kamar masu zurfin tunani, domin ku auna abin da ni ke fadi.
16 In the Cup of Blessing which we bless, is not there a sharing in the blood of the Christ? And in the Bread which we break, is not there a sharing in the Body of the Christ?
Kokon albarka da muke sa wa albarka, ba tarayya bane cikin jinin Almasihu? Gurasa da muke karyawa ba tarayya bane cikin jikin Almasihu?
17 The Bread is one, and we, though many, are one body; for we all partake of that one Bread.
Domin akwai gurasa guda, mu da muke dayawa jiki daya ne. Dukanmu munci daga gurasa daya ne.
18 Look at the people of Israel. Do not those who eat the sacrifices share with the altar?
Dubi mutanen Isra'ila: ba wadanda ke cin hadayu ke da rabo a bagadi ba?
19 What do I mean? you ask. That an offering made to an idol, or the idol itself, is anything?
Me nake cewa? gunki wani abu ne? Ko kuma abincin da aka mika wa gunki hadaya wani abu ne?
20 No; what I say is that the sacrifices offered by the Gentiles ‘are offered to demons and to a Being who is no God,’ and I do not want you to share with demons.
Amma ina magana game da abubuwan da al'ummai suke hadaya, suna wa aljannu ne hadaya ba Allah ba. Ba na son kuyi tarayya da al'janu!
21 You cannot drink both the Cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake at the Table of the Lord and at the table of demons.
Ba zaku sha daga kokon Ubangiji ku kuma sha na Al'janu ba, ba za kuyi zumunta a teburin Ubangiji ku yi a na Al'janu ba.
22 Or ‘are we to rouse the jealousy of the Lord’? Are we stronger than he?
Ko muna so mu sa Ubangiji kishi ne? Mun fi shi karfi ne?
23 Everything is allowable! Yes, but everything is not profitable. Everything is allowable! Yes, but everything does not build up character.
“Komai dai dai ne,” amma ba komai ke da amfani ba, “Komai dai dai ne,” amma ba komai ke gina mutane ba.
24 A man must not study his own interests, but the interests of others.
Kada wani ya nemi abinda zaya amfane shi. A maimako, kowa ya nemi abinda zaya amfani makwabcinsa.
25 Eat anything that is sold in the market, without making inquiries to satisfy your scruples;
Kana iya cin duk abin da ake sayarwa a kasuwa, ba tare da tamboyoyin lamiri ba.
26 for ‘the earth, with all that is in it, belongs to the Lord.’
Gama “duniya da duk abin da ke cikin ta na Ubangiji ne.”
27 If an unbeliever invites you to his house and you consent to go, eat anything that is put before you, without making inquiries to satisfy your scruples.
Idan marar bangaskiya ya gayyace ka cin abinci, kana kuma da niyyar zuwa, ka je ka ci duk abinda aka kawo maka, ba tare da tamboyoyin lamiri ba.
28 But, if any one should say to you ‘This has been offered in sacrifice to an idol,’ then, for the sake of the speaker and his scruples, do not eat it.
Amma idan wani ya ce maka, “Wannan abinci an yi wa gumaka hadaya da shi ne” To kada ka ci. Wannan za ka yi ne saboda wanda ya shaida maka, da kuma lamiri ( gama duniya da dukan abinda ke cikin ta na Ubangiji ne).
29 I do not say ‘your’ scruples, but ‘his.’ For why should the freedom that I claim be condemned by the scruples of another?
Ba ina nufin lamirin ka ba, amma lamirin wanda ya fada maka. Don me za a hukunta 'yanci na domin lamirin wani?
30 If, for my part, I take the food thankfully, why should I be abused for eating that for which I give thanks?
Idan na ci abincin tare da bada godiya, don mi za a zage ni don abin da na bada godiya a kansa?
31 Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do everything to the honour of God.
Saboda haka, ko kana ci ko kana shi, ka yi komai domin daukakar Allah.
32 Do not cause offence either to Jews or Greeks or to the Church of God;
Kada ka zama sanadiyyar tuntube, ga Yahudawa, ko Helenawa, ko ikilisiyar Allah.
33 for I, also, try to please everybody in everything, not seeking my own advantage, but that of men in general, that they may be saved.
Na yi kokari in farantawa dukan mutane rai cikin dukan abubuwa. Ba riba nake nema wa kaina ba, amma domin kowa. Na yi wannan ne domin su sami ceto.

< 1 Corinthians 10 >