< Zephaniah 3 >

1 Terrible things will [also] happen [to Jerusalem], that city whose people have rebelled [against Yahweh] and who have become unacceptable to him [because of the sins that they have committed]. [They act violently toward others] and they (oppress/treat cruelly) [other people].
Rine nhamo guta ravamanikidzi, rakapanduka uye rikasvibiswa!
2 [The people there] do not pay attention to people who tell them [the wrong things that they are doing] and [try to] (correct them/cause them to quit doing those things). [The people in Jerusalem] do not trust in Yahweh or draw near to ask help from their God.
Harina warinoteerera, harigamuchiri kudzorwa. Harivimbi naJehovha, hariswederi pedyo naMwari waro.
3 Their leaders are [like] [MET] roaring lions; they are [like] [MET] wolves that [attack other animals] during the evening, [and eat everything that they kill], with the result that the next morning there is nothing left [of those animals to eat].
Machinda aro ishumba dzinoomba, vatongi varo mapere amadekwana, vasingasiyi chinhu chamangwanani.
4 The prophets in Jerusalem are proud, [and they give messages that are] not to be trusted. Their priests cause the temple to be unholy by doing things that are opposed to the laws [of Moses].
Vaprofita vavo vanozvikudza; vanhu vanonyengera. Vaprista varo vanozvidza nzvimbo tsvene uye vanoputsa murayiro.
5 But Yahweh is [also] in the city; and he never does what is wrong. He treats people justly/fairly; he does that every day, but wicked people are never ashamed [about their doing what is wrong].
Jehovha ari mariri mutsvene; haaiti zvakaipa. Mangwanani oga oga anotonga nokururamisira kwake, zuva rimwe nerimwe idzva anoriuyisa, asi vasakarurama havanyari.
6 [Yahweh says this]: “I have destroyed [many] nations; I have destroyed their strong/high city walls and towers. [Now] I have caused the streets in those cities to be completely deserted [DOU]; the cities are ruined. There are no people [still alive] in the cities; they are all dead [LIT].
“Ndakaparadza ndudzi; shongwe dzavo dzakaparara. Ndakasiya nzira dzavo dzisisafambwi, hapasisina anopfuura nomo. Maguta avo akaparadzwa; hapana achasiyiwa, kana mumwe zvake.
7 [So] I thought [to myself], ‘[Because of what I have done to those other nations], surely the people [of Jerusalem] will revere me [now], and they will accept (my correcting them/my telling them to quit doing what is wrong). [If they do that, I] will not destroy their houses; I will not punish them like I said that I would do.’ But [in spite of knowing how I punished those other nations], they were still eager to get up early each morning and continue to do evil things.
Ndakati kuguta, ‘Zvirokwazvo uchanditya ugogamuchira kudzorwa!’ Ipapo vagari varo havangaparadzwi, kana kuranga kwangu kwose hakungauyi pariri. Asi vakanga vachine shungu dzokuita uori pakuita kwavo kwose.
8 Therefore I, Yahweh, say, ‘Wait for the day in which I will testify [in court about your evil things].’ I have decided to gather the people of the kingdoms [of the earth] [DOU] and cause them to know that I am very angry with them. All [over] the earth I will punish and destroy people; my being angry with them because I (am jealous/want people to worship no other god) is [like] [MET] a (raging/very hot) fire.
Naizvozvo ndimirirei,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha, “zuva randichasimuka kuti ndigopupura. Ndafunga kuunganidza ndudzi, kuunganidza ushe hwose uye nokudurura hasha dzangu pavari, kutsamwa kukuru kwangu kwose. Nyika yose ichaparadzwa nomoto wegodo rokutsamwa kwangu.
9 When that happens, I will cause [all] people [MTY] to be changed and enable them to speak [only] what is (pure/pleasing to me), in order that everyone can worship me [MTY] and unitedly/together serve me [MTY].
“Ipapo ndichachenesa miromo yavanhu, kuti vose zvavo vadane kuzita raJehovha uye vamushumire nomwoyo mumwe.
10 [Then] my people who [were forced to go to other countries], those who live along the upper part of the [Nile] River in Ethiopia will come to me and bring offerings to me.
Kubva mhiri kwenzizi dzeEtiopia vanamati vangu, vanhu vangu vakapararira, vachandiunzira zvipiriso.
11 At that time, you [people in Jerusalem] will no [longer] be ashamed [about what has happened to you], because you no longer will be rebelling against me. I will get rid of all the people among you who are very proud [DOU]. No one on [Zion], my holy hill, will [strut around] proudly.
Pazuva iro hamungaiswi pakunyadziswa nokuda kwezvakaipa zvamakandiitira, nokuti ndichabvisa kubva muguta rino vaya vanofara mukuzvikudza kwavo. Hamungazovizve namanyawi pagomo rangu dzvene.
12 Those who are still alive in Israel will be poor and humble; they will be people who trust in me [MTY].
Asi ndichasiya pakati penyu vanyoro vanozvininipisa, vanovimba nezita raJehovha.
13 Those people who are still alive [there] in Israel will not do [things that are] wrong; they will not tell lies or deceive [MTY] people. They will eat and sleep [safely], [because] no one will cause them to be afraid.”
Vakasara vaIsraeri havangaiti zvakaipa; havangarevi nhema, uye kunyengera hakuzowanikwi mumiromo yavo. Vachadya uye vagorara pasi, uye hapana angavatyisa.”
14 You people who live in Jerusalem [DOU] and [other places in] Israel, sing and shout loudly! Be glad, and rejoice [DOU] greatly,
Imba, iwe Mwanasikana weZioni, danidzira, iwe Israeri! Fara ugofarisisa nomwoyo wako wose, iwe Mwanasikana weJerusarema!
15 [because] Yahweh will stop punishing [MTY] you, and he will send away from you [the armies of] your enemies! And Yahweh [himself], the king of [us] Israeli people, will live among us, and never again will we be afraid that [others will] harm us.
Jehovha abvisa kurangwa kwako kwose, adzinga muvengi wako. Jehovha, Mambo waIsraeri, anewe; hauzotyizve kuti ungakuvadzwa nechinhu chipi zvacho.
16 At that time, [other people] will say to us people of Jerusalem, “[You people of] [APO] Jerusalem, do not be afraid; do not become afraid or discouraged,
Pazuva iro vachati kuJerusarema, “Usatya, iwe Zioni; usarega maoko ako achishayiwa simba.
17 [because] Yahweh your God is [living] among you. He is mighty, and he will rescue/save you. He will be very happy with you; because he loves you, he will cause you to not be afraid; he will sing loudly to rejoice over you.”
Jehovha Mwari wako anewe, ndiye ane simba rokuponesa. Achafadzwa zvikuru newe, achakunyaradza norudo rwake, achafara nokuda kwako nokuimba.”
18 [Yahweh says, ] “You people were sad and ashamed because [you were unable to attend] your religious festivals; but I will cause you to no longer be disgraced.
“Matambudziko emitambo yakatarwa ndichaabvisa kwauri; iwo mutoro nokuzvidzwa kwauri.
19 Truly, I will [severely] punish all those who (oppressed you/caused you to suffer). I will rescue those who are helpless and those who were forced to go to other countries. I will enable them to be praised and honored in every country to which they were (exiled/forced to go), places where they were disgraced.
Panguva iyoyo ndichatonga vose vakakumanikidza; ndichanunura vakaremara uye ndichaunganidza vaya vakaparadzirwa. Ndichavapa rumbidzo norukudzo munyika dzose dzavakaiswa pakunyadziswa.
20 At that time, I will gather you together and bring you [back] home [to Israel]. I will cause you to (have a good reputation/be honored) and be [greatly] praised among all the nations of the earth. You [MTY] will see me causing you to prosper again. [That will surely happen because I, ] Yahweh, have said it.”
Panguva iyoyo ndichakuunganidzai; panguva iyoyo ndichakuuyisai kumusha. Ndichakupai rukudzo nerumbidzo pakati pavanhu vose vapanyika, pandichadzora pfuma yenyu muchizviona nameso enyu,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha.

< Zephaniah 3 >