< Zephaniah 2 >

1 You people [of Judah] who ought to be ashamed, gather together [DOU].
Församler eder, och kommer hit, I obehageliga folk;
2 Yahweh is extremely angry with you, [so gather together now], before it is time for him to punish [MTY] you and blow you away like [SIM] [the wind blows away] chaff.
Förr än domen utgår, så att I om dagen bortryken såsom ett stoft, förr än Herrans grymma vrede öfver eder kommer, förr än Herrans vredes dag öfver eder kommer;
3 All you people in Judah who are humble, worship Yahweh, and obey what he has commanded. Try to do what is right and to be humble. [If you do that], perhaps Yahweh will protect/spare you on the day when he punishes [MTY] people.
Söker Herran, alle I elände i landena, I som hans rätter hållen; söker rättfärdighetena, söker ödmjukhetena; på det att I på Herrans vredes dag mågen beskyddade varda.
4 [When Yahweh punishes Philistia], Gaza and Ashkelon [cities] will be deserted/abandoned. Ashdod [city] will be attacked and the people expelled at noon [when people are resting]; the [people of Ekron city] will [also] be driven out.
Ty Gaza måste öfvergifven varda, och Askelon förödd; Asdod skall om middagen förjagad varda, och Ekron utrotad varda.
5 And terrible things will happen to you people of Philistia who live near the sea, because Yahweh has decided [MTY] that he will punish [MTY] you, [also]. He will get rid of all of you; not one person will (survive/remain alive).
Ve dem som bo nedre vid hafvet, de krigare. Herrans ord skall komma öfver eder. Du Canaan, de Philisteers land, jag skall förgöra dig, så att der ingen mer bo skall.
6 The land [of Philistia] near the sea will become a pasture, a place for shepherds and their sheep pens.
Der skola nedre vid hafvet vara alltsammans herdahus, och fårahus.
7 The people of Judah who (survive/are still alive) will possess that land. At night they will sleep in the [deserted] houses in Ashkelon. Yahweh will take care of them; he will enable them to prosper again.
Och det samma skall varda dem qvarlefdom af Juda hus till del, att de deruppå beta skola. Om aftonen skola de lägra sig uti Askelons husom, då nu Herren deras Gud dem återsökt, och deras fängelse vänd hafver.
8 The Commander of the armies of angels, the God to whom [we] Israeli people [belong], says [this]: “I have heard the people of Moab and Ammon when they insulted [DOU] my people, and when they said that they would conquer my people’s country.
Jag hafver hört Moabs hädelse, och Ammons barnas försmädelse, der de med hafva försmädat mitt folk, och berömt sig öfver deras gränsor.
9 So now, [as surely] as I live, [I will destroy] Moab and Ammon like [SIM] [I destroyed] Gomorrah [city]. Their land will be a place were there are nettles and salt pits; it will be ruined forever. My Israeli people who survive will take away all their valuable possessions and [also] occupy their land.”
Nu väl, så sant som jag lefver, säger Herren Zebaoth, Israels Gud: Moab skall varda lika som Sodom, och Ammons barn lika som Gomorra; ja, lika som en nässlebuske, och en saltgrufva, och ett evigt öde; de qvarlefde af mitt folk skola beröfva dem, och de öfverblefne af mitt folk skola ärfva dem.
10 The people of Moab and Ammon will get what they deserve for being proud, because they made fun of the people who belong to the Commander of the armies of angels.
Det skall vederfaras dem för deras högfärd, att de hafva försmädat Herrans Zebaoths folk, och berömt sig öfver dem.
11 Yahweh will cause them to be terrified [when] he destroys all the gods of their countries. Then [even the people who live on] islands throughout the world will worship Yahweh, each in their own countries.
Förskräckelig skall Herren vara öfver dem; ty han skall förlägga alla gudar på jordene; och alla öar ibland Hedningarna skola tillbedja honom, hvar och en i sitt rum.
12 [Yahweh says that] he will also slaughter the people of Ethiopia.
Ock skolen I Ethiopier genom mitt svärd slagne varda.
13 Yahweh will punish [IDM] and destroy Assyria, [that land] northeast of us. He will cause [its capital] Nineveh to become ruined and deserted, a place that will be as dry as the desert.
Och han skall sträcka sina hand norrut, och förgöra Assur; han skall göra Nineve öde, torrt, såsom en öken;
14 [Flocks of sheep and] herds [of cattle] and many kinds of wild animals will lie down there. Owls and crows will sit on the columns/pillars [of the destroyed buildings], and they will (hoot/cry out) through the windows. There will be rubble in the doorways, and the [valuable] cedar boards will be taken [from the ruined houses].
Så att sig deruti lägra skola allahanda djur ibland Hedningarna; och rördrommar och ufvar skola bo på deras torn, och skola sjunga i vigskården, och korpar på bjelkomen; ty cedrebräden skola afrifne varda.
15 [The people of] Nineveh were [previously] happy and proud, thinking that they were very safe. They were [always] saying, “Our city is the greatest city; there is no city as great as ours!” But now it will become a ruins, a place where wild animals make their dens. And everyone who passes by there will hiss [and scorn/ridicule that city], and shake their fists [to show that they detest that city very much].
Denne är den lustige staden, den så säker bodde, och sade i sitt hjerta: Jag äret, och ingen annan. Huru är han så öde vorden, så att djuren bo derinne; och hvilken som der framom går, han hvisslar till honom, och slår med handene öfver honom?

< Zephaniah 2 >