< Zephaniah 1 >

1 [I am] Zephaniah, the son of Cushi, the grandson of Gedaliah, and the great-grandson of Amariah, whose father was [King] Hezekiah. Yahweh gave this message to me during the time when [King] Amon’s son Josiah was the King of Judah.
Zefanya adalah anak Kusyi. Urutan silsilahnya dari bawah ke atas adalah Kusyi, Gedalya, Amazia dan Raja Hizkia. Inilah pesan TUHAN kepada Zefanya pada waktu Raja Yosia anak Amon memerintah atas Yehuda.
2 Yahweh says, “I will (sweep away/destroy) everything [HYP] that is on the earth.
TUHAN berkata, "Aku akan memusnahkan segala sesuatu di bumi:
3 I will sweep away people and animals. I will sweep away birds and fish. I will get rid of wicked people; there will be no more [wicked] [HYP] people on the earth.”
semua manusia dan binatang, termasuk burung dan ikan. Orang jahat akan Kutumpas. Seluruh umat manusia akan Kubinasakan, tak seorang pun akan Kubiarkan hidup. Aku, TUHAN, telah berbicara.
4 “[These are some of the things that I will do]: I will punish the people who live in Jerusalem and [other places in] Judah. I will destroy everything that has been used in the worship of Baal. I will cause [people] to no longer remember the names of the pagan priests or the [other] priests [who have turned away from me].
Aku akan menghukum penduduk Yerusalem dan seluruh Yehuda. Sisa-sisa penyembahan Baal akan Kulenyapkan dari tempat-tempat itu. Imam-imam yang melayani Baal akan dilupakan sama sekali.
5 [I will get rid of] those who go up on the roofs [of their houses] and worship the sun and moon and stars, those who claim that they worship me but [also] worship [their god] Molech.
Aku akan menyapu bersih siapa saja yang naik ke atap untuk menyembah matahari, bulan dan bintang-bintang. Akan Kulenyapkan pula mereka yang menyembah Aku dan bersumpah setia kepada-Ku, tetapi juga bersumpah demi nama Dewa Milkom.
6 I will get rid of all those who previously worshiped me but no longer do, those who no [longer] seek my [help or ask me to tell them what they should do.”]
Aku akan membinasakan mereka yang tidak datang kepada-Ku atau meminta bimbingan-Ku dan yang telah meninggalkan Aku dan tidak mau lagi mengikuti Aku."
7 Be silent in front of Yahweh the Lord, because it will soon be the time/day when Yahweh [will judge and punish people]. Yahweh has prepared to get rid of [the people of Judah]; they will be like [MET] animals that are slaughtered for sacrifices, and he has chosen [their enemies] to be the ones who will get rid of them.
Hari TUHAN telah dekat, pada hari itu Allah akan bertindak; sebab itu, berdiam dirilah di hadapan-Nya. TUHAN sedang bersiap-siap untuk membantai umat-Nya seperti kurban persembahan dan Ia telah mengundang musuh-musuh Yehuda.
8 Yahweh says, “On that day when I will get rid of [the people of Judah], [I will punish] their officials and the king’s sons, and [I will punish] all those who worship foreign gods [MTY].
"Pada hari pembantaian itu," kata TUHAN, "Aku akan menghukum para pembesar, para putra raja, dan semua orang yang mengikuti tata cara orang asing.
9 I will punish those who [show that they revere their god Dagan] by avoiding stepping on the threshold [of his temple], and those who do violent things and tell lies in the temples of their gods.”
Aku akan menghukum semua orang yang beribadat seperti orang yang tak mengenal Aku, dan yang mencuri serta membunuh untuk memenuhi rumah majikan mereka dengan barang-barang rampasan."
10 Yahweh [also] says, “On that day, people will cry [out] at the Fish Gate [of Jerusalem]. People will wail in the newer part of the city, and [people will hear] a loud crash [of buildings collapsing] in the hills.
"Pada hari itu," demikian kata TUHAN, "akan terdengar tangisan di Gerbang Ikan. Suara ratapan akan terdengar dari perkampungan baru, dan bunyi keruntuhan hebat akan menggema dari bukit-bukit.
11 [So, all you] people who live in the market area [of Jerusalem] should wail, because all those who sell goods and weigh out silver will be slaughtered.
Merataplah dan menangislah pada waktu kamu mendengar itu, hai penduduk kota di bagian bawah, sebab semua pedagang dan orang-orang yang meminjamkan uang telah mati terbunuh!
12 [It will be as though] I will light lanterns to search in [dark places in] Jerusalem for those who have become very satisfied with their behavior and complacent [about their sins]. They think that [I], Yahweh, will do nothing to them, neither good things nor bad things.
Pada waktu itu Aku akan mengambil obor, dan menggeledah kota Yerusalem. Akan Kuhukum penduduknya yang acuh tak acuh itu serta yang puas dengan dirinya sendiri, dan yang berpikir bahwa Aku, TUHAN tak pernah bertindak begini atau begitu.
13 [But I say that] their valuable possessions will be plundered/stolen [by their enemies], and their houses will be destroyed. They will build [new] homes, but they will not live in them; they will plant vineyards, but they will never drink [any] wine [made from grapes that grow there].”
Harta mereka akan dirampas dan rumah-rumah mereka dihancurkan. Mereka akan membangun rumah, tetapi tidak mendiaminya. Mereka akan mengusahakan kebun anggur tetapi tidak minum anggurnya."
14 It will soon be the day/time when Yahweh [will punish people]. It will be here quickly. It will be a time [when people cry] bitterly, a time when [even] brave soldiers will cry loudly.
Hari penghakiman TUHAN sudah dekat, ya, sudah sangat dekat, bahkan akan tiba dengan segera. Hari itu penuh kepedihan, sehingga prajurit-prajurit yang paling perkasa pun akan meraung-raung karena putus asa!
15 It will be a time when [God shows that he is] very angry, a time when [people experience much] distress/suffering and trouble. [It will be] a time [when many things are] ruined and destroyed [DOU]. It will be a time when it is very gloomy and dark [DOU], when the clouds are very black.
Hari itu hari kemarahan, kesulitan dan kesusahan, hari keruntuhan dan penghancuran, hari kegelapan dan kesuraman, hari yang kelam dan berkabut.
16 It will be a time when [soldiers] will blow trumpets [to call other soldiers] to battle. [Your enemies] will tear down the walls around your cities and the high towers [at the corners of those walls].
Sepanjang hari itu terdengar bunyi trompet dan pekik tempur dari pejuang-pejuang yang menyerang kota-kota berbenteng dan menara-menara tinggi.
17 Because you sinned against Yahweh, he will cause you to experience great distress; you will walk [around groping] like [SIM] blind people do. Your blood will flow [from your bodies] like [SIM] water, and your corpses will lie on the ground and rot [SIM].
TUHAN berkata, "Aku akan mendatangkan banyak bencana atas umat manusia, sehingga mereka akan meraba-raba seperti orang buta. Mereka telah berdosa kepada-Ku, dan sekarang darah mereka akan tercurah seperti air, dan mayat-mayat mereka membusuk di atas tanah."
18 At the time that [Yahweh shows that he] is very angry [with you], you will not be able to save yourselves by [giving] silver or gold [to your enemies]. Because Yahweh (is very jealous/does not want people to worship any other god), he will send a fire to burn up the entire world, and he will suddenly get rid of all the [wicked] people who live on the earth.
Pada hari yang dahsyat itu TUHAN akan menunjukkan marah-Nya, maka segala emas dan perak mereka tak dapat menyelamatkan mereka. Seluruh bumi akan hancur lebur dibakar oleh api kemarahan-Nya. Dengan tiba-tiba akan dicabut-Nya segala nyawa di bumi ini.

< Zephaniah 1 >