< Zechariah 1 >

1 [I am] Zechariah, a prophet, the son of Berekiah and grandson of Iddo. When Darius [had been the emperor of Persia] for almost two years, during November [of that year], Yahweh gave me this message:
Uti åttonde månadenom, i andro årena ( Konungs ) Darios, skedde detta Herrans ord till ZacharIa, Berechia son, Iddo sons, den Propheten, och sade:
2 “I was very angry with your ancestors.
Herren hafver vred varit uppå edra fäder.
3 So tell this to the people: [I, ] the Commander of the armies of angels, say, ‘Return to me, and [if you do that], I will [help] you again.
Och säg; till dem: Detta säger Herren Zebaoth: Vänder eder till mig, säger Herren Zebaoth; så vill jag vända mig till eder, säger Herren Zebaoth.
4 Do not be like your ancestors. [Other] prophets, who have now died, [continually] proclaimed to your ancestors that they should stop doing the evil things that they were continually doing. But they refused to pay attention to what I said.
Varer icke såsom edra fäder, hvilkom de förre Propheter predikade, och sade: så säger Herren Zebaoth: Vänder eder ifrån edra onda vägar, och ifrån edart onda väsende; men de hörde intet, och skötte intet om mig, säger Herren.
5 Your ancestors [have died and are now in their graves] [RHQ]. And the prophets did not [RHQ] live forever, [either].
Hvar äro nu edre fäder och Propheter? Lefva de ock ännu?
6 But I punished [IDM] [the people for disobeying] the commands and the decrees which I commanded my servants the prophets [to tell to the people]. Then they (repented/turned away from their evil behavior) and said, ‘The Commander of the armies of angels has done to us what we deserved for our evil behavior, just like he said that he would do.’”
Hafva min ord och mina rätter, som jag böd, genom mina tjenare Propheterna, icke kommit intill edra fäder? att de hafva måst vända sig om, och säga: Lika som Herren Zebaoth i sinnet hade att göra emot oss, efter som vi gingom och gjordom; alltså hafver han ock gjort emot oss.
7 [Three months later], on February 15, Yahweh gave [another] message to me.
På fjerde och tjugonde dagen i ellofte månadenom, som är den månaden Sebat, uti andro årena ( Konungs ) Darios, skedde detta Herrans ord till ZacharIa, Berechia son, Iddo sons, den Propheten, och sade:
8 During the night [I had a vision. In the vision] I saw an [angel] who was on a red horse. He was in a narrow valley among some myrtle trees. Behind him were [angels on] red, brown, and white horses.
Jag såg om nattena, och si, en man satt på enom rödom häst, och han höll ibland myrtenträ i dalenom; och bakför honom voro röde, brune och hvite hästar.
9 I asked the angel who had been talking to me, “Sir, who are those [angels on the horses]?” He replied, “I will show you who they are.”
Och jag sade: Min herre, ho äro desse? Och Ängelen, som med mig talade, sade till mig: Jag vill kungöra dig, ho desse äro.
10 Then the [angel] who had been under the myrtle trees explained. [He said, ] “They are the [angels] whom Yahweh sent [to (patrol/see what is happening in)] the [entire] world.”
Och mannen, som höll ibland myrtenträn, svarade, och sade: Desse äro de som Herren utsändt hafver till att draga genom landet.
11 Then those angels reported to the angel who was [there] among the myrtle trees, “We have traveled throughout the world, and we have found out that [the army of the emperor of Persia has conquered nations] throughout the world, [and that] those nations are now (helpless/unable to resist his army).”
Men de svarade Herrans Ängel, som ibland myrtenträn höll, och sade: Vi hafve dragit igenom landet; och si, all land sitta stilla.
12 Then the angel asked, “Commander of the armies of angels, how long will you continue to not be merciful to Jerusalem and the [other] towns in Judah? You have been angry with them for 70 years!”
Då svarade Herrans Ängel, och sade: Herre Zebaoth, huru länge vill du då icke förbarma dig öfver Jerusalem, och öfver Juda städer, uppå hvilka du hafver vred varit i dessa sjutio år?
13 [So] Yahweh spoke kindly to the angel who had talked to me, saying things that comforted/encouraged him.
Och Herren svarade Änglenom, som med mig talade, vänlig ord, och tröstelig ord.
14 Then the angel who had been talking with me said to me, “Proclaim this [to the people of Jerusalem]: The Commander of the armies of angels says that he is very concerned about [the people who live on] Zion [Hill] and [in the other parts of] Jerusalem.
Och Ängelen, som med mig talade, sade till mig: Predika, och säg: Detta säger Herren Zebaoth: Jag hafver stort nit haft öfver Jerusalem och Zion.
15 But he is very angry with the nations that are [proud and feel] safe. He was only a little bit angry [with the people of Judah], but [he is very angry with the surrounding nations because] they caused [the people of Judah to experience] complete disaster.
Men jag är ganska vred uppå de stolta Hedningar; ty jag var icke utan litet vred, men de hulpo till förderf.
16 Therefore, this is what he says: ‘I will again be merciful to [the people of] Jerusalem, and they will rebuild my temple. Men will measure [all the land in] the city [before they start rebuilding the houses].’
Derföre så säger Herren: Jag vill åter vända mig till Jerusalem med barmhertighet; och mitt hus skall deruti uppbygdt varda, säger Herren Zebaoth; dertill skall timbersnöret i Jerusalem draget varda.
17 The Commander of the armies of angels [also] said this: ‘Tell the people that [the people in] my towns [in Judah] will soon be very prosperous again, and I will encourage [the people of] Jerusalem, and their city will again be my chosen [city].’”
Och predika ytterligare, och säg: Detta säger Herren Zebaoth: Mina städer skall åter gå väl, och Herren skall åter trösta Zion, och skall åter utvälja Jerusalem.
18 Then I looked up, and I saw in front of me four [animal] horns.
Och jag hof upp min ögon, och såg; och si der voro fyra horn.
19 I asked the angel who had been speaking to me, “What are those [horns]?” He replied, “Those horns [represent the armies that] forced [the people of] Jerusalem and [other places in] Judah and Israel to go [to other countries].”
Och jag sade till Ängelen, som med mig talade: Ho äro dessa? Han sade till mig: Desse äro de hornen, som Juda, Israel och Jerusalem förskingrat hafva.
20 Then Yahweh showed me four (craftsmen/men who make things from metal).
Och Herren viste mig fyra smeder.
21 I asked, “What are those men coming to do?” He replied, “[The armies represented by] those horns caused [the people of] Judah to be scattered, with the result that they suffered greatly. But the craftsmen have come to cause those who attacked [IDM] Judah to be terrified and crushed.”
Då sade jag: Hvad vilja dessa göra? Han sade: De hornen, som Juda så förskingrat hafva, att ingen hafver kunnat upplyfta sitt hufvud; till att afskräcka dem äro desse komne, på det de skola afstöta Hedningarnas horn; hvilke hornet upphäfvit hafva öfver Juda land, till att förskingra det.

< Zechariah 1 >