< Zechariah 9 >

1 [This is another] message [that I received] from Yahweh. [Yahweh said, ] “I watch [MTY] everyone, especially the tribes of Israel; [so] I will [punish the people in] the Hadrach [region] and in Damascus [city] [because of what they did to the people of Israel].
onus verbi Domini in terra Adrach et Damasci requiei eius quia Domini est oculus hominis et omnium tribuum Israhel
2 [I will also punish the people in] nearby Hamath [city]. I will also [punish the people in] Tyre and Sidon [cities], even though they are [considered to be] [IRO] very wise.
Emath quoque in terminis eius et Tyrus et Sidon adsumpserunt quippe sibi sapientiam valde
3 [The people in] Tyre built a high wall [around their city]. They piled up [huge amounts of] silver and gold as though they were [piles of] dirt in the streets.
et aedificavit Tyrus munitionem suam et coacervavit argentum quasi humum et aurum ut lutum platearum
4 But [I], Yahweh, will cause their precious possessions to be taken away and all their ships to be destroyed, and their city will be destroyed by a fire.
ecce Dominus possidebit eam et percutiet in mari fortitudinem eius et haec igni devorabitur
5 [The people in Ashkelon city] will see that [happen], and they will become very afraid. [The people in] Gaza [city] will shake because of being terrified, and [the people in Ekron city] will shake too, because they will no longer expect [to prosper]. The king of [the city of] Gaza will be killed, and [the city of] Ashkelon will be deserted.
videbit Ascalon et timebit et Gaza et dolebit nimis et Accaron quoniam confusa est spes eius et peribit rex de Gaza et Ascalon non habitabitur
6 Foreigners will occupy Ashdod [city]. I will cause the [people in all those cities of] Philistia to no longer be proud.
et sedebit separator in Azoto et disperdam superbiam Philisthinorum
7 I will no longer allow them to eat [MTY] meat that still has blood in it, and I will forbid them to eat [MTY] food that I [MTY] have not allowed them to eat [because it was offered to idols]. [At that time, ] the people [in Philistia] who survive will worship me, and they will become [my people, like] the people of Judah are. The Philistine people of Ekron will also become my people like [SIM] the people of Jebus did [when they were conquered].
et auferam sanguinem eius de ore eius et abominationes eius de medio dentium eius et relinquetur etiam ipse Deo nostro et erit quasi dux in Iuda et Accaron quasi Iebuseus
8 I will protect my temple, and I will not allow any [enemy soldiers] to enter it. No [enemies] will harm my people again, because I will be watching [over my people] carefully.
et circumdabo domum meam ex his qui militant mihi euntes et revertentes et non transibit super eos ultra exactor quia nunc vidi in oculis meis
9 Rejoice very much, [you people of] Jerusalem [APO, DOU] and shout joyfully, because your king will be coming to you. He is righteous and victorious; [but he will be] gentle, and [he will be] riding on a donkey, on a young female donkey.
exulta satis filia Sion iubila filia Hierusalem ecce rex tuus veniet tibi iustus et salvator ipse pauper et ascendens super asinum et super pullum filium asinae
10 I will get rid of the chariots in the Ephraim [region that are used in battles] and [all] the war horses in Jerusalem. [All] the bows used in wars will be broken. [Your king] will proclaim that he will cause things to go well and peacefully in the nations. He will rule [the area] from the [Mediterranean] Sea to the [Dead] Sea, and from the [Euphrates] River to the most distant places on the earth.
et disperdam quadrigam ex Ephraim et equum de Hierusalem et dissipabitur arcus belli et loquetur pacem gentibus et potestas eius a mari usque ad mare et a fluminibus usque ad fines terrae
11 As for you [my people of Jerusalem], because of the blood [of the animals that were sacrificed to make] my agreement with you, I will free your people who were forced to go to other countries where [it was as though they were kept] in a waterless pit.
tu quoque in sanguine testamenti tui emisisti vinctos tuos de lacu in quo non est aqua
12 [You people who were] prisoners [in those countries] who [still] confidently expect [God to help you], return to [Judah], where you will be safe. This day I declare that I will give you two blessings for [each of the troubles that you have experienced].
convertimini ad munitionem vincti spei hodie quoque adnuntians duplicia reddam tibi
13 I will cause Judah to be like [MET] my bow, and I will cause Israel to be [like] [MET] my arrow. I will enable you young men of Jerusalem to fight against the soldiers of Greece; you will be like [SIM] a warrior’s sword.”
quoniam extendi mihi Iudam quasi arcum implevi Ephraim et suscitabo filios tuos Sion super filios tuos Graecia et ponam te quasi gladium fortium
14 [Some day] Yahweh will appear [in the sky] above his people, and the arrows that he shoots will be like [SIM] lightning. Yahweh [our] Lord will blow his trumpet, and he will march [fiercely] like [MET] the storms from the south.
et Dominus Deus super eos videbitur et exibit ut fulgur iaculum eius et Dominus Deus in tuba canet et vadet in turbine austri
15 The Commander of the armies of angels will protect [his people]; [the soldiers of Judah] will attack and defeat [their enemies who attack them] using slingshots. [Those soldiers of Judah] will drink and celebrate and shout like [SIM] people who are drunk; they will be as full [of wine] as the bowl that holds [the blood of the animals that are sacrificed] and [which is then] sprinkled on the corners of the altar.
Dominus exercituum proteget eos et devorabunt et subicient lapidibus fundae et bibentes inebriabuntur quasi vino et replebuntur ut fialae et quasi cornua altaris
16 On that day, Yahweh our God will save his people [like a shepherd saves] his flock [of sheep from danger]. In their land, they will be like [SIM] jewels that sparkle on a crown.
et salvabit eos Dominus Deus eorum in die illa ut gregem populi sui quia lapides sancti elevantur super terram eius
17 They will be delightful and beautiful. The young men will become strong from [eating] grain, and the young women will [become strong] from [drinking] new wine.
quid enim bonum eius est et quid pulchrum eius nisi frumentum electorum et vinum germinans virgines

< Zechariah 9 >