< Zechariah 8 >
1 Yahweh gave me [another] message. He said,
Опет дође реч Господа над војскама говорећи:
2 “This is what [I], the Commander of the armies of angels, say: ‘I love [the people of] Jerusalem; I love them very much, and I am very angry with their enemies.’
Овако вели Господ над војскама: Ревнујем за Сион великом ревношћу, и великим гневом ревнујем за њ.
3 So this is what I say: ‘[Some day] I will return to Zion [Hill] and I will live there. [At that time, ] Jerusalem will be called the city [where people] (are faithful to/faithfully obey) me, and [people will say that Zion] Hill [is] holy because it is where the Commander of the armies of angels dwells.’”
Овако вели Господ: Вратих се у Сион и населих се усред Јерусалима, и Јерусалим ће се звати град истинити, и гора Господа над војскама света гора.
4 The Commander of the armies of angels also says this: “[Some day] old men and old women will again sit along the streets of Jerusalem, each of them holding a cane because of their being very old.
Овако вели Господ над војскама: Опет ће седети старци и старице по улицама јерусалимским, свако са штаком у руци од велике старости.
5 And the city streets with be full of boys and girls playing.”
И улице ће градске бити пуне детића и девојака, које ће се играти по улицама.
6 The Commander of the armies of angels [also] says this: “[When those things happen, ] it will seem marvelous to the people who are still alive, but it certainly will not [RHQ] seem marvelous to me!”
Овако вели Господ над војскама: Ако је чудно у очима остатку тог народа у ово време, еда ли ће бити чудно и у мојим очима? Говори Господ над војскама.
7 The Commander of the armies of angels [also] says this: “I will rescue my people from countries to the northeast and to the southwest [to which they were forced to go].
Овако вели Господ над војскама: Ево, ја ћу избавити свој народ из земље источне и земље западне.
8 I will bring them back [to Judah], and they will [again] live in Jerusalem. They will be my people, and I will be their God. I will be faithful [to them] and act righteously [toward them].”
И довешћу их, и они ће наставати усред Јерусалима, и биће ми народ и ја ћу им бити Бог, истином и правдом.
9 The Commander of the armies of angels [also] says this: “When the foundation for my temple was laid, there were prophets there who proclaimed messages [from me]. Some of you heard what those prophets said. [So] be brave/courageous [MTY] [while you are building] the temple, in order that you may [finish] building it.
Овако вели Господ над војскама: Нека вам се укрепе руке који слушате у ово време ове речи из уста пророчких од дана кад се основа дом Господа над војскама да се сазида црква.
10 Before [you started to rebuild the temple], [no one could hire] men or animals [to work for them, because] there was no money to pay for them. And people were afraid to go anywhere because I had caused people to oppose each other, and [they thought that] there were enemies [everywhere].
Јер пре тих дана не беше плате ни за човека ни за живинче, нити беше мира од непријатеља ни ономе који одлажаше ни ономе који долажаше и пустих све људе једног на другог.
11 But now I will act differently toward [you] people who are still alive, [differently] than I did previously. [That is what I], the Commander of the armies of angels, say.
А сада нећу бити као пре остатку тог народа, говори Господ над војскама.
12 [From now on, ] it will be peaceful when you plant [your seeds], and your grapevines will produce grapes, and good crops will grow in your fields. There will be rain. I will give all those things to [you] people who are still alive.
Него ће усев бити миран, винова ће лоза носити плод свој, и земља ће рађати род свој, и небо ће давати росу своју; и све ћу то дати у наследство остатку тог народа.
13 You [people of] Judah and Israel, [the people of other] nations have cursed you. But I will rescue you, and you will be a blessing [to the people of many nations. So] do not be afraid; work hard [MTY] [to finish building the temple].”
И као што бејасте уклин међу народима, доме Јудин и доме Израиљев, тако ћу вас избавити те ћете бити благослов, не бојте се, нека вам се окрепе руке.
14 The Commander of the armies of angels [also] says this: “When your ancestors caused me to become very angry, I decided to punish them. And I did not change my mind.
Јер овако вели Господ над војскама: Као што вам намислих зло учинити, кад ме разгневише оци ваши, Вели Господ над војскама, и не раскајах се,
15 But now [I will do something different]. I am planning to do good things to [the people of] Jerusalem and [other towns in] Judah. [So] do not be afraid.
Тако опет у ове дане намислих да добро чиним Јерусалиму и дому Јудином; не бојте се.
16 These are the things that you should do: [You should always] tell the truth to each other. In the courts, [your judges must] make decisions according to what is correct and fair.
Ово је шта треба да чините: говорите истину један другом, судите право и мирно на вратима својим;
17 Do not plan to do evil things to others, and do not falsely promise [to do things that you know that you will not do]. I hate all those things.”
И не мислите један другом зло у срцу свом, и не љубите криве заклетве, јер на све то мрзим, говори Господ.
18 The Commander of the armies of angels spoke to me [again].
Потом, дође ми реч Господа над војскама говорећи;
19 This is what he said: “The times when you people of Judah (fast/abstain from food) during the fourth, fifth, seventh, and tenth months [of each year] will become good and very happy/joyful [DOU] festivals. But you must want [to speak] truthfully and [be] peaceful.”
Овако вели Господ над војскама: Пост четвртог месеца, и пост петог и пост седмог и пост десетог обратиће се дому Јудином у радост и весеље и у празнике веселе; али љубите истину и мир.
20 The Commander of the armies of angels [also] says this: “[Some day] people from many [people-groups and foreign] cities will come [here to Jerusalem].
Овако вели Господ над војскама: Још ће долазити народи и становници многих градова;
21 People from one city will go to [the people in] another [city] and say, ‘Let’s [go together to Jerusalem] to worship Yahweh and ask him to bless us; we [ourselves] are going.’
Долазиће становници једног у други говорећи. Хајдемо да се молимо Господу и да тражимо Господа над војскама; идем и ја.
22 And [people from] many people-groups and [from] powerful nations will come to Jerusalem to worship Yahweh and ask him to bless them.”
Тако ће доћи многи народи и силни народи да траже Господа над војскама у Јерусалиму и да се моле Господу.
23 The Commander of the armies of angels [also] says this: “At that time, [this is what will happen everywhere]: A group of people from one nation or a group of people who speak another language will grab the fringe/edge of the robe of a Jew and say [to him], ‘We have heard [people say] that God is with you. So allow us to go with you [to Jerusalem to worship him].’”
Овако вели Господ над војскама: У то ће време десет људи од свих језика народних ухватити једног Јудејца за скут говорећи: Идемо с вама, јер чујемо да је Бог с вама.