< Zechariah 8 >
1 Yahweh gave me [another] message. He said,
TUHAN Yang Mahakuasa memberikan pesan ini kepadaku,
2 “This is what [I], the Commander of the armies of angels, say: ‘I love [the people of] Jerusalem; I love them very much, and I am very angry with their enemies.’
"Aku ingin sekali menolong Yerusalem karena Aku amat mengasihi penduduknya, dan karena kasih-Ku itu, hati-Ku panas kepada musuh-musuh kota itu.
3 So this is what I say: ‘[Some day] I will return to Zion [Hill] and I will live there. [At that time, ] Jerusalem will be called the city [where people] (are faithful to/faithfully obey) me, and [people will say that Zion] Hill [is] holy because it is where the Commander of the armies of angels dwells.’”
Aku akan kembali ke Yerusalem, kota-Ku yang suci itu, dan tinggal di situ. Yerusalem akan dikenal sebagai kota yang setia, dan bukit TUHAN Yang Mahakuasa akan disebut Bukit Suci.
4 The Commander of the armies of angels also says this: “[Some day] old men and old women will again sit along the streets of Jerusalem, each of them holding a cane because of their being very old.
Di lapangan kota Yerusalem, akan duduk lagi kakek-kakek dan nenek-nenek yang sudah sangat tua sehingga harus berjalan dengan tongkat.
5 And the city streets with be full of boys and girls playing.”
Jalan-jalan di kota akan penuh lagi dengan anak-anak yang bermain-main.
6 The Commander of the armies of angels [also] says this: “[When those things happen, ] it will seem marvelous to the people who are still alive, but it certainly will not [RHQ] seem marvelous to me!”
Hal itu mungkin tampak mustahil bagi orang-orang yang masih hidup dari bangsa ini, namun tidak mustahil bagi-Ku.
7 The Commander of the armies of angels [also] says this: “I will rescue my people from countries to the northeast and to the southwest [to which they were forced to go].
Aku akan menyelamatkan umat-Ku dari negeri-negeri tempat mereka telah diangkut,
8 I will bring them back [to Judah], and they will [again] live in Jerusalem. They will be my people, and I will be their God. I will be faithful [to them] and act righteously [toward them].”
dan membawa mereka kembali dari timur dan dari barat, sehingga mereka tinggal di Yerusalem lagi. Mereka akan menjadi umat-Ku dan Aku Allah mereka. Aku akan memerintah mereka dengan setia dan adil."
9 The Commander of the armies of angels [also] says this: “When the foundation for my temple was laid, there were prophets there who proclaimed messages [from me]. Some of you heard what those prophets said. [So] be brave/courageous [MTY] [while you are building] the temple, in order that you may [finish] building it.
TUHAN berkata kepada umat-Nya, "Kuatkanlah hatimu! Sekarang kamu mendengar kata-kata yang juga telah diucapkan oleh para nabi pada waktu fondasi diletakkan, untuk membangun kembali Rumah-Ku.
10 Before [you started to rebuild the temple], [no one could hire] men or animals [to work for them, because] there was no money to pay for them. And people were afraid to go anywhere because I had caused people to oppose each other, and [they thought that] there were enemies [everywhere].
Sebelum masa itu tak ada yang mampu menyewa tenaga manusia atau binatang, dan tak ada yang merasa aman dari gangguan musuh. Aku telah mengadu domba seorang dengan yang lain.
11 But now I will act differently toward [you] people who are still alive, [differently] than I did previously. [That is what I], the Commander of the armies of angels, say.
Tetapi sekarang orang-orang yang masih hidup dari bangsa ini Kuperlakukan berbeda dengan dahulu.
12 [From now on, ] it will be peaceful when you plant [your seeds], and your grapevines will produce grapes, and good crops will grow in your fields. There will be rain. I will give all those things to [you] people who are still alive.
Mereka akan menabur benih dengan damai. Pohon-pohon anggur mereka akan berbuah, tanah akan memberi hasilnya, dan hujan akan turun dengan berlimpah-limpah. Segala berkat itu Kuberikan kepada orang-orang yang masih hidup dari bangsa ini.
13 You [people of] Judah and Israel, [the people of other] nations have cursed you. But I will rescue you, and you will be a blessing [to the people of many nations. So] do not be afraid; work hard [MTY] [to finish building the temple].”
Hai penduduk Yehuda dan Israel! Di masa yang lampau, bilamana orang-orang asing saling mengutuk, mereka berkata, 'Semoga bencana yang menimpa Yehuda dan Israel menimpa engkau juga!' Tetapi Aku akan menyelamatkan kamu, sehingga orang-orang asing itu akan berkata sesama mereka, 'Semoga berkat yang turun atas Yehuda dan Israel, turun juga atas dirimu!' Sebab itu kuatkanlah hatimu dan janganlah takut!"
14 The Commander of the armies of angels [also] says this: “When your ancestors caused me to become very angry, I decided to punish them. And I did not change my mind.
TUHAN Yang Mahakuasa berkata, "Ketika nenek moyangmu membuat Aku marah, Aku memutuskan untuk menghukum mereka dengan keras. Aku tidak mengubah keputusan-Ku itu, melainkan melaksanakannya.
15 But now [I will do something different]. I am planning to do good things to [the people of] Jerusalem and [other towns in] Judah. [So] do not be afraid.
Tetapi sekarang Aku hendak memberkati penduduk Yerusalem dan penduduk Yehuda. Jadi, janganlah takut.
16 These are the things that you should do: [You should always] tell the truth to each other. In the courts, [your judges must] make decisions according to what is correct and fair.
Inilah perintah-perintah yang harus kamu lakukan: Kalau bicara, katakanlah yang benar kepada sesamamu. Berilah keputusan pengadilan yang adil dan yang membawa damai.
17 Do not plan to do evil things to others, and do not falsely promise [to do things that you know that you will not do]. I hate all those things.”
Janganlah merencanakan yang jahat terhadap sesamamu. Janganlah mengucapkan sumpah palsu. Aku benci kepada dusta dan ketidakadilan serta kekerasan."
18 The Commander of the armies of angels spoke to me [again].
TUHAN Yang Mahakuasa memberikan pesan ini kepadaku untuk umat-Nya,
19 This is what he said: “The times when you people of Judah (fast/abstain from food) during the fourth, fifth, seventh, and tenth months [of each year] will become good and very happy/joyful [DOU] festivals. But you must want [to speak] truthfully and [be] peaceful.”
"Puasa yang dilakukan dalam bulan keempat, kelima, ketujuh, dan kesepuluh akan menjadi perayaan-perayaan yang penuh kegembiraan dan kesenangan bagi penduduk Yehuda. Cintailah kebenaran dan damai!"
20 The Commander of the armies of angels [also] says this: “[Some day] people from many [people-groups and foreign] cities will come [here to Jerusalem].
TUHAN Yang Mahakuasa berkata, "Masanya akan tiba penduduk dari banyak kota akan datang ke Yerusalem.
21 People from one city will go to [the people in] another [city] and say, ‘Let’s [go together to Jerusalem] to worship Yahweh and ask him to bless us; we [ourselves] are going.’
Penduduk dari kota yang satu akan berkata kepada penduduk kota yang lain, 'Mari kita pergi menyembah TUHAN Yang Mahakuasa dan memohon berkat-Nya. Ikutlah dengan kami!'
22 And [people from] many people-groups and [from] powerful nations will come to Jerusalem to worship Yahweh and ask him to bless them.”
Lalu banyak orang dan banyak bangsa yang kuat akan datang ke Yerusalem untuk menyembah Aku TUHAN Yang Mahakuasa dan memohon berkat-Ku.
23 The Commander of the armies of angels [also] says this: “At that time, [this is what will happen everywhere]: A group of people from one nation or a group of people who speak another language will grab the fringe/edge of the robe of a Jew and say [to him], ‘We have heard [people say] that God is with you. So allow us to go with you [to Jerusalem to worship him].’”
Pada hari-hari itu sepuluh orang asing akan datang kepada satu orang Yahudi dan berkata, 'Kami ingin juga beruntung seperti kamu; sebab kami mendengar bahwa Allah memberkati kamu.'" TUHAN Yang Mahakuasa telah berbicara.