< Zechariah 7 >

1 When Darius had been the emperor for almost four years, on December 7, Yahweh gave me [another] message.
El Señor envió un mensaje a Zacarías, en el cuarto día del novena mes, el mes de Quisleu. Esto fue durante el cuarto año del reinado de Darío.
2 The people of Bethel [city] sent two men, Sharezer and Regem-Melech, along with some other men, [to the temple of Yahweh, the Commander of the armies of angels, ] to request that Yahweh bless them.
Bethel-Sarezer envió a Regem-Melec y a sus hombres para pedir la bendición del Señor.
3 They also asked the priests at Yahweh’s temple and the prophets [this question]: “For many years, during the fifth month [and during the seventh month of each year], we have mourned and (fasted/abstained from eating food). Should we [continue to do that]?”
Fueron a preguntar a los sacerdotes del Templo del Dios Todopoderoso y a los profetas: “¿Debo seguir de luto y ayuno en el quinto mes como lo he hecho por muchos años?”
4 Then the Commander of the armies of angels gave me a message.
Entonces el Señor Todopoderoso me envió un mensaje, diciendo:
5 [He said], “Tell [RHQ] the priests and all the [other] people of Judah that during the past 70 years, when they mourned and fasted during the fifth and seventh months [of each year], it was not really [RHQ] me, [Yahweh], whom they were [honoring].
Dile a todos en la nación y a los sacerdotes: Cuando ayunaban y guardaban luto en el quinto y el séptimo mes durante estos setenta años, ¿lo hacían por mi?
6 And when they ate and drank, it was really [RHQ] to [benefit] themselves.
Y cuando comen y beben, ¿acaso no lo hacen para ustedes mismos?
7 That is certainly [RHQ] what I continually told the former prophets to proclaim [to the people], when Jerusalem and the nearby towns were prosperous and filled with people, and people [also] lived in the desert area to the south and in the foothills [to the west].”
¿No es esto lo que el Señor les dijo a través de los profetas anteriores, cuando Jerusalén era próspera y deshabitada, y cuando el pueblo vivía en el Neguev y la Sefelá?
8 Yahweh gave another message to me, saying
El Señor Todopoderoso me envió otro mensaje.
9 “[Tell the people that] this is what the Commander of the armies of angels says: ‘Do what is just/right, and act kindly and mercifully toward each other.
Esto es lo que el Señor dice: Juzguen con justicia y verdad. Tengan misericordia y bondad unos por otros.
10 Do not (oppress/treat cruelly) widows or orphans or foreigners or poor people. Do not even think about doing evil to anyone else.’”
No exploten a las viudas ni a los huérfanos, tampoco a los extranjeros ni a los pobres. No hagan planes sorbre cómo hacerse daño unos a otros.
11 But the people refused to pay attention [to what Yahweh said]. They turned their backs [to him], and put their hands over their ears in order to not hear [what he said].
Pero ellos se negaron a oír. Fueron obstinados, dieron la espalda y cerraron sus oídos.
12 They were very stubborn [IDM], and they would not listen to the laws [that God gave to Moses] or the messages that the Commander of the armies of angels told his Spirit to give to the prophets who were now dead. So the Commander of the armies of angels was very angry.
Endurecieron sus corazones como piedras. Se negaron a oír la ley o lo que el Señor Todopoderoso les decía por medio de su Espíritu a través de los profetas anteriores. Por eso el Señor Todopoderoso se enojó con ellos.
13 The Commander of the armies of angels says, “When I called/spoke [to the people], they would not listen. So when they called/prayed [to me], I did not listen.
Así que como no me oyeron cuando los llamé, yo no escucharé cuando me llamen ellos, dice el Señor Todopoderoso.
14 And I caused them to be scattered among many nations, where they were strangers. [It was as though] [MET] a whirlwind [picked them up and carried them away from their country]. The country/land that they [were forced to] leave was ruined, with the result that no one could [live there or even] travel through it. [It was previously] a delightful land, but they caused it to become (desolate/like a desert).”
Con los vientos de una tormenta yo dispersé a las naciones donde vivían como extranjeros. La tierra que abandonaron se volvió tan desolada que ni siquiera los viajeros pasaban por ella. Convirtieron la Tierra Prometida en un desierto.

< Zechariah 7 >