< Zechariah 5 >

1 I looked up again, and I saw a scroll that was flying [through the air].
Derpaa løftede jeg mine Øjne og skuede, og se, der var en flyvende Bogrulle.
2 The angel asked me, “What do you see?” I replied, “I see a flying scroll that is [huge], (10 yards/9 meters) long and (5 yards/4.5 meters) wide.”
Og han spurgte mig: »Hvad ser du?« Jeg svarede: »Jeg ser en flyvende Bogrulle, som er tyve Alen lang og ti Alen bred.«
3 Then he said to me, “On this scroll is written the [words that Yahweh is speaking to] curse the entire country. On [one side of] the scroll it is written that every thief will be banished. On [the other side] it is written that everyone who tells a lie when he is solemnly promising to tell the truth will also be banished from the country.
Da sagde han til mig: »Det er Forbandelsen, som udgaar over hele Landet; thi alle, som stjæler, er nu længe nok gaaet fri, og alle, som sværger, er nu længe nok gaaet fri.
4 The Commander of the armies of angels says, ‘I will send [copies of] this scroll to the places where thieves live and to the houses of those who use my name when they solemnly promise to tell the truth. [The copies of] this scroll will stay in their houses, until those houses and all their wood and stones are destroyed.’”
Jeg lader den udgaa, lyder det fra Hærskarers HERRE, for at den skal komme i Tyvens Hus og dens Hus, som sværger falsk ved mit Navn, og sætte sig fast i deres Huse og tilintetgøre dem med Tømmer og Sten.«
5 Then the angel who had been talking to me came closer to me and said, “Look up and see what is appearing!”
Derpaa traadte Engelen, som talte med mig, frem og sagde til mig: »Løft dine Øjne og se, hvad det er, som kommer der!«
6 I asked him, “What is it?” He replied, “It is a big basket [for measuring grain]. But it represents the sins that everyone in this nation has committed.”
Jeg spurgte: »Hvad er det?« Og han svarede: »Det er Efaen, som kommer.« Og han vedblev: »Det er deres Brøde i hele Landet.«
7 Then [the angel] lifted the basket’s cover, [which was made] of lead. There was a woman sitting inside the basket!
Og se, et Blylaag løftedes, og se, i Efaen sad en Kvinde.
8 The angel said, “She represents the wicked things [that people do].” Then the angel pushed her back into the basket and closed the very heavy lid [again].
Og han sagde: »Det er Gudløsheden!« Saa stødte han hende ned i Efaen og slog Blylaaget i over Aabningen.
9 Then I looked up and saw two women in front of me. They [were flying toward us], with their wings spread out in the wind. Their wings were [large], like [SIM] storks’ wings. They lifted the big basket up into the sky.
Og jeg løftede mine Øjne og skuede, og se, to Kvinder kom baaret af Vinden, og deres Vinger var som Storkevinger; og de løftede Efaen op mellem Himmel og Jord.
10 I asked the angel who had been talking to me, “Where are they taking that basket?”
Saa spurgte jeg Engelen, som talte med mig: »Hvor bærer de Efaen hen?«
11 He replied, “[They are taking it] to Babylonia to build a temple for it. When the temple is finished, they will set the basket there on a pedestal [for people to worship it].”
Han svarede: »Hen at bygge hende et Hus i Sinears Land, og naar det er rejst, sætter de hende der, hvor hendes Sted er.«

< Zechariah 5 >