< Zechariah 4 >

1 Then the angel who had been talking with me returned, and he called to me as though I had been asleep.
L'angelo che mi parlava venne a destarmi, come si desta uno dal sonno,
2 He asked me, “What do you see?” I replied, “I see a lampstand [made] completely of gold. There is a small bowl [for olive oil] at the top, and there are seven [small] lamps around the bowl, and a place for a wick on each lamp.
e mi disse: «Che cosa vedi?». Risposi: «Vedo un candelabro tutto d'oro; in cima ha un recipiente con sette lucerne e sette beccucci per le lucerne.
3 Furthermore, I see two olive trees, one at the right side of the lampstand and one at the left side.”
Due olivi gli stanno vicino, uno a destra e uno a sinistra».
4 I asked the angel who was talking with me, “Sir, what are these?”
Allora domandai all'angelo che mi parlava: «Che cosa significano, signor mio, queste cose?».
5 He replied, “Surely you know [RHQ] what they are?” I replied, “No, I do not know.”
Egli mi rispose: «Non comprendi dunque il loro significato?». E io: «No, signor mio».
6 Then he said to me, “This is the message that Yahweh [says that you should give] to Zerubbabel [the governor of Judah: ‘You will do what I want you to do, but it will] not be by your own strength or power. It will be [done] by [the power of] my Spirit, says the Commander of the armies of angels.
Egli mi rispose: «Questa è la parola del Signore a Zorobabele: Non con la potenza né con la forza, ma con il mio spirito, dice il Signore degli eserciti!
7 Zerubbabel, you [have many difficult matters to handle. They are like] high mountains [MET]. But they will [become easy to handle, as though] they will become flat land. And you will bring [to the temple] the final stone [to complete the rebuilding of the temple]. When you do that, [all the people] will shout repeatedly, “It is beautiful! May God bless it!”’”
Chi sei tu, o grande monte? Davanti a Zorobabele diventa pianura! Egli estrarrà la pietra, quella del vertice, fra le acclamazioni: Quanto è bella!».
8 Then Yahweh gave me [another] message.
Mi fu rivolta questa parola del Signore:
9 He said [to me], “Zerubbabel [SYN] laid the first stone in the foundation of the temple, and he will put the last stone in its place. When that happens, the people will know that [it is I, the Commander of the armies of angels, who] have sent you to them.” And he said, “The seven bowls represent the eyes of Yahweh, who looks back and forth at everything [that happens] on the earth.”
«Le mani di Zorobabele hanno fondato questa casa: le sue mani la compiranno e voi saprete che il Signore degli eserciti mi ha inviato a voi.
10 No one [RHQ] should think that little things that are done at the beginning of a big project are unimportant. [When the temple is almost finished being rebuilt, ] Zerubbabel will use a (plumb line/string with a stone fastened to it) [to see if the walls they are building are straight]; so when the people see that, they will rejoice.”
Chi oserà disprezzare il giorno di così modesti inizi? Si gioirà vedendo il filo a piombo in mano a Zorobabele. Le sette lucerne rappresentano gli occhi del Signore che scrutano tutta la terra».
11 Then I asked the angel, “What is [the meaning of] the two olive trees, one on each side of the lampstand?
Quindi gli domandai: «Che significano quei due olivi a destra e a sinistra del candelabro?
12 And what [the meaning of] the two olive branches, one alongside each of the gold pipes from which [olive] oil flows to the lamps?”
E quelle due ciocche d'olivo che stillano oro dentro i due canaletti d'oro?».
13 He replied, “Surely [RHQ] you know what they are?” I replied, “No, sir, [I do not know.]”
Mi rispose: «Non comprendi dunque il significato di queste cose?». E io: «No, signor mio».
14 So he said, “They represent the two [men who have been] appointed [MTY] to serve the Lord who [rules] the entire earth.”
«Questi, soggiunse, sono i due consacrati che assistono il dominatore di tutta la terra».

< Zechariah 4 >