< Zechariah 3 >

1 Then [Yahweh] showed me Joshua, the Supreme Priest, [who was] standing in front of the angel that Yahweh had sent. And Satan was standing at Joshua’s right side, [ready] to accuse him.
Oo wuxuu i tusay Yashuuca oo ah wadaadka sare oo hor taagan malaggii Rabbiga, iyo Shayddaan oo taagan gacantiisa midig si uu u ashtakeeyo.
2 But Yahweh said to Satan, “Satan, I am rebuking you! I [am the one] who has chosen Jerusalem [to be my special city, and I] am rebuking you! This [man, Joshua], [has been brought back from Babylonia]; he is surely [like] [MET, RHQ] a burning stick that has been snatched from a fire.”
Markaas Rabbigu wuxuu Shayddaan ku yidhi, Shayddaanow, Rabbigu ha ku canaanto, Rabbiga Yeruusaalem doortay ha ku canaanto. Sow kanu ma aha qori dab laga dhiftay?
3 Joshua was wearing filthy clothes while he was standing in front of the angel.
Haddaba Yashuuca dhar wasakhaysan buu qabay, oo wuxuu istaagay malagga hortiisii.
4 The angel said to those [other angels] who were standing in front of him, “Take off his filthy clothes!” [After they did that, ] the angel said to Joshua, “Look! I have taken away [the guilt of] your sins, and I will put beautiful clothes on you.”
Isagu wuu jawaabay oo la hadlay kuwii isaga hor taagnaa, oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Dharka wasakhaysan isaga ka fura. Kolkaasuu isagiina ku yidhi, Bal eeg, xumaantaadii waan kaa qaaday oo waxaan kuu xidhi doonaa dhar aad u wanaagsan.
5 Then I said to them, “Put a clean turban on his head!” So they put a clean turban on his head and put [new] on him, while the angel sent by Yahweh was standing there.
Oo anna markaasaan idhi, Duub daahirsan madaxa ha loo saaro. Markaasaa duub daahirsan madaxa loo saaray, oo dhar baa loo xidhay, oo malaggii Rabbiga ayaa ag istaagay.
6 Then the angel said [this] to Joshua:
Markaasaa malaggii Rabbigu u caddeeyey Yashuuca, oo wuxuu ku yidhi,
7 “The Commander of the armies of angels says that if you do what I want you to do [IDM], and obey my instructions, you will (be in charge of/have authority over) [what is done in] my temple and its courtyard. And I will allow you to speak at any time to the angels who are standing near to me.
Rabbiga ciidammadu wuxuu leeyahay, Haddaad jidadkayga ku socotid, oo aad amarkayga xajisid, markaas waxaad xukumi doontaa gurigayga, oo weliba waxaad dhawri doontaa barxadahayga, oo anna kuwa halkan taagan dhexdooda ayaan kaa siin doonaa meel aad soo gashid.
8 Joshua, [you are] the Supreme Priest, and your (associates/fellow priests) are sitting in front of you. They symbolize/represent things that will happen in the future. [Some day] I am going to bring someone who will work for me, someone who will be called the Branch.
Haddaba Yashuuca oo wadaadka sare ahow, maqal, adiga iyo saaxiibbadaada ku hor fadhiya, maxaa yeelay, iyagu waa niman calaamad ah, waayo, bal eeg, anigu waxaan bixin doonaa addoonkayga Biqilka ah.
9 Look at the stone that I have put in front of Joshua. There are seven sides on the stone. I will engrave a message on that stone, and in one day I will remove the guilt of [all the people of] this country.
Waayo, bal eeg dhagaxa aan Yashuuca hortiisa dhigay, isku dhagax ayaa waxaa ku yaal toddoba indhood. Rabbiga ciidammadu wuxuu leeyahay, Bal eeg, anigu waan xardhi doonaa xaradhkiisa, oo dalkaas xumaantiisana maalin qudha baan ku qaadi doonaa.
10 At that time, each of you will invite his friends [to come and sit] under his grapevine and under his fig tree. [That is what] the Commander of the armies of angels declares.”
Oo Rabbiga ciidammadu wuxuu leeyahay, Wakhtigaas ninkiin kastaaba wuxuu deriskiisa ugu yeedhi doonaa canabka iyo berdaha hoostooda.

< Zechariah 3 >