< Zechariah 2 >

1 Then I looked up and saw a man with a measuring line/tape.
Et je levai les yeux, et je vis; et voilà un homme, et dans sa main un cordeau d’arpenteur.
2 I asked him, “Where are you going?” He replied, “[I am going] to measure Jerusalem, to determine how wide it is and how long it is.”
Et je dis: Où vas-tu? Et il me répondit: Mesurer Jérusalem, et voir quelle est sa largeur et quelle est sa longueur.
3 Then the angel who had been talking to me started to leave, and another angel walked toward him.
Et voilà que l’ange qui parlait en moi sortit, et un autre ange sortait à sa rencontre.
4 That other angel said to him, “Run and tell that young man that [some day] there will be very many people and livestock in Jerusalem, with the result that there will be too many to live inside the city walls; many will [live outside] the walls.
Et il lui dit: Cours, parle à ce jeune homme, en disant: Jérusalem sera habitée sans mur, à cause de la multitude des hommes et des troupeaux qui seront au milieu d’elle.
5 And Yahweh says that he [himself] will be [like] [MET] a wall of fire around [the city], and he will be there with his glory.”
Et moi je lui serai, dit le Seigneur, un mur de feu tout autour, et je serai dans la gloire au milieu d’elle.
6 Yahweh declares [to the people who were exiled to Babylonia], “Run! Flee from Babylonia [MTY], the country east [of Israel], and flee in all directions from the places where I caused you to be scattered!
Ah! ah! fuyez de la terre de l’aquilon, dit le Seigneur; parce que vers les quatre vents du ciel, je vous ai dispersés, dit le Seigneur.
7 You people [who previously lived in] Jerusalem and who [now] live in Babylon, flee from there!
Fuis, ô Sion, qui habites chez la fille de Babylone.
8 The [armies of the] nations that [attacked you and] took away your valuable possessions have attacked those who are very precious to the Commander of the armies of angels [IDM]. So he says this about me: ‘After I have honored him and sent him to [rebuke] the nations,
Parce que voici ce que dit le Seigneur des armées: Après la gloire établie au milieu de vous, il m’a envoyé vers les nations qui vous ont dépouillés; car celui qui vous touche, touche la prunelle de mon œil.
9 [it is as though] I will strike them with my fist, with the result that those who were their slaves will [now] take back their possessions from those who caused them to become slaves.’ And when that happens, you will know that the Commander of the armies of angels is the one who sent me.”
Parce que voici que je lève ma main sur eux, et ils seront la proie de ceux qui étaient leurs esclaves; et vous reconnaîtrez que c’est le Seigneur des armées qui m’a envoyé.
10 Yahweh says, “[You people of] Jerusalem [APO], shout and be happy, [because] I will be coming [to you] and I will live among you!”
Loue le Seigneur, et réjouis-toi, fille de Sion; car voici que je viens moi-même, et que j’habiterai au milieu de toi, dit le Seigneur.
11 At that time, [people of] many nations will be united to Yahweh and will become his people. He will live among [all of] you; and you will know that the Commander of the armies of angels [is the one who] sent me to you.
Et beaucoup de nations s’attacheront au Seigneur en ce jour; et elles seront mon peuple, et j’habiterai au milieu de toi; et tu sauras que le Seigneur des armées m’a envoyé vers toi.
12 [The people of] Judah will be a very special part of his sacred country, and Jerusalem will again be the city that he has chosen.
Et le Seigneur possédera Juda comme son partage dans la terre sainte, et il choisira encore Jérusalem.
13 Everyone, [everywhere, ] should be silent in the presence of Yahweh, because he [again] will come [down] from the sacred place where he lives in heaven [to do great things for us].
Que toute chair soit en silence devant la face du Seigneur; parce qu’il s’est réveillé du milieu de son habitacle saint

< Zechariah 2 >