< Zechariah 14 >
1 Listen! It will soon be the time when Yahweh [will judge everyone]. At that time, the possessions that were taken from you [people of Jerusalem by your enemies will be returned to you, and] will be divided among you.
Gle, dolazi dan Jahvin kada će se podijeliti plijen usred tebe.
2 [Before that happens, ] Yahweh will cause [the armies of] many [HYP] nations to attack Jerusalem. They will capture the city and steal all the valuable things from your houses and rape the women. They will take half of the people to other countries, but the other half of the people will be allowed to remain in the city.
I sabrat ću sve narode u Jeruzalem u borbu. I zaposjest će grad, opljačkati kuće i silovati žene. Polovina će grada otići u izgnanstvo, ali Ostatak neće biti istrijebljen iz grada.
3 Then Yahweh will go out to fight against those nations; he will fight like [SIM] [soldiers] fight in a battle.
Tada će Jahve izaći i boriti se protiv tih naroda kako on zna ratovati u dan ratni.
4 On that day, he will stand on Olive [Tree] Hill, east of Jerusalem. Olive [Tree] Hill will be split into two [parts], with a large valley between the parts. Half of the hill will move toward the north and half [will move] toward the south.
Noge će mu, u dan onaj, stajati na Gori maslinskoj koja je nasuprot Jeruzalemu na istoku. I raskolit će se Gora maslinska po srijedi, između istoka i zapada, u golemu dolinu: jedna će se polovina pomaknuti na sjever, druga na jug.
5 People will flee through that valley which extends to the other side (OR, to Azel), like [SIM] people fled when there was an earthquake during the time that King Uzziah ruled Judah. Then Yahweh my God will come with his holy [angels].
Dolina Gore moje bit će ispunjena od Goe pa do Jasola i bit će zakrčena kao što je bila zakrčena poslije potresa u dane Uzije, kralja judejskog. Tada će doći Jahve, Bog tvoj, i svi sveci s njim.
6 At that time, there will be no light [from the sun]; it will not become cold and there will be no frost.
U dan onaj neće više biti ni studeni ni leda.
7 There has been no other time like that time, and only Yahweh knows when it will happen. There will be no daytime or nighttime; there will be [light continually], [even] in the evening.
Bit će to dan čudesan - znade ga Jahve - ni dan ni noć; i u vrijeme večeribit će svjetlo.
8 At that time, running/fresh water will flow from Jerusalem. One stream will flow toward the east to the [Dead] Sea. The other stream will flow toward the west to the [Mediterranean] Sea. The water will flow [all the time], during (summer/the hot season) as well as in (winter/the cold season).
U onaj dan žive će vode poteći iz Jeruzalema, pola k moru istočnom, pola kmoru zapadnom. Bit će tako ljeti i zimi.
9 After that time, Yahweh will be the king [who rules] the entire world. [Everyone will know that] Yahweh, and only Yahweh [MTY], is the true God.
I Jahve će biti kralj nad svom zemljom.
10 [At that time, ] all the land [in Judah] from Geba [town at the north] to Rimmon [town far to] the south of Jerusalem, will become a plain. Jerusalem will remain raised up like it has always been. [It will extend] from the Benjamin Gate and the First Gate [northeast] to the Tower of Hananel, and to the king’s winepresses [to the southwest].
Sva će se zemlja pretvoriti u ravnicu, od Gebe do Rimona negepskog. A Jeruzalem će se uzvisiti na svom mjestu; i bit će nastanjen - od Vrata Benjaminovih do Prvih vrata, to jest do Vrata ugaonih, i od Kule Hananeelove do Kraljeva tijeska.
11 Many people will live there, and the city will never be destroyed again. It will be a safe city.
Opet će se stanovati u njemu, i više neće biti prokletstva; Jeruzalem će živjeti u miru.
12 But Yahweh will cause the people in all the nations that attacked Jerusalem to be afflicted by a (plague/severe illness). Their flesh will rot while they are still standing up. Their eyes will rot in their sockets and their tongues will rot in their mouths.
A evo kojom će ranom Jahve udariti sve narode koji budu zavojštili na Jeruzalem: meso će im se raspadati dok budu na nogama; oči će im trunuti u dupljama, jezik gnjiti u ustima.
13 At that time, Yahweh will cause many people to panic. People will grab and attack each other.
U dan onaj nastat će među njima silan metež od Jahve: jedan će drugoga za ruku hvatati, i ruka će se jednoga dizati na drugoga.
14 [The people who live in other places in] Judah will fight to defend Jerusalem. They will collect the valuable things from the surrounding nations—a lot of gold and silver and clothes.
I Juda će se boriti u Jeruzalemu. Tu će se sakupiti bogatstva svih okolnih naroda: zlato, srebro, odjeća u velikoj množini.
15 The same plague [that will afflict the people of other nations] will afflict their horses, mules, camels, donkeys, and all the other work animals in their (camps/places where they have set up their tents).
A slična će rana pasti na konje, mazge, deve i magarce, i na svu stoku koja se nađe u tome taboru.
16 The people of other nations who [previously] came [to fight] against Jerusalem, all those who are still alive, will return to Jerusalem every year to worship the King, the Commander of the armies of angels, and to celebrate the Festival of Living in Temporary Shelters.
Tko preživi od svih naroda koji dođu na Jeruzalem, uzlazit će godimice da se pokloni pred Kraljem, Jahvom nad Vojskama, i da slave Blagdan sjenica.
17 If there are people in those nations who do not go [to Jerusalem to worship there], rain will not fall on their land.
Ako koje pleme zemlje ne uzađe u Jeruzalem da se pokloni pred Kraljem, Jahvom nad Vojskama, neće biti kiše za njega.
18 If the people of Egypt [or any other nation] do not go to Jerusalem, [they will not have any rain]. And Yahweh will cause them to experience the same plague that afflicted the [people of other] nations that did not celebrate the Festival of Living in Temporary Shelters.
Ako li pleme egipatsko ne uzađe i ne dođe, stići će ga isti udarac kojim će Jahve udariti narode koji ne bi uzašli svetkovati Blagdan sjenica.
19 That is how [Yahweh] will punish [the people of] Egypt and [the people of] any [other] nation who do not go [to Jerusalem] to celebrate the Festival of Living in Temporary Shelters.
Takva će biti kazna Egiptu i svim narodima koji ne budu uzašli da svetkuju Blagdan sjenica.
20 At that time, [the words] ‘Dedicated to Yahweh’ will be written on the bells that are fastened to the horses. The [cooking] pots in [the courtyard of the] temple will be [sacred], like the bowls that are near the altar.
U onaj dan stajat će na konjskim praporcima 'Jahvi posvećen'; a u Domu Jahvinu bit će lonci kao žrtvene čaše pred žrtvenikom;
21 Every pot in Jerusalem and [in other places in] Judah will be dedicated to the Commander of the armies of angels. So everyone who offers sacrifices [there in Jerusalem] will be able to take some of the meat that has been brought for sacrifices, and cook it in their own pots. And at that time, people will no longer buy or sell things in [the courtyard of] the temple of the Commander of the armies of angels.
i svaki će lonac u Jeruzalemu i u Judeji biti posvećen Jahvi nad Vojskama - svi koji budu htjeli žrtvovati uzimat će ih i kuhati u njima. I u dan onaj neće više biti trgovaca u Domu Jahve nad Vojskama.