< Zechariah 13 >

1 At that time [it will be as though] [MET] there will be a fountain from which water flows continually to cleanse the descendants [MTY] of [King] David and [all] the [other] people in Jerusalem from the guilt of the sins that they have committed, [especially] from becoming unacceptable to me [by worshiping idols].
В день он будет всяко место отверзаемо дому Давидову и живущым во Иерусалиме в предвижение и разделение.
2 The Commander of the armies of angels says, “At that time, I will prevent [people from even mentioning] the names of the idols in their country, and no one will remember them any more. I will also expel from the land all the people who falsely claim that they are prophets [DOU].
И будет в день он, глаголет Господь Саваоф, потреблю имена идолов от земли, и ктому не будет их памяти: и лживыя пророки и духа нечистаго изму от земли.
3 If someone continues to prophesy [falsely], his parents must say to him, ‘You have told lies saying that Yahweh [MTY] gave those messages to you, so you must be executed.’ [So] if someone prophesies [like that], his own father and mother must stab him [and kill him].
И будет, аще проречет человек еще, и речет к нему отец его и мати его, рождшии его, внегда пророчествовати ему: не жив будеши, яко лжу глаголал еси во имя Господне: и запнут ему отец его и мати его, родившии его, егда пророчествовати начнет.
4 At that time, the false prophets will be ashamed [that they claimed to have received messages from me in] their visions and prophesies [that they told to people]. They will no [longer] deceive people by wearing the clothes [that prophets usually wear], clothes made of [animals’] hair.
И будет в день он, постыдятся пророцы, кийждо от видения своего, внегда пророчествовати ему, и облекутся в кожу власяную, зане солгаша.
5 [So] each of them will say, ‘I am not [really] a prophet; I am a farmer, and I have been a farmer on my land ever since I was a boy!’
И речет: несмь пророк аз, яко человек делаяй землю аз есмь, зане человек роди мя от юности моея.
6 But someone, [seeing the wounds on one of those prophet’s bodies, will suspect that he injured himself during rituals to worship idols, and he] will ask ‘Why are those wounds on your body?’ And he [will lie, saying] ‘I was injured [when I was] at my friend’s house.’”
И реку к нему: что язвы сия посреде руку твоею? И речет: имиже уязвлен бых в дому возлюбленнаго моего.
7 The Commander of the armies of angels says, “[My] sword [APO] must strike [the one who is like] [MET] my shepherd, the man who is (my companion/very (close/dear) to me). When the shepherd is killed, [those who are like] [MET] his sheep will scatter. [And those who are like] [MET] my little sheep will [also] be attacked [IDM].”
Мечу, востани на пастыря Моего и на мужа гражданина Моего, глаголет Господь Вседержитель: порази пастыря, и расточатся овцы стада: и наведу руку Мою на (малыя) пастыри.
8 Yahweh [also] says, “Two-thirds [of the people in Judah] will die [DOU]. [Only] one-third [of the people in Judah] will remain alive.
И будет в день он на всей земли, глаголет Господь, две части ея потребятся и изчезнут, а третия останется на ней:
9 And I will test the ones that remain alive [by causing them to experience great difficulties, to find out if they will continue to worship me]. I will purify them like [MET] a man purifies gold or silver by putting it into a [very hot] fire. [Then] my people will call to me [MTY] [for help], and I will answer them. I will say [to them], ‘You are my people,’ and they will say, ‘Yahweh is our God.’”
и проведу третию часть сквозе огнь, и разжгу я, якоже разжизается сребро, и искушу я, якоже искушается злато: той призовет имя Мое, и Аз услышу его и реку: людие Мои сии суть. И тии рекут: Господь Бог мой.

< Zechariah 13 >