< Zechariah 11 >

1 [You people of] [APO] Lebanon [should] open your gates, [because you will not be able to stop] fire from burning your cedar [trees]!
Nyisd meg kapuidat, oh Libánon, hogy tűz emészszen czédrusaid közt!
2 Your cypress/pine [trees] [APO] should [also] wail because the cedar [trees] have been cut down. Those glorious/great trees have been destroyed. The oak trees in the Bashan [region] should also wail, because the other trees in the forest have been cut down.
Jajgass te cziprus, mert esik a czédrus, leomlott, a mi legjava! Jajgassatok ti Básán tölgyei, mert pusztul a rengeteg erdő.
3 And listen to the shepherds crying because the fertile pastures have been ruined. Listen to the lions roar; they roar because the delightful forest [where they live] near the Jordan [River] has been ruined.
Hangzik a pásztorok jajja, mert elpusztult az ő büszkeségök! Hangzik az oroszlán ordítása, mert elpusztult a Jordán kevélysége!
4 This is what Yahweh my God said [to me]: “[I want you to] become a shepherd for a flock [of sheep that are about] to be slaughtered.
Ezt mondja az Úr, az én Istenem: Legeltesd a leölésre szánt juhokat,
5 The people who are going to buy the sheep will kill the sheep, and they will not be punished. Those who are selling the sheep say, ‘[I] praise Yahweh, [because] I will become rich!’ Even the shepherds do not feel sorry for the sheep.
A melyeket leölnek az ő tulajdonosaik, a nélkül, hogy bűnnek tartanák, eladóik pedig ezt mondják: Áldott az Úr, mert meggazdagodtam! és pásztoraik sem kimélik őket.
6 And similarly, I no longer feel sorry for the people of this country. I am going to allow many of them [HYP] to be captured by other people or by their king. Those who capture them will ruin this country, and I will not rescue any [of the people].”
Bizony nem kimélem többé e föld lakosait, ezt mondja az Úr; sőt ímé odaadok minden embert a felebarátja kezébe és az ő királya kezébe, és megrontják e földet, és nem szabadítom ki kezökből!
7 So I became the shepherd of a flock [of sheep that were about] to be slaughtered [for their meat to be sold] to the dealers. [I took good care of the sheep, even the ones that were the weakest sheep. Then] I took two [shepherds’] /walking sticks). I named the one [staff] ‘Kindness’ and the other [staff] ‘Union’. And I took good care of the sheep.
Legeltetém hát a leölésre szánt juhokat, azaz a megnyomorgatott juhokat, és választék magamnak két pálczát, az egyiket nevezém szépségnek, a másikat nevezém egyességnek; így legeltetém a juhokat.
8 But the three shepherds [who had been working with me] detested me, and I became impatient with them. Within one month I (dismissed/got rid of) those shepherds.
És három pásztort vertem el egy hónap alatt, mert elkeseredék a lelkem miattok, és az ő lelkök is megútála engem.
9 So I said [to the dealers], “I will no [longer] be the shepherd. I will allow the ones that are dying to die. I will allow the ones that are getting lost to get lost. And I will not prevent those that remain from destroying each other.”
És mondám: Nem őrizlek én titeket, haljon meg a halálra való és vágattassék ki a kivágni való, a megmaradottak pedig egyék meg egymásnak húsát.
10 Then I took the staff that I had named ‘Kindness’ and I broke it. [That showed that Yahweh] was annulling/canceling the agreement that he had made with all the people-groups.
És vevém egyik pálczámat, a szépséget, és eltörém azt, hogy felbontsam az én szövetségemet, a melyet az összes népekkel kötöttem.
11 So that agreement was ended immediately. And the men who bought and sold sheep who were watching me knew [by seeing what I was doing] that I was giving them a message from Yahweh.
És felbomla az azon a napon, és így tudták meg az elsanyargatott juhok, a kik ragaszkodnak vala hozzám, hogy az Úr dolga ez.
12 I told them, “If you think it is what you should do, pay me [for taking care of the sheep]. If you do not think that is what you should do, do not pay me.” So they paid me [only] 30 pieces of silver.
És mondám nékik: Ha jónak tetszik néktek, adjátok meg az én béremet; ha pedig nem: hagyjátok abba! És harmincz ezüst pénzt fizettek béremül.
13 Then Yahweh said to me, “[That is a ridiculously small amount of money that they have paid you]! [So] throw it to the man who makes clay pots!” So I took the silver to the temple of Yahweh, and I threw it in the chest where the offerings/money is kept.
És monda az Úr nékem: Vesd a fazekas elé! Nagy jutalom, a melyre becsültek engem. Vevém azért a harmincz ezüst pénzt, és vetém azt az Úrnak házába, a fazekas elé.
14 Then I broke my second staff, [the one that I named] ‘Union’. That [indicated that] Judah and Israel would no longer be united.
Majd eltörém a másik pálczámat is, az egyességet, hogy felbontsam a testvérséget Júda között és Izráel között.
15 Then Yahweh said to me, “Take again the things that a foolish shepherd uses,
És mondá az Úr nékem: Most már szerezz magadnak bolond pásztornak való szerszámot.
16 because I am going to appoint a new king for the people, [one who will not take care of my people. He will be like a foolish shepherd]: [MET] He will not take care of those who are dying, those who are very young, those who have been injured, or those who do not have enough food. Instead, he will [treat them very cruelly, like a shepherd who would] [MET] kill and eat the best sheep and tear off their hoofs.
Mert ímé, én pásztort állítok e földre, a ki az elveszetteket meg nem keresi, a gyöngével nem törődik, a megtépettet meg nem gyógyítja, a jó karban levőt nem táplálja, a kövérinek húsát megeszi, és körmeiket széttördeli.
17 But terrible things will happen to that foolish/useless king who abandons the people [MET] over whom he rules. [His enemies] will strike his arm and his right eye with their swords. [The result will be that] he will have no strength in his arm, and his right eye will become completely blind.”
Jaj a mihaszna pásztornak, a ki elhagyja a juhokat! Fegyver a karjára és jobb szemére. Karja szárazra száradjon és jobb szeme sötétre sötétedjék.

< Zechariah 11 >