< Zechariah 10 >

1 Ask Yahweh to cause rain to fall (in the springtime/before the hot season starts), [because] he is the one who makes the clouds [from which the rain falls]. He causes showers to fall on us, and he causes crops to grow well in the fields.
In de lente vragen zij Jahweh om regen. En Jahweh jaagt de onweerswolken bijeen; Hij zal hun slagregens schenken, Aan allen groen op het veld.
2 [What people think that] the idols in their houses suggest [is only] nonsense, and people who [say that they can] interpret dreams tell [only] lies. When they [tell people things to] comfort [them, what they say] is useless, so the people [who (consult/trust in) them] are like lost sheep; they are attacked because they have no [one to protect them] [like] [MET] a shepherd [protects his sheep].
Waarachtig, de terafim hebben bedrogen, De waarzeggers leugen geschouwd, Lege dromen verkondigd, Met ijdele beloften gepaaid; Daarom werden zij als schapen verstrooid, Geslagen, omdat er geen herder was.
3 [Yahweh says, ] “I am angry with the leaders [MET] of my people, and I will punish them. [I, ] the Commander of the armies of angels, take care of my people, the people of Judah, [like a shepherd takes care of his] [MET] flock, and I will cause them to be like [SIM] proud/powerful war horses.
Tegen de herders is mijn woede ontstoken, En op de bokken zal Ik Mij wreken! Maar Jahweh der heirscharen heeft zijn kudde, Juda’s huis weer bezocht; Hij maakt van hen een edel ros, Afgericht voor de strijd.
4 From Judah will come rulers [who will be very important], [like] [MET] a cornerstone is [the most important stone for a house], [like] [MET] a tent peg [is very important for a tent], [like] [MET] a bow [is very important for (an archer/a man who shoots arrows]).
Van Hem de hoeksteen, de tentpaal en strijdboog, Van Hem gaan alle leiders gezamenlijk uit.
5 They will all be like [SIM] mighty warriors trampling [their enemies] in the mud during a battle. [I, ] Yahweh, will be with them, so they will fight and defeat their enemies who ride on horses.
Ze zullen de helden vertrappen Als slijk op de wegen in de strijd; Ze zullen strijden, omdat Jahweh hen helpt, En de ruiters beschamen.
6 I will cause the people [MTY] of Judah to become strong, and I will rescue the people [MTY] of Israel. I will bring them back [from the countries to which they were (exiled/forced to go)]; [I will do that] because I pity them. Then they will be as though I had not abandoned them, because I am Yahweh, their God, and I will answer them [when they pray for help].
Het huis van Juda maak Ik sterk, Het huis van Josef zal Ik redden; Ik breng ze terug, omdat Ik Mij hunner ontferm. Weer zullen ze zijn. als had Ik ze nimmer verworpen; Want Ik ben Jahweh, hun God: Ik zal hen verhoren!
7 The people of Israel will be like [SIM] strong soldiers; they will be as happy as [people who have drunk a lot of] wine. Their children will see [their fathers being very happy], and they [also] will be happy because of what Yahweh [has done for them].
Efraïm zal zijn als een held, Zijn hart zal vrolijk zijn als van wijn; Zijn zonen zullen het vol vreugde aanschouwen, En hun hart zal zich in Jahweh verheugen.
8 I will signal for my people [to return from (being exiled/other countries)], and I will gather them together [in their own country]. I will rescue them, and they will become very numerous like [they were] previously.
Ik fluit ze bijeen, en verzamel ze weer; Ik koop ze vrij, ze worden weer talrijk als vroeger!
9 I have caused them to be scattered among many people-groups, but in those distant countries they will think about me again. They and their children will remain alive and return [to Judah].
Ik heb hen onder de volken verstrooid, Maar in verre landen zullen ze Mijner gedenken, En kinderen verwekken: dan keren ze terug.
10 I will bring them [back] from Egypt and from Assyria; I will bring them [back] from the Gilead and Lebanon [regions], and there will hardly be enough [HYP] space for them all [to live in Judah].
Ik leid ze uit het land van Egypte, breng ze uit Assjoer bijeen, Voer ze naar het land van Gilad en Libanon: Maar dat zal te klein voor hen zijn!
11 They will endure/experience many difficulties [as though they were walking] [MET] through a sea, but [I] will calm the waves of the sea; the Nile [River which is usually] deep will dry up. [I] will defeat the proud [soldiers of] Assyria, and [I will cause] Egypt to no longer be powerful [MTY].
Ze trekken door de Onheil-zee, en slaan op haar golven; De kolken van de Nijl liggen droog! De trots van Assjoer ligt op de grond, Egypte’s schepter moet wijken:
12 I will enable my people to be strong, and they will honor me and obey [IDM] me. [That will surely happen because I, ] Yahweh, have said it.”
Door Jahweh maak Ik hen sterk, In zijn Naam trekken zij op, is de godsspraak van Jahweh!

< Zechariah 10 >