< Titus 3 >

1 Remind [the believers] that they should submit to all those who rule them or have authority over them, and that they should obey them. They should be ready to do anything that is helpful.
मसीह पर भरोसा करणे बालयां लोकां जो याद दिलांदा रे, की हाकिमां कने अधिकारियां दे अधीन रिया, कने उना दी गल्ल मन्ना कने इज्जत करा, कने हर इक खरे कम्मे तांई तैयार रिया,
2 They should never say bad things about anyone, they should not quarrel with people, they should be patient [when others] ([irritate them/do things that they do not like]), [and they should] always treat all people as important.
सै कुसी जो भी बदनाम ना करन, लड़ाई झगड़े करणे बाले ना होन, पर दयालु सभावे दे होन, कने सारे लोकां सोगी बड़े प्यारे ने रेन।
3 [Remind your congregations about these things] because formerly we [believers] ourselves were also foolish, just like [all people who do not believe in Christ are now. We] did not obey ([God]/God’s message). [We let] others deceive us. We (spent all our time doing/continually did) what is evil and could not stop ourselves from doing all the things that our bodies liked [DOU]. We were (envying others/desiring to have what others have). We were causing people to hate us and we were hating one another.
क्योंकि असां यीशु मसीह पर भरोसा करणे ला पेहले मुर्ख कने परमेश्वरे दे हुकम नी मनणे बाले थे, कने लोकां ला धोखा खाणे बाले थे, असां बुरियां इच्छां कने संसारे दियां चीजां दे गुलाम थे, कने जलन करी के जिन्दगी कटदे थे, कने लोकां ला नफरत कने इक दुज्जे सोगी दुशमणी रखदे थे।
4 Even though we were behaving sinfully like this, God our Savior [acted] kindly and lovingly to us [PRS], [and saved us]! He did this, not because we did things that are right, but just because he [wanted to be] merciful to us! He washed [us inwardly and gave] us a new way of living as a result of the Holy Spirit changing us inwardly.
पर फिरी भी साड़े उद्धारकर्ता परमेश्वरे अपणी दया कने प्यार सांझो लोकां पर दस्सी।
तां उनी सांझो साड़े पापां दी सजा ला बचाया कने ऐ धर्मे दे कम्मा दिया बजा ने नी, जड़े असां अपु किते, पर उनी अपणी दया दे अनुसार, उनी साड़े पापां जो धोई करी दूर किता, कने पबित्र आत्मा ला सांझो नोआ सभाब कने नोई जिन्दगी दिती है।
6 [Because we trusted in] Jesus Christ our Savior, God put the Holy Spirit within us [in order to] wonderfully [change us].
साड़े उद्धारकर्ता प्रभु यीशु मसीहे जड़ा किता उदे जरिये परमेश्वरे सांझो पबित्र आत्मा दितया है, ताकि सै सांझो च सामर्थ बाले कम्म करी सके।
7 He wanted to erase the record of our sins even though we did not deserve that, and he wanted us to receive all that [God desires] to give us. [These are the things that we] confidently expect to receive when we live [with him] eternally. (aiōnios g166)
जिसने असां उस हमेशा दी जिन्दगी दी आस रखी सकन जड़ी परमेश्वरे सांझो अपणी ओलाद दे रुपे च देणे दा बायदा कितया है। कने उदे बारे च असां जाणी सकदे न क्योंकि परमेश्वरे अपणे अनुग्रह दे जरिये सांझो अपणे सोगी सही बणाया है। (aiōnios g166)
8 These words that [I] have written are trustworthy. So, I want you to confidently teach the things [that I have written about in this letter] to those who have trusted in God, in order that they will be constantly devoted/attempting to do deeds that are good and helpful for others. Titus 3:8b-11 These [teachings] are beneficial and profitable for [all] people,
ऐ गल्ल सच्ची है, जड़ी मैं हुणी दस्सी है कने मैं चांदा है, की तू भरोसा करणे बालयां जो इना गल्लां दे बारे च मजबूती ने सिखा। इस तांई की जिना परमेश्वरे पर भरोसा रखया है, सै खरे-खरे कम्मा जो करणे च अपणा बकत देणे च ध्यान लगान, ऐ गल्लां सारयां तांई खरियां न, कने फायदेमंद न।
9 but there are people who foolishly dispute/argue [with you, wanting you to believe] senseless ([myths/stories that came from your ancestors]), stories in which there are (genealogies/lists of your ancestors’ names). They argue and quarrel [with you], ([insisting/telling you]) [that you must obey] the [Jewish] laws. (Stay [completely] away from/Do not talk with) them, because [arguing about such things] is not profitable [for anyone. It is completely] worthless!
पर मुर्ख गल्लां दी बेहसा ला दूर रिया, पूर्वजां दी लम्बियां सूचियां पर अपणा बकत बर्बाद मत करा, कने बैर बिरोध, कने उना झगड़यां ला बची के रिया जड़े मूसा दे नियमा दे बारे च न, क्योंकि इना गल्लां दा कोई फायदा नी है।
10 Those people, [by teaching things that are false], are causing others (to turn away from/to quit believing) the true teachings. You must warn them [that God will judge them if they continue doing that. If they do not stop], warn them one more time. [If they still do not stop], then no [longer] have anything o do with them.
जड़े लोक कलीसिया च फुट पांदे न, तिजो उना लोकां जो कम्म से कम्म दो बरी चेतावनी देणी चाईदी, की सै ऐसा करणा बंद करी देन। उदे बाद उना पर होर बकत बर्बाद मत करदे कने उना ला दूर रेणा चाईदा।
11 You will know [clearly] that such persons have [deliberately] (turned away [from/quit believing and obeying]) [the true teachings]. They know that they are doing what is sinful, [but they deliberately keep on doing it].
तुसां ऐ पक्का करी लिया की ऐसा माणु जड़ा जाणी बुझी करी बुरे रस्ते पर चलदा है, तां उदे खुद दे बुरे कम्म ही साबित करदे न की सै दोषी है।
12 I [expect to] send either Artemas or Tychicus to you. [As soon as one of them arrives], (make every effort/try hard) to come to me [quickly] at Nicopolis [city], because it is there that I have decided to [go and] stay during the stormy/winter [season].
जालू मैं तेरे बाल क्रेते टापू पर अरतिमास कने तुखिकुस जो भेजगा, तालू तू मेरे बाल निकुपुलिस शेहर औणे दी कोशिश करयां, क्योंकि मैं ओथु ही सर्दियां कटणे दी सोचियो है।
13 As for Zenas (the lawyer/the expert in the law) and Apollos, [when they are ready to leave Crete Island], help them as much as you can in order that they may have everything [LIT] that [they need as they travel].
जालू जेनास व्यवस्था जो सिखाणे बाला कने अपुल्लोस अपणी यात्रा तांई निकलगे, तां इना दी सहायता करणे तांई जड़ा कुछ तू करी सकदा है, सै तू करयां। कने ऐ ध्यान रखयां की उना जो कुसी भी चीजा दी कमी ना हो।
14 Moreover, our [fellow believers] also should learn (to devote themselves to [doing/] constantly [do]) good deeds [for people] who need help in order that they, our fellow believers, will live very useful [LIT] lives.
सिर्फ इतणा ही नी, पर तिजो भरोसा करणे बालयां जो सिखांदे भी रेणा चाईदा की भले कम्म करणे तांई लगातार मेहनत करदे रिया, ताकि उना लोकां दियां जरुरतां पुरियां होई सकन जिना बाल कुछ नी है, ऐ भरोसा करणे बालयां दी सहायता करदा है की, सारे इक ही मकसद ने जिन्दगी जी सकन।
15 [As I finish this letter], everyone who is with me (says that they are thinking affectionately about you/wants me to send greetings to you). Tell those who are [there] who love us and believe [as we do] that we (are thinking affectionately about/greet) them. I pray/desire that our Lord Jesus Christ will continue to act kindly toward all of you.
मेरे सोगी ऐथू दे सारे भरोसा करणे बाले तिजो नमस्कार करदे न। ओथु क्रेते टापू च साड़े भरोसा करणे बाले साथियां जो जड़े सांझो ने प्यार करदे न, उना जो भी मेरी तरफा ला नमस्ते बोलयां। मैं प्राथना करदा है की, प्रभु तुसां सारयां पर अनुग्रह करे।

< Titus 3 >