< Titus 2 >

1 But as for you [(sg)], teach [the believers] what agrees with the correct teachings.
Laakiinse adigu ku hadal waxyaalaha ku habboon cilmiga runta ah.
2 [Specifically, tell] the older men that they should control themselves (in all situations/whatever happens), [that they should behave in such a manner] that all people will respect them, and that they should control what they say and do. And tell them that they should firmly believe in the correct teachings, that they should sincerely love others, and that they should always be steadfast.
Odayaashu waa inay feejignaadaan oo dhug yeeshaan oo digtoonaadaan oo ay si run ah ugu socdaan iimaanka iyo jacaylka iyo dulqaadashada.
3 Similarly, [tell] the older women that they should behave (in a reverent manner that shows that they are devoted to God/in a manner that honors God); [specifically, they should] not (slander others/talk evil about others), and they should not (be drinking much/[habitually] drinking) [alcohol]. Tell them that they should teach [the younger women] what is good,
Sidaas oo kalena habruhu waa inay asluub quduus ah lahaadaan, oo ayan noqon kuwa wax xanta, oo ayan khamri badan addoommo u noqon, laakiinse ay noqdaan kuwo wax wanaagsan dadka bara.
4 in order that they may love their husbands and their children.
Oo waa inay naagaha dhallintayar baraan inay jeclaadaan nimankooda iyo carruurtooda,
5 Older women should teach younger women to control what they say and do and to be pure in every way, to be good workers at home and submissive to their own husbands. [The younger women should behave like this] in order that no one will speak against the message about God.
oo ay digtoonaadaan, oo ay daahir noqdaan, oo ay gurigooda ka shaqeeyaan, oo ay wanaagsanaadaan, iyagoo nimankooda ka dambeeya, si aan ereyga Ilaah loo caayin.
6 As for the younger men, similarly, urge them to control themselves [in all that they say and do].
Ragga dhallinyarada ahna sidaas oo kale ku waani inay digtoonaadaan.
7 You yourself must continually do what is good in order that others will see how they should behave. Teach [the believers] sincerely and seriously;
Wax walba nafsaddaada masaal ahaan u tus xagga shuqullada wanaagsan; oo cilmigaagana ku tus qummanaan, iyo dhuglahaan,
8 teach what is correct and what no one can [justly] criticize. [Do this] in order that [when the believers] conduct their lives [in a proper manner], anyone who opposes ([us/our message]) will be disappointed because there will be nothing bad that they can [justly] say about us.
iyo hadal run ah oo aan ceeb lahayn, si midka geesta kaa ahu u ceeboobo, oo uusan u helin wax xun oo uu inaga sheego.
9 As for slaves, [specifically, urge them] to be submissive to their masters in everything. They should please [their masters; specifically, they should not] ([contradict/refuse to obey]) [their masters].
Addoommaduna waa inay sayidyadooda ka dambeeyaan, oo ay wax kasta kaga farxiyaan, oo ayan la murmin,
10 They should not steal [things that belong to their masters]. Instead, they should always be completely honest/reliable and thus [show their masters that their masters can] completely trust them. They should behave like this in order that [as a result of all the slaves conducting themselves well, people] will realize that the teachings about God our Savior are very desirable.
oo ayan wax ka xadin, laakiin waa inay aaminnimo wanaagsan oo dhan muujiyaan, inay si kasta cilmiga Ilaaha Badbaadiyeheenna ah ammaan ugu soo jiidaan.
11 [The believers should behave in a good manner], since God did for us what we did not deserve, [sending Jesus Christ to earth] in order that he might save all people [PRS].
Waayo, nimcadii Ilaah way muuqatay, iyadoo badbaado u keenaysa dadka oo dhan,
12 God teaches/tells us [PRS] how to stop doing what he dislikes, and to stop desiring the things that (ungodly people/people who habitually do things that do not please God) desire [MTY]. He wants us to control our behavior and to do what is right and to do what pleases him while we live in this present age/time. (aiōn g165)
oo ina baraysa inaynu cibaadola'aanta iyo damacyada dunida diidno, oo aynu wakhtigan haatan la joogo digtoonaan iyo xaqnimo iyo cibaado ku noolaanno, (aiōn g165)
13 [Do not forget that] we are waiting expectantly for that which will make us very happy [indeed] [MTY]! We are expectantly waiting for our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, to come gloriously!
innagoo sugayna rajada barakaysan iyo muuqashada ammaanta Ilaaheenna weyn oo ah Badbaadiyeheenna Ciise Masiix.
14 He is the one who [willingly] gave himself ([to die/as a sacrifice]) on our behalf to set us free from all sinful behavior! He wants (us to get rid of all our evil behavior/to make our lives pure) [MET]. He wants us, who are his very own people, to be [people who] are eager to do what is good.
Isagu nafsaddiisuu u bixiyey aawadeen, inuu dembi oo dhan inaga furto oo uu inaga dhigto dad daahirsan oo uu isagu leeyahay oo ku dadaalaya shuqullo wanaagsan.
15 Teach [the believers] these things! Urge [them to do them]! Correct [those who do not obey them! As you do this, you have my] full authority; so do not allow anyone to disregard you!
Waxyaalahan dadka kula hadal, oo ku waani, oo ku canaano, adigoo amar oo dhan leh. Oo ninna yuusan ku quudhsan.

< Titus 2 >