< Titus 1 >
1 I, Paul, [am writing this letter to you, Titus]. [God appointed me to be] his servant and [to be] an apostle [who represents] Jesus Christ. [God appointed me in order that I might teach] those whom God has chosen [to be his people] to [correctly] believe [in him]. He wants me to teach them the true [teachings about God], in order that they will learn to behave (in a [godly manner/] a [manner that pleases God]).
PAVLEC Iaincoaren cerbitzari eta Iesus Christen Apostolu denac, Iaincoaren elegituén fedearen eta pietatearen tenorez den eguiaren araura,
2 [As a result of my doing these things, his people] confidently expect that God will cause them to live forever. God, who never lies, promised before he created the world that [his people] would live forever. (aiōnios )
Vicitze eternalaren sperançacotzát, cein promettatu vkan baitu Iainco gueçurti eztenac dembora eternalén altzinetic, eta manifestatu bere demboretan: (aiōnios )
3 Then at the time that he [chose], he revealed [to us his] message. [Specifically], God our Savior gave this message to me, and he trusted me to proclaim it to people.
Diot bere hitza, Iainco gure Saluadorearen ordenançaren tenorez niri cargutan eman içan çaitadan predicationeaz: Tite neure seme eguiazcoari gure artean commun den fedearen arauez.
4 Titus, [I am writing this letter] to [you because you are like] a true son [MET] [to me because I led/helped you to] believe the same [teachings about Christ that I do]. ([I pray that/May]) [God our Father and Christ Jesus our Savior will continue to] act kindly toward you and cause you to have [inner] peace.
Gratia dela hirequin misericordia eta baquea Iainco Aitaganic, eta Iesus Christ Iaun gure Saluadoreaganic.
5 When I [asked you] to stay on Crete [island], I wanted you to do these things: [Teach the believers what they need to know so that they] can understand correctly the [spiritual] matters about which some are teaching wrongly. Appoint elders [in the congregation] in each town in the manner in which I told you to do.
Causa hunegatic vtzi vkan aut Cretan goitico diraden gaucén corrigitzen continua deçançát, eta ordena ditzán hiriz hiri Ancianoac, nic ordenatu drauadan beçala:
6 [When you appoint men as elders], you must choose men whom no one can [justly] accuse of [habitually] doing what is wrong (OR, whom everyone speaks well of). Specifically, appoint men who have been faithful to their wives. Appoint men whose children faithfully obey [them. Do not appoint men whose children habitually] do all the things that their bodies urge them to do, or who refuse to obey their parents.
Baldin cembeit bada irreprehensibleric emazte bakoitz baten senhar, haour fidelac dituelaric, ez dissolutionez accusatuac, edo rangea ecin daitezquenac.
7 Leaders [of the congregation] must be [men] who, as everyone knows, habitually do what is good (OR, [whom] no one can [justly] accuse of doing what is wrong), because it is on God’s behalf that they will direct/serve [the congregation. Specifically, they must] not be arrogant/proud. They must not easily become angry. They must not [be men who] drink much alcohol. They must not [be men who] ([act] violently/fight) [when they are angry. They must] not [be men who are] (greedy for/strongly desire to get) money.
Ecen Ipizpicuac behar dic içan irreprehensible, Iaincoaren etchearen gobernari anço, eztén porfidioso, ez coleric, ez mahatsarnoari emana, ez vkaldicari, ez irabazte deshonestaren guthicioso:
8 Instead, they must be ones who welcome and take care of guests. They must (be devoted to/like to do) what is good. They must do [what God considers] to be right. They must be (holy/completely dedicated to God). They must be men who do what their minds tell them is right to do [and not what their emotions/desires urge them to do].
Baina estrangerén ostatuz gogotic recebiçale, onén onhetsle, çuhur, iusto, saindu, moderatu:
9 They must firmly believe in the message [about Jesus Christ] exactly as [I/we(inc)] taught it, in order that they might be able to teach [the believers] what is correct and to urge [them to follow it well. If they firmly accept our message], they will be able to convince those who oppose [what is correct that they are wrong].
Instructionearen araura den hitz fidelaren eduquile, doctrina sanoz exhorta-ere ahal deçançát, eta contrastatzen diradenac vençut.
10 [I say this] because there are many [people who oppose the correct teachings]. They refuse to obey people who have authority over them, they talk ([on and on/without stopping]), saying what helps no one, and they deceive people. The Jewish [believers] [MTY] [who insist we must obey all the Jewish rituals are] especially [doing this].
Ecen baduc anhitz rangea ecin daitenic eta vanoqui minçaçaleric, eta adimenduén seduciçaleric, principalqui Circoncisionetic diradenac: hæy ahoa boçatu behar ciayec:
11 [You and the leaders whom you appoint] should prevent such people from teaching [the believers]. They are causing whole families to stop believing in the correct teachings [MET] by means of their teaching [people wrong ideas/teachings. They are teaching people only] in order that people will give them money, [which is very] shameful [for them to do].
Hec etcheac ossoqui erautzen citié, behar eztiraden gauçác iracasten dituztela irabazte deshonestaren causaz.
12 A man from Crete [island] whom [they consider] a prophet said, “[My fellow] Cretan people are always lying [to one another! They are like dangerous] wild animals [MET]! They are lazy and always eat too much food [SYN]!”
Erran dic hayén arteco cembeitec, hayén propheta propriac, Cretatarrac bethi gueçurti, bestia gaitzac, sabel naguiac.
13 The words that this man said [about the Cretan people] are [still] true, [especially about their being liars]. So, rigorously convince/show [those Cretan believers] that those [false teachings] are wrong. Tell them to [firmly] believe in the correct teachings.
Testimoniage haur eguiazcoa duc: causa hunegatic reprehenditzac hec viciqui, fedean sano diradençát:
14 [Teach them that] they should no [longer] listen to the stories that the Jews (made up/invented). [Especially] they should refuse to obey those who reject our true teachings, because those people are teaching things that only come from human beings, [not from God].
Behatzen eztutelaric Iuduén fabletara, eta eguiatic aldaratzen diraden guiçonén manuetara.
15 [Believers should reject] what they teach about food, [because] no [food that we eat] can make us unacceptable to God if we are pure [in our] ([inner beings/hearts]). But if people are evil and they do not trust [in Christ Jesus], there is no [ritual] that can make them acceptable to God. Such people’s way of thinking has been ruined {Such people have ruined their way of thinking}, and they do not even feel guilty [when they do what is evil].
Gauça guciac chahuendaco chahu dituc baina satsuendaco eta infidelendaco eztuc deus, chahuric, aitzitic dituc satsu hayén adimendua eta conscientiá.
16 Even though they claim/say that they know God, by what they do they [show that they] do not know (God/his true teaching). They do not obey [God], and they are unable to do anything that he considers to be good. [So God considers them to be absolutely] disgusting!
Professione eguiten dié Iaincoa eçagutzen dutela, baina obraz vkatzen dié, abominable diradelaric eta desobedient eta obra on orotara reprobatuac.