< Song of Solomon 8 >

1 I wish that you were my brother who (nursed at/drank milk from) my mother’s breasts [when you were a baby], [because, if you were my brother], if I saw you when you were outside [the house], I could kiss you, and no one would say that my doing that was wrong.
Haddaad ahaan lahayd walaalkay Oo naasihii hooyaday nuugay, Markaan dibadda kaa helaba waan ku dhunkan lahaa. Oo innaba layma quudhsadeen.
2 [No one would object if] I led you to my mother’s house, to where my mother, who taught me [many things], lives. I would like to take you to my mother’s house because I would [like to make love to you] [EUP], [and that would be as delightful as] [MET] juice [squeezed] from pomegranates.
Waan ku soo kaxayn lahaa oo waxaan ku gelin lahaa guriga hooyaday, Wax baadna i bari lahayd. Oo waxaan ku cabsiin lahaa khamriga xawaashka leh Ee biyaha rummaankayga laga sameeyey.
3 You would put your left arm under my head and with your right arm hold me close.
Gacantiisa bidix madaxaygay ka hoosayn lahayd, Oo gacantiisa midigna way isku kay duubi lahayd.
4 [I would say to] you women of Jerusalem, “Solemnly promise me that you will not disturb us while we are making love until we are ready to quit.”
Gabdhaha reer Yeruusaalemow, waxaan idinku dhaarinayaa Inaydaan jacayl kicin, ama aydaan toosin, Ilaa uu doono.
5 Who is that [woman] who is coming up from the desert, (leaning on/clinging close to) the man who loves her? I woke you up [when you were] under the apple tree at the place where your mother conceived you, which is the same place where she gave birth to you.
Waa tuma tan cidlada ka soo baxaysa, Ee gacaliyeheeda ku tiirsanu? Gacalisada Hadlaysaa Waxaan kaa soo kiciyey geed tufaax ah hoostiis. Halkaasaa hooyadaa kugu foolatay, Oo halkaasay tii ku dhashay kugu foolatay.
6 Keep me [close to you], like [SIM] a seal on your heart, [or] like [SIM] a bracelet on your arm. Our love [for each other] is as powerful as death, it is as enduring as the grave. [It is as though] our love [for each other] bursts into flames and burns like a hot fire. (Sheol h7585)
Qalbigaaga korkiisa ii dhig sida shaabad oo kale, oo gacantaada korkeeda ii dhig sida shaabad oo kale, Waayo, jacaylku wuxuu u xoog badan yahay sida geeri oo kale, Oo masayrkuna wuxuu u nac weyn yahay sidii She'ool oo kale. Belbelkiisu waa sida belbel dab ah, Oo waa ololka ugu wada kulul ee Rabbiga. (Sheol h7585)
7 Nothing can extinguish our love [for each other], not [even] a flood. If a man tried to cause a woman to love him by saying he would give her everything that is in his house, she would refuse.
Biyo badanu jacayl ma demin karaan, Oo daadadkuna innaba ma qarqin karaan. Haddii nin damco inuu jacayl soo siisto maalka gurigiisa oo dhan, Haddana dhammaan waa la quudhsan lahaa.
8 We have a younger sister, and her breasts are still small. So this is [RHQ] what we should do for her on the day that we promise [some young man] that he can marry her:
Annagu waxaannu leennahay walaal yar, Oo aan innaba naaso lahayn. Haddaba bal maxaannu walaashayo u samayn doonnaa Maalintii iyada guur loo soo doonto?
9 If [her chest is flat like] [MET] a wall, we will [decorate it by] putting silver [jewels that are like] [MET] towers on it. Or, if she is [flat like] [MET] a door, we will decorate her with bits/pieces of cedar wood.
Hadday derbi tahay waxaannu korkeeda ka dhisi doonnaa munaarad lacag ah, Oo hadday albaab tahayna waxaannu iyada ku hareerayn doonnaa alwaaxyo kedar ah.
10 My [chest was previously flat like] [MET] a wall, [but now] my breasts are [big] like [SIM] towers. So the one who loves me is delighted with me.
Anigu waxaan ahay derbi, oo naasahayguna waa sida munaaradaha oo kale. Oo markaas waxaan hortiisa ku ahaa sidii mid nabad heshay.
11 [King] Solomon had a vineyard at Baal-Hamon, and he rented it to people for them to take care of it. He required each one to pay him 1,000 pieces of silver [each year] for the grapes [that they harvested].
Sulaymaan beercanab buu Bacal Hamoon ku lahaa; Oo beercanabkii wuxuu ka kireeyey kuwa dhawra, Oo midkood kastaaba wuxuu midhaheeda uga keeni jiray kun xabbadood oo lacag ah.
12 [But my body is like] [MET] my own vineyard, and Solomon, I am giving it to you. [You do not need to pay me] 1,000 pieces of silver [to enjoy my body], but I will give 200 pieces of silver to those who take care of me [MET].
Beercanabkayga ah kan aan iska leeyahay, hortayduu ku yaal, Haddaba Sulaymaanow, adigu waxaad heli doontaa kun, Kuwa midhihiisa dhawraana laba boqol.
13 You are staying in the gardens and my friends are listening to your voice; [so] allow me to hear it, [too.]
Taada beeraha dhexdooda degganay, Rafiiqyadaadu waxay dhegaystaan codkaaga, Haddaba, bal i maqashii.
14 You who love me, come [to me] quickly; [run to me] [MET, EUP] as fast as [SIM] a gazelle or young deer runs across [MET] hills of spices.
Gacaliyahaygow, dhaqso, Oo waxaad ahaataa sida cawl ama deer qayrab ah Oo buuraha dhirta udgoon kor jooga.

< Song of Solomon 8 >