< Song of Solomon 8 >

1 I wish that you were my brother who (nursed at/drank milk from) my mother’s breasts [when you were a baby], [because, if you were my brother], if I saw you when you were outside [the house], I could kiss you, and no one would say that my doing that was wrong.
Oh perché non sei tu come un mio fratello, allattato dalle mammelle di mia madre! Trovandoti fuori, ti bacerei, e nessuno mi sprezzerebbe.
2 [No one would object if] I led you to my mother’s house, to where my mother, who taught me [many things], lives. I would like to take you to my mother’s house because I would [like to make love to you] [EUP], [and that would be as delightful as] [MET] juice [squeezed] from pomegranates.
Ti condurrei, t’introdurrei in casa di mia madre, tu mi ammaestreresti, e io ti darei a bere del vino aromatico, del succo del mio melagrano.
3 You would put your left arm under my head and with your right arm hold me close.
La sua sinistra sia sotto il mio capo, e la sua destra m’abbracci!
4 [I would say to] you women of Jerusalem, “Solemnly promise me that you will not disturb us while we are making love until we are ready to quit.”
O figliuole di Gerusalemme, io vi scongiuro, non svegliate, non svegliate l’amor mio, finch’essa non lo desideri!
5 Who is that [woman] who is coming up from the desert, (leaning on/clinging close to) the man who loves her? I woke you up [when you were] under the apple tree at the place where your mother conceived you, which is the same place where she gave birth to you.
Chi è colei che sale dal deserto appoggiata all’amico suo? Io t’ho svegliata sotto il melo, dove tua madre t’ha partorito, dove quella che t’ha partorito, s’è sgravata di te.
6 Keep me [close to you], like [SIM] a seal on your heart, [or] like [SIM] a bracelet on your arm. Our love [for each other] is as powerful as death, it is as enduring as the grave. [It is as though] our love [for each other] bursts into flames and burns like a hot fire. (Sheol h7585)
Mettimi come un sigillo sul tuo cuore, come un sigillo sul tuo braccio; perché l’amore è forte come la morte, la gelosia è dura come il soggiorno de’ morti. I suoi ardori sono ardori di fuoco, fiamma dell’Eterno. (Sheol h7585)
7 Nothing can extinguish our love [for each other], not [even] a flood. If a man tried to cause a woman to love him by saying he would give her everything that is in his house, she would refuse.
Le grandi acque non potrebbero spegnere l’amore, e de’ fiumi non potrebbero sommergerlo. Se uno desse tutti i beni di casa sua in cambio dell’amore, sarebbe del tutto disprezzato.
8 We have a younger sister, and her breasts are still small. So this is [RHQ] what we should do for her on the day that we promise [some young man] that he can marry her:
Noi abbiamo una piccola sorella, che non ha ancora mammelle; che farem noi della nostra sorella, quando si tratterà di lei?
9 If [her chest is flat like] [MET] a wall, we will [decorate it by] putting silver [jewels that are like] [MET] towers on it. Or, if she is [flat like] [MET] a door, we will decorate her with bits/pieces of cedar wood.
S’ella è un muro, costruiremo su lei una torretta d’argento; se ella è un uscio, la chiuderemo con una tavola di cedro.
10 My [chest was previously flat like] [MET] a wall, [but now] my breasts are [big] like [SIM] towers. So the one who loves me is delighted with me.
Io sono un muro, e le mie mammelle sono come torri; io sono stata ai suoi occhi come colei che ha trovato pace.
11 [King] Solomon had a vineyard at Baal-Hamon, and he rented it to people for them to take care of it. He required each one to pay him 1,000 pieces of silver [each year] for the grapes [that they harvested].
Salomone aveva una vigna a Baal-Hamon; egli affidò la vigna a de’ guardiani, ognun de’ quali portava, come frutto, mille sicli d’argento.
12 [But my body is like] [MET] my own vineyard, and Solomon, I am giving it to you. [You do not need to pay me] 1,000 pieces of silver [to enjoy my body], but I will give 200 pieces of silver to those who take care of me [MET].
La mia vigna, ch’è mia, la guardo da me; tu, Salomone, tienti pure i tuoi mille sicli, e se n’abbian duecento quei che guardano il frutto della tua!
13 You are staying in the gardens and my friends are listening to your voice; [so] allow me to hear it, [too.]
O tu che dimori ne’ giardini, de’ compagni stanno intenti alla tua voce! Fammela udire!
14 You who love me, come [to me] quickly; [run to me] [MET, EUP] as fast as [SIM] a gazelle or young deer runs across [MET] hills of spices.
Fuggi, amico mio, come una gazzella od un cerbiatto, sui monti degli aromi!

< Song of Solomon 8 >