< Song of Solomon 8 >

1 I wish that you were my brother who (nursed at/drank milk from) my mother’s breasts [when you were a baby], [because, if you were my brother], if I saw you when you were outside [the house], I could kiss you, and no one would say that my doing that was wrong.
O, da si mi brat, da si sisao prsa majke moje, našla bih te vani, poljubila bih te i nitko me zato ne bi prezirao.
2 [No one would object if] I led you to my mother’s house, to where my mother, who taught me [many things], lives. I would like to take you to my mother’s house because I would [like to make love to you] [EUP], [and that would be as delightful as] [MET] juice [squeezed] from pomegranates.
Povela bih te i uvela u kuću majke svoje koja me odgojila, pojila bih te najboljim vinom i sokom od mogranja.
3 You would put your left arm under my head and with your right arm hold me close.
Njegova mi je lijeva ruka pod glavom, a desnom me grli.
4 [I would say to] you women of Jerusalem, “Solemnly promise me that you will not disturb us while we are making love until we are ready to quit.”
Zaklinjem vas, kćeri jeruzalemske, ne budite, ne budite ljubav mojuš dok sama ne bude htjela!
5 Who is that [woman] who is coming up from the desert, (leaning on/clinging close to) the man who loves her? I woke you up [when you were] under the apple tree at the place where your mother conceived you, which is the same place where she gave birth to you.
Tko je ta što dolazi iz pustinje, naslonjena na dragoga svoga? Probudio sam te pod jabukom gdje te mati rodila, gdje te na svijet dala roditeljka tvoja.
6 Keep me [close to you], like [SIM] a seal on your heart, [or] like [SIM] a bracelet on your arm. Our love [for each other] is as powerful as death, it is as enduring as the grave. [It is as though] our love [for each other] bursts into flames and burns like a hot fire. (Sheol h7585)
Stavi me kao znak na srce, kao pečat na ruku svoju, jer ljubav je jaka kao smrt, a ljubomora tvrda kao grob. Žar je njezin žar vatre i plamena Jahvina. (Sheol h7585)
7 Nothing can extinguish our love [for each other], not [even] a flood. If a man tried to cause a woman to love him by saying he would give her everything that is in his house, she would refuse.
Mnoge vode ne mogu ugasiti ljubav niti je rijeke potopiti. Da netko daje za ljubav sve što u kući ima, taj bi navukao prezir na sebe.
8 We have a younger sister, and her breasts are still small. So this is [RHQ] what we should do for her on the day that we promise [some young man] that he can marry her:
Imamo malu sestru koja još nema grudi, što ćemo činiti sa svojom sestrom kad bude riječ o njoj?
9 If [her chest is flat like] [MET] a wall, we will [decorate it by] putting silver [jewels that are like] [MET] towers on it. Or, if she is [flat like] [MET] a door, we will decorate her with bits/pieces of cedar wood.
Ako bude poput zida, sagradit ćemo na njemu krunište od srebra; ako bude poput vrata, utvrdit ćemo ih cedrovim daskama.
10 My [chest was previously flat like] [MET] a wall, [but now] my breasts are [big] like [SIM] towers. So the one who loves me is delighted with me.
Ja sam zid i grudi su moje kule: tako postadoh u očima njegovim kao ona što nađe smirenje.
11 [King] Solomon had a vineyard at Baal-Hamon, and he rented it to people for them to take care of it. He required each one to pay him 1,000 pieces of silver [each year] for the grapes [that they harvested].
Salomon ima vinograd u Baal Hamonu, dao ga je čuvarima i svaki mora donijeti za urod tisuću srebrnjaka.
12 [But my body is like] [MET] my own vineyard, and Solomon, I am giving it to you. [You do not need to pay me] 1,000 pieces of silver [to enjoy my body], but I will give 200 pieces of silver to those who take care of me [MET].
Moj vinograd je preda mnom: tebi, Salomone, tisuća, a dvjesta onima što čuvaju plodove.
13 You are staying in the gardens and my friends are listening to your voice; [so] allow me to hear it, [too.]
O ti, koja boraviš u vrtovima, drugovi slušaju glas tvoj, daj da ga i ja čujem!
14 You who love me, come [to me] quickly; [run to me] [MET, EUP] as fast as [SIM] a gazelle or young deer runs across [MET] hills of spices.
Pohitaj, mili moj, budi kao srna i kao jelenče na gorama mirisnim!

< Song of Solomon 8 >