< Song of Solomon 6 >

1 You who are the most beautiful of all the women, where has the one who loves you gone? [If you tell us] which [RHQ] direction he went, we will go with you to search for him.
ای زیباترین زنان، محبوب تو کجا رفته است؟ بگو تا با هم برویم و او را پیدا کنیم.
2 The one who loves me has now come [to me, who am like] [MET, EUP] his garden, He has come to [enjoy my (charms/physical attractions) which are like] [MET, EUP] spices, to enjoy cuddling up to me [EUP, MET], and [kissing my lips, which are like] [MET] lilies.
محبوب من به باغ خود نزد درختان معطر بلسان رفته است، تا گله‌اش را بچراند و سوسنها بچیند.
3 I belong to the one who loves me, and the one who loves me belongs to me; he [enjoys kissing] my lips like [MET] [a shepherd enjoys] taking care of [his sheep].
من از آن محبوب خود هستم و محبوبم از آن من است. او گلهٔ خود را در میان سوسنها می‌چراند.
4 My darling, you are beautiful, like [SIM] Tirzah [the capital city of Israel] and Jerusalem [the capital city of Judah are beautiful]; you are as exciting [MET] as a [group/battalion of] troops holding up their banners.
ای محبوبهٔ من، تو همچون سرزمین تِرصه دلربا هستی. تو مانند اورشلیم، زیبا، و همچون لشکری آراسته برای جنگ، پرشکوه هستی.
5 Quit looking at me like that, because your eyes excite me very much. Your [long black] hair [moves from side to side] like [SIM] a flock of [black] goats [moving down the slopes] of Gilead [Mountain].
نگاهت را از من برگردان، زیرا چشمانت بر من غالب آمده‌اند. گیسوان مواج تو مانند گلهٔ بزهایی است که از کوه جلعاد سرازیر می‌شوند.
6 Your teeth are [very white] like [SIM] a flock of sheep [whose wool] has just been shorn and that have come up from being washed [in a stream]. You have all of your teeth; none of them is missing.
دندانهای تو به سفیدی گوسفندانی هستند که به تازگی شسته شده باشند؛ هر کدام جفت خود را دارد و هیچ‌کدام تنها نیست.
7 Beneath your veil, your cheeks are like [SIM] the halves of a pomegranate.
گونه‌هایت از پشت روبند تو همانند دو نیمهٔ انار است.
8 Even if a king had 60 queens and 80 (concubines/slave wives) and more young women than anyone can count,
در میان شصت ملکه و هشتاد کنیز و هزاران دوشیزه، کسی را مانند کبوتر خود بی‌عیب نیافتم. او عزیز و یگانهٔ مادرش است. دوشیزگان وقتی او را می‌بینند تحسینش می‌کنند و ملکه‌ها و کنیزان او را می‌ستایند.
9 [none of them would be like] my dove, who is perfect, you who are your mother’s only daughter, whom your mother considers to be very precious. [Other] young women who see you say that you are fortunate, and the queens and concubines recognize that you [are very beautiful].
10 Who is [RHQ] this woman who is [as delightful] as [SIM] the dawn, as fair/delightful [to look at] as [the light of] the moon, as exciting as a [group/battalion of] troops holding up their banners?
«این کیست که مثل سپیدهٔ صبح می‌درخشد و چون ماه زیبا و مثل آفتاب پاک و مانند ستارگان پرشکوه است؟»
11 I went down to some walnut trees to look at the new plants that were growing in the valley. I wanted to see if the grapevines had budded or if the pomegranate trees were blooming.
من به میان درختان گردو رفتم تا دره‌های سرسبز و برگهای تازهٔ تاکها و شکوفه‌های درختان انار را تماشا کنم.
12 [But] before I realized it, my desire [to make love caused me to be as excited as] a prince riding in a chariot.
اما نفهمیدم چگونه به آنجا رسیدم، زیرا اشتیاقم مرا چون کسی که بر ارابهٔ شاهزادگان سوار است به پیش می‌راند.
13 You who are the perfect one, come back [to us], in order that we may see you! Why do you want to look at this woman who is perfect, like [SIM] you like to watch two rows/lines of people dancing?
برگرد، ای دختر شولَمّی برگرد. برگرد تا تو را تماشا کنیم. محبوبه چرا می‌خواهید مرا تماشا کنید چنانکه گویی رقص محنایم را تماشا می‌کنید؟

< Song of Solomon 6 >