< Song of Solomon 1 >
1 This is [King] Solomon’s most beautiful song.
2 Kiss me [on my lips], because your love [for me] is more delightful than wine.
Да лобжет мя от лобзаний уст своих: яко блага сосца твоя паче вина,
3 The fragrance of the cologne on your [skin] is [very] sweet/pleasing [CHI]. And your reputation is [very] good and spreads, [like] [SIM] the fragrance of the special oil spread on your skin. That is why the [other] young women are attracted to you.
и воня мира твоего паче всех аромат. Миро излияное имя твое: сего ради отроковицы возлюбиша тя.
4 Take me quickly; take me to your home. [It is as though] you are my king; take me into your room. We are very happy [DOU] about you; we say that your love [for each other] is better than wine. It is not surprising that the other young women adore you.
Привлекоша тя: вслед тебе в воню мира твоего течем. Введе мя царь в ложницу свою: возрадуемся и возвеселимся о тебе, возлюбим сосца твоя паче вина: правость возлюби тя.
5 You women of Jerusalem, I am dark but beautiful; my dark skin is like [SIM] the tents in Kedar, [or] like the beautiful curtains in Solomon’s palace.
Черна есмь аз и добра, дщери Иерусалимския, якоже селения Кидарска, якоже завесы Соломони.
6 [But] do not stare at me because of the sun having caused my skin to become dark; my brothers were angry with me, [so] they forced me to work [out in the sunshine] in the vineyards, so I was not able to take good care of my body/skin [CHI, MET].
Не зрите мене, яко аз есмь очернена, яко опали мя солнце: сынове матере моея сваряхуся о мне, положиша мя стража в виноградех: винограда моего не сохраних.
7 You whom I [SYN] love, where will you take your flock of sheep today? Where will you allow them to rest at noontime? I want to know because it is not right [RHQ] for me to wander around like a prostitute looking for you among the flocks that belong to your friends.
Возвести ми, егоже возлюби душа моя, где пасеши? Где почиваеши в полудне? Да не когда буду яко облагающаяся над стады другов твоих.
8 You who are the most beautiful of all the women, if you [search for me and] do not know [where I will take my sheep], follow the tracks/footprints of the sheep. [Then] allow your young goats to (graze/eat grass) near the shepherds’ tents.
Аще не увеси самую тебе, добрая в женах, изыди ты в пятах паств и паси козлища твоя у кущей пастырских.
9 You [are beautiful], my darling, like the young female horse that pulls the chariot of the king of Egypt.
Конем моим в колесницех фараоновых уподобих тя, ближняя моя.
10 Your cheeks are decorated with jewelry, and there are strings of beads/pearls around your neck.
Что украшены ланиты твоя яко горлицы, выя твоя яко монисты?
11 We will make for you [some] gold earrings that are decorated/inlaid with silver.
Подобия злата сотворим ти с пестротами сребра.
12 While the king was on his couch, the smell of my perfume spread [around the room].
Дондеже (будет) царь на восклонении своем, нард мой даде воню свою.
13 The man who loves me is [as delightful as [MET]] a (sachet/small cloth bag) of myrrh between my breasts.
Вязание стакти брат мой мне, посреде сосцу моею водворится:
14 He is like [MET] a bunch of flowers from the vineyards at En-Gedi.
грезн кипров брат мой мне в виноградех Енгаддовых.
15 You whom I love, you are beautiful; you are very beautiful! Your eyes are [as delightful/charming as] doves.
Се, еси добра, искренняя моя, се, еси добра: очи твои голубине.
16 You who love me, you are very delightful/handsome, you are wonderful! This green grass will be [like] a couch [where we lie down].
Се, еси добр, брат мой, и еще красен: одр наш со осенением,
17 [Branches of] cedar [trees] will shade us; [it is as though branches of] juniper/pine [trees] will be like [MET] a roof [over our heads].
преклади дому нашего кедровии, дски нашя кипарисныя.