< Ruth 4 >
1 [Meanwhile], Boaz went up to the town gate and sat there. [That was the place where people met together to decide important matters]. When the man that Boaz had mentioned came there, the close relative of Ruth and Naomi’s dead husbands [who had a responsibility to take care of Naomi and Ruth], Boaz said to him, “My friend, come over here and sit down.” So the man went and sat down.
Og Boas gik op til Porten og sad der, og se, Løseren gik forbi, som Boas havde talt om, og han sagde til denne: Træd nærmere, sæt dig her, min Ven; og han traadte nærmere og satte sig.
2 Boaz then gathered ten of the elders of the town and asked them to sit down [there also]. After they sat down,
Og han tog ti Mænd af de Ældste i Staden og sagde: Sætter eder her, og de satte sig.
3 he said to the man who had the responsibility to take care of Naomi, “Naomi has returned from Moab [region]. She wants to sell the field that belonged to our relative Elimelech.
Da sagde han til Løseren: Den Del af Marken, som hørte vor Broder Elimelek til, den har Noomi, som er kommen tilbage af Moabiternes Land, solgt.
4 I thought that I should tell you about that, and suggest that you buy it, while these elders who are sitting here are listening. If you are willing to buy the property, do that. But if you do not want to buy it, tell me, so that I will know. I am suggesting this to you because you are the one who has the first right to buy it, and I am the one who has the second/next right to buy it.” The man replied, “I will buy it!”
Og jeg sagde: Jeg vil aabenbare det for dine Øren, og sige: Køb det i Overværelse af Indbyggerne og de Ældste af mit Folk: Dersom du vil løse det, løs det, men dersom du ikke vil løse det, giv mig det til Kende, at jeg kan vide det; thi der er ingen uden du til at løse det og jeg efter dig; og han sagde: Jeg vil løse det.
5 Then Boaz told him, “When you buy the land from Naomi, you will also be taking Ruth, [the woman] who is from Moab, [to be your wife], in order that she may [give birth to a son who will] inherit the property of her dead husband [MTY].”
Og Boas sagde: Paa hvilken Dag du køber det Land af Noomis Haand, da køber du det og af den moabitiske Ruth, den dødes Hustru, for at oprejse den døde et Navn paa hans Arv.
6 Then the close relative [of Ruth’s dead husband] said, “[If that is so], I do not [want to] buy the field, because then my own [children] would not inherit the property; [Ruth’s children would inherit it]. You buy the property!”
Da sagde Løseren: Jeg kan ikke løse det for mig, at jeg ikke skal fordærve min egen Arv; løs du det for dig, det jeg skulde løse; thi jeg kan ikke løse det.
7 At that time, it was the custom in Israel, when a person bought property that belonged to another person, that the man who was selling the property would take off one of his sandals and give it to the one who was buying the property. That was the way they finalized sales in Israel.
Og dette var fordum Sædvane i Israel ved Løsning og ved Skiften til at stadfæste al Handel, at een drog sin Sko af og gav sin Næste; og det var Vidnesbyrdet i Israel.
8 So that close relative said to Boaz, “You buy the field yourself!” And he took off [one of] his sandals [and gave it to Boaz].
Og Løseren sagde til Boas: Køb dig det; og han drog sin Sko af.
9 Then Boaz said to the elders and all the [other] people [who were there], “Today you have all seen that I have bought from Naomi all the property that belonged to [her dead husband] Elimelech and [his dead sons] Mahlon and Chilion.
Da sagde Boas til de Ældste og til alt Folket: I ere Vidner i Dag, at jeg har købt alt det, som hørte Elimelek til, og alt det, som hørte Kiljon og Malon til, af Noomis Haand.
10 I am also taking Ruth, [the woman] from Moab, Mahlon’s widow, to be my wife, in order that she may give birth to a son who will inherit the property of the dead man. In that way, Elimelech’s name will continue [LIT] among the members of his family and among all the people of this town. Today you all are witnesses [of what I have done].”
Og tilmed har jeg taget Ruth den moabitiske, Malons Hustru, mig til en Hustru, til at oprejse den døde et Navn paa hans Arv, at den dødes Navn ikke skal udslettes blandt hans Brødre og af hans Steds Port; dertil ere I Vidner i Dag.
11 All the elders and the [others] who were sitting at the [town] gate [agreed, and one of them] said, “[Yes, ] we are witnesses. We hope/desire that Yahweh will enable this woman, who will be coming into your home, to give birth to many children, as Rachel and Leah did. They are the women from whom all [us] people [MTY] of Israel are descended. We hope that you will become rich in the clan of Ephratah, and become famous [MTY] [here] in Bethlehem.
Og alt Folket, som var i Porten, og de Ældste sagde: Vi ere Vidner; Herren give, at den Kvinde, der kommer i dit Hus, maa blive som Rakel og som Lea, hvilke begge byggede Israels Hus; og bliv du mægtig i Efrata og bliv navnkundig i Bethlehem!
12 We hope/desire that Yahweh will enable you and this young woman to have many descendants. And we hope/desire that your family will be as important as the family of your ancestor Perez, the son of Judah and Tamar.”
Og dit Hus vorde ligesom Perez' Hus, hvem Thamar fødte Juda, ved den Sæd, som Herren skal give dig af denne unge Kvinde.
13 So Boaz took Ruth [home], and she became his wife. He (slept with/had sexual relations with) her [EUP] and Yahweh enabled her to become pregnant, and she gave birth to a son.
Saa tog Boas Ruth, og hun blev ham til Hustru, og han gik ind til hende, og Herren gav hende, at hun blev frugtsommelig, og hun fødte en Søn.
14 The women [of Bethlehem] said to Naomi, “Praise Yahweh! Now he has given [LIT] you a grandson who will be the one who will have the responsibility to take care of you. We hope that he will become famous [MTY] throughout Israel.
Da sagde Kvinderne til Noomi: Velsignet være Herren, som ikke vilde lade dig fattes en Løser i Dag, og hans Navn vorde priset i Israel!
15 He will make you feel young again, and he will take care of you when you become old. Your daughter-in-law, who loves you, has given birth to a son, who will (be better to/do more for) you than [if you had] seven sons [of your own].”
Og han skal være dig til at vederkvæge Sjælen og til at opholde dig i din Alderdom; thi din Sønnekone, som dig elskede, har født ham, hun, som er dig bedre end syv Sønner.
16 Then Naomi took the baby and put him on her lap, and took care of him.
Og Noomi tog Barnet og lagde det paa sit Skød, og hun blev hans Fostermoder.
17 The women who were living near her said, “[It is as though] Naomi [now] has a son!” And they named him Obed. [Later], Obed became the father of Jesse, and [later] Jesse became the father of [King] David.
Og Naboerskerne kaldte ham med Navn, sigende: Noomi er født en Søn; de kaldte hans Navn Obed, han var Fader til Isai, Davids Fader.
18 Here is [a list of] the ancestors of [King David]: Perez’s son was Hezron. Hezron’s son was Ram. Ram’s son was Amminadab. Amminadab’s son was Nahshon. Nahshon’s son was Salmon. Salmon’s son was Boaz. Boaz’s son was Obed. Obed’s son was Jesse. Jesse’s son was [King] David.
Og disse ere Perez' Slægter: Perez avlede Hezron,
og Hezron avlede Ram, og Ram avlede Amminadab,
og Amminadab avlede Nahesson, og Nahesson avlede Salmon,
og Salmon avlede Boas, og Boas avlede Obed,
og Obed avlede Isai, og Isai avlede David.