< Ruth 2 >

1 There was a man in Bethlehem who belonged to the clan of [Naomi’s dead husband], Elimelech. He was rich and well-known/influential. His name was Boaz.
Noemí tenía un pariente por parte de su marido que se llamaba Booz. Era un hombre rico e influyente de la familia de Elimelec.
2 [One day] Ruth said to Naomi, “Let me go to the fields and pick up the grain left behind by the workers.” Naomi replied, “Go ahead, my daughter.”
Poco después, Rut la moabita le dijo a Noemí: “Por favor, déjame ir a los campos a recoger el grano que ha quedado, si encuentro a alguien que me dé permiso”. “Sí, adelante, hija mía”, respondió Noemí.
3 So Ruth went to the fields and began to pick up some of the left-over grain. And it happened that she was working in a field that belonged to Boaz, [the man] from the clan of [her dead father-in-law], Elimelech!
Así que fue a recoger el grano que habían dejado los segadores. Resulta que estaba trabajando en un campo que pertenecía a Booz, un pariente de Elimelec.
4 Just then, Boaz arrived from Bethlehem. He greeted the men who were harvesting the grain, saying, “I want Yahweh to bless you!” They replied, “We want Yahweh to bless you, [too]!”
Más tarde, Booz llegó de Belén y le dijo a los segadores: “¡El Señor esté con ustedes!”. Y ellos respondieron: “¡El Señor lo bendiga!”.
5 Then Boaz saw Ruth, and asked the (foreman/man in charge of the other workmen), “Whose [daughter] is that young woman?”
Entonces Boozle preguntó a su criado, que estaba a cargo de los segadores: “¿Con quién está emparentada esta joven?”
6 The foreman replied, “She is the woman from Moab who returned from there with [her mother-in-law] Naomi.
“La joven es una moabita que volvió con Noemí de Moab”, respondió el criado.
7 She said to me, ‘Please let me walk behind the men who are harvesting the grain and pick up some of the grain they leave behind.’ [I gave her permission, and] she went into the field, and she has been working from this morning until now. The only time she did not work was when she rested for a short time in the shelter.”
“Me pidió permiso para recoger el grano detrás de los segadores. Así que vino, y ha estado trabajando aquí desde la mañana hasta ahora, salvo un breve descanso en el refugio”.
8 So Boaz went over to Ruth and said to her, “Young lady, listen to me. Don’t go and pick up grain in another field. Do not go away from here. Stay here with my servant girls.
Booz fue a hablar con Rut. “Escúchame, hija mía”, le dijo. “No te vayas a recoger el grano en el campo de otro. Quédate cerca de mis mujeres.
9 Watch where the men are harvesting, and follow along behind the [servant] girls. I will tell the men [who are working] not to touch/molest you. And whenever you are thirsty, go and get some water to drink from the jars that the men have filled.”
Presta atención a la parte del campo que cosechan los hombres y sigue a las mujeres. Les he dicho a los hombres que no te molesten. Cuando tengas sed, ve a beber de las jarras de agua que han llenado los criados”.
10 When he said that, she knelt down in front of him [in respect], with her face touching the ground. She exclaimed, “Why are you acting so kindly toward me, by paying attention to me? [I am not even a Jew; I am] a foreigner!”
Ella se inclinó con el rostro hacia el suelo. “¿Por qué eres tan amable conmigo o te fijas en mí, viendo que soy extranjera?”, le preguntó.
11 Boaz replied, “People have told me all about what you have done for your mother-in-law. They told me that you left your parents and your homeland, and you came here to live among people whom you did not know before.
“Me he enterado de todo lo que has hecho por tu suegra desde que murió tu marido”, respondió Booz. “Y también cómo dejaste a tu padre y a tu madre, y la tierra donde naciste, para venir a vivir entre gente que no conocías.
12 I hope/desire that Yahweh will repay you for what you have done. You have put yourself in the care of Yahweh, [like a little bird puts itself] under [its mother’s] wings [MET]. I desire that he will reward you very greatly.”
Que el Señor te recompense plenamente por todo lo que has hecho: el Señor, el Dios de Israel, a quien has acudido en busca de protección”.
13 She replied, “Sir, I hope you will continue to act kindly toward me. You have comforted/encouraged me, even though I am lower in status than any of your servant girls.”
“Gracias por ser tan bueno conmigo, señor” – respondió ella – “Me has tranquilizado al hablarme con amabilidad. Ni siquiera soy uno de tus siervos”.
14 At mealtime, Boaz said to her, “Come over here. Take some bread and dip it in the wine vinegar [and eat it].” Then when she sat down with the men who had been harvesting, he offered her some roasted grain. She ate all the grain she wanted, and had some left over.
Cuando llegó la hora de comer, Booz la llamó. “Ven aquí”, le dijo. “Toma un poco de pan y mójalo en vinagre de vino”. Así que ella se sentó con los trabajadores y Booz le pasó un poco de grano tostado para que comiera. Ella comió hasta saciarse y le sobró algo.
15 As she stood up to start gathering grain [again], Boaz ordered his workers, “Even if she gathers some grain near the bundles of grain that have been cut, do not scold her.
Cuando Rut volvió a trabajar, Booz dijo a sus hombres: “Dejen que recoja el grano incluso entre las gavillas. No le digan nada que la avergüence.
16 Instead, pull out some stalks of grain from the bundles, and leave them on the ground for her to pick up, and do not rebuke her.”
De hecho, saquen algunos tallos de los manojos que estén cortando y déjenlos para que los recoja. No la regañen”.
17 So Ruth gathered grain in the field until evening. Then she (threshed/beat with a stick) the barley that she had gathered, [to separate the kernels from the stalks], and the barley filled a large basket.
Rut trabajó en el campo hasta la noche. Cuando sacó el grano que había recogido era una gran cantidad.
18 She carried it back to town, and showed to her mother-in-law how much she had gathered. Ruth also showed to her the grain [that was left over after] she had eaten enough from [what Boaz had given her at lunchtime].
Lo recogió y lo llevó a la ciudad para mostrarle a su suegra la cantidad que había recogido. Rut también le dio lo que le había sobrado de la comida.
19 Her mother-in-law asked her, “Where did you gather grain today? In whose [field] did you work? [God will] surely bless the man who was kind to you.” Then Ruth told her about the man in whose field she had been working. She said, “The name of the man [who owns the field] where I worked today is Boaz.”
Noemí le preguntó: “¿Dónde has recogido hoy el grano? ¿Dónde has trabajado exactamente? Bendice a quien se haya preocupado lo suficiente por ti como para darte atención”. Entonces ella le contó a su suegra con quién había trabajado. “El hombre con el que he trabajado hoy se llama Booz”.
20 Naomi said to her daughter-in-law, “I hope/desire that Yahweh will bless him! He has not stopped acting kindly toward [us, who are still] living, and to [our husbands] who have died.” Then she added, “That man is a close relative [of Elimelech]; he is one of those who has a responsibility to help those who are his relatives.”
“¡Que el Señor lo bendiga!” exclamó Noemí a su nuera. “Sigue mostrando su bondad con los vivos y con los muertos. Ese hombre es un pariente cercano a nosotros, es un ‘redentor de la familia’”.
21 Then Ruth said, “He also said to me, ‘Stay with my workers until they have finished harvesting all my grain.’”
Rut añadió: “También me dijo: ‘Quédate cerca de mis trabajadores hasta que terminen de recoger toda mi cosecha’”.
22 Naomi replied, “My daughter, it will be good for you to go [to his field] with his [servant] girls, because if you go to someone else’s field, someone might harm/molest you.”
“Eso está bien, hija mía”, le dijo Noemí a Rut. “Quédate con sus trabajadoras. No vayas a otros campos donde podrían molestarte”.
23 So Ruth stayed close to Boaz’s [servant] girls [while she was working]. She gathered stalks of grain until the barley harvest and the wheat harvest were finished. During that time she lived with Naomi.
Así que Rut se quedó con las trabajadoras de Booz recogiendo el grano hasta el final de la cosecha de cebada, y luego hasta el final de la cosecha de trigo. Vivió con su suegra todo el tiempo.

< Ruth 2 >