< Romans 9 >
1 [Now I would like to discuss the fact that most of my fellow Israelites have rejected Christ]. Because of my relationship with Christ, I say completely truthfully [what I will now tell you]. I am not lying [DOU]! My conscience confirms what I [say] because the Holy Spirit [controls it].
Я кажу правду в Христі, не обманюю, і моє сумління підтверджує це через Святого Духа:
2 [I tell you that] I grieve very greatly and deeply [DOU] [about my fellow Israelites].
у мене в серці велика печаль і невпинний біль.
3 I personally would be willing to let [God] curse me [and, as a result, be separated] from Christ, [if that would] help my fellow Israelites, my natural kinsmen, [to believe in Christ].
Адже я бажав би бути проклятим [і відлученим] від Христа заради моїх братів, моїх рідних за тілом,
4 We [Jews] are [Israelites, God’s chosen] descendants of [Jacob]. [God has always considered] us as his children [MET]. It was to our ancestors [that he used to appear] gloriously [while they were in the desert]. It was with them that [God made] covenants [several times]. It was to them [that God] gave the laws [at Sinai Mountain]. They were the ones [to whom God showed how they should] worship him. They were the ones [to whom God] promised many things, [especially that the Messiah would come from their race].
тобто за народ Ізраїлю. Їм належить усиновлення, слава, заповіти, законодавство, служіння та обітниці.
5 It was our ancestors, [Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, whom God chose to found our nation]. And, [most importantly], it was from us Israelites that the Messiah received his human nature. [Nevertheless, most of my fellow Israelites have rejected Christ], who is the one who controls all things! He is God, the one who is worthy that we praise him forever! This is true! (OR, Amen!) (aiōn )
Їхніми є патріархи й від них за тілом Христос – Бог над усіма, благословенний навіки! Амінь. (aiōn )
6 [God promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, that their descendants would all inherit his blessings]. But [although most of my fellow Israelites have rejected Christ], that does not [prove] that God has failed [to do] the things that he promised, because it is not all who are descended from Jacob and who [call themselves the people of] Israel whom [God considers] to be truly his people.
Але це не [означає, ] що Слово Боже не збулося. Адже не всі, хто походить з Ізраїлю, – це Ізраїль.
7 And it is also not all of Abraham’s natural descendants that [God considers] to be his people. Instead, [God considers only some of them to be Abraham’s children]. [This agrees with what God told Abraham]: “It is Isaac, [not any of your(sg) other sons], whom [I] will consider [to be the true father of] your descendants.”
І не всі нащадки Авраама є його дітьми. Бо [написано]: «Через Ісаака буде названо тобі нащадка».
8 That means that it is not all the natural-born descendants [of Abraham] whom God [considers as] his children. Instead, it is those who [believed what God] promised whom [he] considers to be his children.
Тобто не тілесні діти є дітьми Божими, а діти обітниці вважаються нащадками.
9 [You know that what God] promised [to Abraham] was this: “About this time [next year] Sarah [your wife] will bear a son [as a result of my enabling] [MTY] [her to do so].” [So Abraham knew that it was not through Ishmael, the son that he already had, that God would fulfill what he had promised him] (OR, [that his true descendants would come]).
Бо ось якими були слова обітниці: «У призначений час Я повернуся, і у Сарри буде син».
10 And not only then did God show [that he did not determine who would be his true children according to who their ancestors were. He showed it again] when Rebecca conceived [twins] by our ancestor Isaac.
І не тільки це, але й Ревека [отримала обітницю], завагітнівши від нашого батька Ісаака.
11 Before [the twins, Jacob and Esau], were born, when neither one had yet done anything good or bad, [God] said to Rebecca [about the twins she was to bear], “The older one shall later serve the younger one, [contrary to normal custom].” [God said this] in order that [we] might [clearly] understand that what he purposed [for people] was according to what he himself determined. That is, people’s [eternal destiny] does not depend on what they do. Instead, their destiny depends on [God], the one who chooses them.
Бо коли [близнюки] ще не народилися й не зробили нічого доброго чи поганого (щоб намір Божий у вибранні залишився
не від учинків, але від Того, Хто кличе), їй було сказано: «Старший служитиме молодшому».
13 And [this teaching is] ([supported/shown to be true]) [by] what is written [in the Scriptures] {what [a prophet] recorded} [that God said]: “I favored Jacob, [the younger son]. I did not favor [HYP] Esau, [the older son].”
Як написано: «Якова Я полюбив, а Ісава зненавидів».
14 [Someone] might say, “(Is God unjust [by choosing the ones he wants to choose?/I think] that God is unjust [by choosing the ones he wants to choose!])” [RHQ] [I would reply], “[He is] certainly not [unjust]!”
Що тоді скажемо? Невже Бог несправедливий? Зовсім ні!
15 God told Moses, “I will pity and help anyone whom I choose [DOU]!”
Бо Він каже Мойсеєві: «Я помилую того, кого хочу помилувати, і зглянуся над тим, над ким хочу зглянутись».
16 So [God chooses people], not because they want [God to choose them] or because they try hard [to do things so that he] will [accept them]. Instead he chooses people because he himself has mercy [on undeserving ones].
Отже, це залежить не від того, хто хоче, і не від того, хто біжить, а від Божої милості.
17 [Moses] recorded [PRS] [that God had told] Pharaoh, “This is why I gave you [(sg)] authority [MTY]: It was in order that I might show [by how I oppose] you [how exceedingly] powerful I am, and in order that people everywhere [HYP] would hear about me [MTY].”
Бо Писання говорить фараонові: «Я поставив тебе для того, щоб показати через тебе Мою силу й щоб ім’я Моє звіщалося по всій землі».
18 So [we conclude that God] kindly helps the ones he wants to act kindly towards. But he makes stubborn the ones [such as Pharaoh] that he wants [to make stubborn].
Отже, [Бог] милує, кого хоче, і, кого хоче, робить черствим.
19 [One of] you may [object to this by] saying to me, “[Because God determines ahead of time everything that people do, that also implies that he wants us to do everything that we do]. (No one has resisted what God has willed!/Who has resisted what God has willed?) [RHQ] Therefore, (it would not be right that God would still condemn [a person for having sinned]!/why does God still condemn [a person for having sinned]?) [RHQ]”
Хтось мені скаже: «Чому тоді Він звинувачує? Бо хто здатний противитися Його волі?»
20 [I would reply that since] you [(sg)] are [just a] human being, (you do not [have any right at all to] criticize God!/[who are you to] say that what God does is wrong?) [RHQ] [As a potter is the one who creates a clay pot, God is the one who created you]. (A clay pot [MET] certainly would not [have a right to criticize] the potter by asking [PRS], “Why did you [(sg)] make me this way?”/Would a clay pot [have a right to criticize] the potter by asking [PRS], “Why did you [(sg)] make me this way?”) [RHQ]
Але хто ти, людино, щоб сперечатися з Богом? Чи виріб скаже тому, хто його створив: «Чому ти зробив мене таким?»
21 Instead, (the potter certainly has the right to [take] some clay and from one lump [of clay] make one pot that people will honor and [make another] one for ordinary purposes [MET]./does not a potter have the right to [take] some clay and from one lump [of clay] make one pot that people will honor and [make another] pot for ordinary purposes?) [MET, RHQ] [Similarly, God has the right to carry out what he purposes for people].
Хіба гончар не має влади над глиною, щоб із тієї ж глини зробити одну посудину для почесного вжитку, а іншу – для звичайного?
22 Although God desires to show that he is angry [about sin], and [although he desires to] make clear that he can powerfully [punish people who have sinned], he tolerated very patiently the people [MET] who caused him to be angry and who deserved to be destroyed (OR, who were made to be destroyed).
А що, коли Бог, бажаючи проявити [Свій] гнів і виявити Свою силу, з великим терпінням щадив посудини гніву, підготовлені до знищення,
23 [God has been patient] in order that he might make clear how very wonderfully [he acts toward those] [MET] whom he intended to act mercifully towards and whom he prepared ahead of time in order that they might [live] gloriously [in heaven].
щоб виявити багатство Своєї слави посудинам Його милосердя, які Він заздалегідь підготував до слави, –
24 That means us whom he chose—not only [us] Jews but also non-Jews.
нам, покликаним не тільки з-поміж юдеїв, але й з-поміж язичників?
25 [These words that] Hosea wrote [MTY] that [God] said also (show that God has the right/[support God’s right]) [to choose from among both Jews and non-Jews] [MTY]: I will declare that many people who were not my people are now my people. I will declare that many people whom I did not love [HYP] before, I love now.
Як сказав у Осії: «Я назву Моїм народом не Мій народ і нелюбу – улюбленою»,
26 And [another prophet wrote]: What will happen is that in the places where [God] told them before, “You are not my people,” in those same places [people] will declare truthfully that they are children of God, who is completely powerful.
а також: «Там, де їм було сказано: „Ви не Мій народ“, їх будуть називати синами живого Бога».
27 Isaiah also exclaimed concerning the Israelites: Even though the Israelites are [so many that no one can count them, like] sand [particles on the beach beside] the ocean, [only] a small part of them will be saved {[God] will save [only] a small part of them},
Ісая проголошує про Ізраїль: «Навіть якщо кількість синів Ізраїля буде як морського піску, врятований буде лише залишок.
28 because the Lord will punish completely and speedily the [people who live on] this earth, as he said that he would do.
Бо Господь швидко та остаточно виконає Своє Слово на землі».
29 [Also, we can understand from what the prophet] Isaiah said [that God would not save] anyone if he did not show mercy: If the Lord, who controls everything in heaven, had not mercifully allowed some of our descendants to survive, we would have become like the people of [the cities of] Sodom and Gomorrah, who were [SIM, DOU] completely destroyed.
І як сказав Ісая раніше: «Якби Господь Воїнств не залишив нам нащадка, ми б стали як Содом й були б подібні до Гоморри».
30 We must conclude this: [RHQ] Although non-Jews did not search out [a way by which] God would erase the record of their sins, they actually found that way because they trusted [in what Christ did for them].
Що тоді скажемо? Язичники, які не прагнули праведності, здобули її – праведність, яка походить від віри.
31 But although [the people of] Israel sought a basis [by which God would] erase the record of their sins, they did not succeed in [fulfilling the true purpose of the] laws [that God gave to Moses].
А Ізраїль, який шукав Закону праведності, не досягнув цього.
32 The reason [RHQ] [that they did not succeed] is that they did not trust that [God would provide a way to save them]. Instead, they were trying to do certain things [in order that God would accept them. Because they did not expect the Messiah to die, the Israelites] felt disgusted about [Jesus’ death, which is like] the stone [MET] on which people stumble.
Чому? Тому що вони [шукали] не вірою, а ділами Закону. Вони спіткнулися об камінь спотикання.
33 This is what [a prophet] predicted when he wrote these words that [God said about the Messiah]: Listen! I am placing in Israel [MTY] [one who is like] a stone [MET] on which people will stumble. What he does will offend people [DOU]. Nevertheless, those who believe in him will not be disappointed.
Як написано: «Ось я кладу на Сіоні Камінь спотикання і Скелю падіння, і той, хто вірить у Нього, не буде осоромлений».