< Romans 8 >
1 Because [God has erased the record of our sins because we trust in what Christ has done for us], now [God will] not condemn and punish those/us who have a relationship with (OR, are united to) Christ Jesus.
Zo is er dan nu geen verdoemenis voor degenen, die in Christus Jezus zijn, die niet naar het vlees wandelen, maar naar den Geest.
2 [God’s] Spirit causes us to live [in a new way] [PRS] as a result of what Christ Jesus [did for us]. And he has set up a way by which he frees [each of] us from continually being forced to sin (OR, to obey our self-directed natures) and from being separated from God.
Want de wet des Geestes des levens in Christus Jezus heeft mij vrijgemaakt van de wet der zonde en des doods.
3 What [we] could not do [by trying to obey] the laws [of God] [PRS], because our self-directed nature was too weak [to obey them], God did. He sent his own Son [into the world in order that his Son might atone] for our sin. His Son came having a body (OR, human nature) that was like [the body] (OR, the [human nature]) of us people who sin. [By sending his Son in this way], he condemned and punished [his Son, who never sinned, instead of punishing us, who] sinned [MTY]. He did that [by making his Son’s] body [a sacrifice] (OR, [by causing his Son’s] body [to suffer/die]) for [all our] sin.
Want hetgeen der wet onmogelijk was, dewijl zij door het vlees krachteloos was, heeft God, Zijn Zoon zendende in gelijkheid des zondigen vleses, en dat voor de zonde, de zonde veroordeeld in het vlees.
4 So we can [now] fulfill all that God required in his laws. We do this, not by our acting the way our sinful human nature [desires], but instead by living as [God’s] Spirit [desires us to live].
Opdat het recht der wet vervuld zou worden in ons, die niet naar het vlees wandelen, maar naar den Geest.
5 People who live according to what their self-directed nature [desires] think about and are concerned about what their self-directed nature [desires]. But people who [live] according to what [God’s] Spirit [desires think about and are concerned about] what [God’s] Spirit [desires].
Want die naar het vlees zijn, bedenken, dat des vleses is; maar die naar den Geest zijn, bedenken, dat des Geestes is.
6 Those people who [PRS] think about and are concerned about what their self-directed nature [desires] will not live eternally (OR, will be separated from God). But those people who think about and are concerned about what [God’s] Spirit [desires] will live [eternally] and have [inner] peace.
Want het bedenken des vleses is de dood; maar het bedenken des Geestes is het leven en vrede;
7 Let me explain this. [To the extent that] people [PRS] think about and are concerned about what their self-directed nature [desires], they are acting contrary to God. They do not obey the laws of God. In fact, they are not even able [to obey his laws].
Daarom dat het bedenken des vleses vijandschap is tegen God; want het onderwerpt zich der wet Gods niet; want het kan ook niet.
8 The people who let their self-directed nature [control them] cannot do what pleases God.
En die in het vlees zijn, kunnen Gode niet behagen.
9 But we do not have to let our self-directed nature [control us]. Instead, we can [let] God’s Spirit [control us], because he lives within us. If people do not have [living in them] the Spirit [who comes from] Christ, they do not belong to Christ.
Doch gijlieden zijt niet in het vlees, maar in den Geest, zo anders de Geest Gods in u woont. Maar zo iemand den Geest van Christus niet heeft, die komt Hem niet toe.
10 But since Christ [is living in you/us by his Spirit, although] your/our bodies [are certain to] die because you/we sin, your/our spirits are alive because God has erased the record of your/our sins.
En indien Christus in ulieden is, zo is wel het lichaam dood om der zonden wil; maar de geest is leven om der gerechtigheid wil.
11 [God] caused Jesus to live again after he died. And because his Spirit lives in you/us, [God] will also make your/our bodies, which [now] are sure to die, live [again after you/we die]. God, who caused Christ to live again after he died, will make you/us live again by [causing] his Spirit, who lives within you/us, [to do it].
En indien de Geest Desgenen, Die Jezus uit de doden opgewekt heeft, in u woont, zo zal Hij, Die Christus uit de doden opgewekt heeft, ook uw sterfelijke lichamen levend maken, door Zijn Geest, Die in u woont.
12 Therefore, my fellow believers, we must [live as the Spirit directs us]. What we do not have to do is to live as our self-directed nature [guides us].
Zo dan, broeders, wij zijn schuldenaars niet aan het vlees, om naar het vlees te leven.
13 If you live the way your self-directed nature [directs], you will surely not live [eternally] (OR, will surely be eternally separated from God). But if by [the power of God’s] Spirit you quit doing the [sinful] things that your bodies [desire] [MET], you will live eternally.
Want indien gij naar het vlees leeft, zo zult gij sterven; maar indien gij door den Geest de werkingen des lichaams doodt, zo zult gij leven.
14 We who are guided by the Spirit of God {allow the Spirit of God to guide us} are God’s children.
Want zovelen als er door den Geest Gods geleid worden, die zijn kinderen Gods.
15 [You have showed that this is true], because you received [from God] a Spirit that is not one that makes you fear [God] again. You are not like slaves who [fear their masters] [MET]. On the contrary, we have received a Spirit by whose [work in our hearts God] has adopted us. The Spirit now enables us to cry out [to God], “[You(sg) are my] Father [DOU]!”
Want gij hebt niet ontvangen den Geest der dienstbaarheid wederom tot vreze; maar gij hebt ontvangen den Geest der aanneming tot kinderen, door Welken wij roepen: Abba, Vader!
16 The Spirit himself confirms what our spirits [say], that we are God’s children.
Dezelve Geest getuigt met onzen geest, dat wij kinderen Gods zijn.
17 Because we are [God’s] children, we also will some day receive/inherit [eternal blessings/privileges]. We will receive/inherit them from God, and we will [also] receive/inherit [them] just like Christ has [inherited them]. But we must suffer [for doing good] as Christ did, in order to receive splendor as he did.
En indien wij kinderen zijn, zo zijn wij ook erfgenamen, erfgenamen van God, en medeerfgenamen van Christus; zo wij anders met Hem lijden, opdat wij ook met Hem verheerlijkt worden.
18 I consider that what we suffer during the present time is not worth [paying attention to, because] the future splendor/glory that will be revealed {that [God] will reveal} to us [is so great].
Want ik houde het daarvoor, dat het lijden dezes tegenwoordigen tijds niet is te waarderen tegen de heerlijkheid, die aan ons zal geopenbaard worden.
19 The [things that God has] created are very eagerly waiting for [the time] [PRS, DOU] when God will reveal who his [true] children are.
Want het schepsel, als met opgestoken hoofde, verwacht de openbaring der kinderen Gods.
20 [God] caused the things that he created to be unable to achieve [what he had purposed. That was] not because they wanted to [be unable to do that]. On the contrary, [God] made them that way because he wanted them to keep confidently expecting
Want het schepsel is der ijdelheid onderworpen, niet gewillig, maar om diens wil, die het der ijdelheid onderworpen heeft;
21 that the things that [he] created will be freed {that [he] will free the things that [he] created} from their sure decay [MET]. [He] will free them in order that [he can give them] the same glory that belongs to his children.
Op hoop, dat ook het schepsel zelf zal vrijgemaakt worden van de dienstbaarheid der verderfenis, tot de vrijheid der heerlijkheid der kinderen Gods.
22 We know that until now [it is as though] all [things] that God created have been groaning together, [and they long for that glory, just like a mother having the pains before bearing a child] groans [and longs for her baby’s birth] [MET].
Want wij weten, dat het ganse schepsel te zamen zucht, en te zamen als in barensnood is tot nu toe.
23 Not only [do those things groan], but we ourselves also groan inwardly. We who have [God’s] Spirit, who is like a partial gift [MET] we have received as we wait for [the future glory, groan inwardly]. We groan while we wait eagerly for the time when we will receive our [full] rights as God’s adopted children. That [will include] his freeing our bodies [from the things that hinder us on earth. He will do this by giving us new bodies].
En niet alleen dit, maar ook wij zelven, die de eerstelingen des Geestes hebben, wij ook zelven, zeg ik, zuchten in onszelven, verwachtende de aanneming tot kinderen, namelijk de verlossing onzes lichaams.
24 Ever since we were saved {since [God] saved us}, we have continued to confidently expect [that future glory]. If we had what we waited for, we would not [need to] wait for it any longer, because those who have something, certainly do not continue to wait for it! [RHQ]
Want wij zijn in hope zalig geworden. De hoop nu, die gezien wordt, is geen hoop; want hetgeen iemand ziet, waarom zal hij het ook hopen?
25 But because we keep waiting expectantly to receive what we do not yet have, we wait for it eagerly and patiently/perseveringly.
Maar indien wij hopen, hetgeen wij niet zien, zo verwachten wij het met lijdzaamheid.
26 Similarly, in addition to our continuing to wait for what God will give us, God’s Spirit helps us when our spirits feel weak. We do not know what is proper/necessary for us to pray. But God’s Spirit knows, and he prays for us when we groan (OR, he groans) in a way that cannot be expressed in words (OR, prays with us, groaning in a way that cannot be expressed in words).
En desgelijks komt ook de Geest onze zwakheden mede te hulp; want wij weten niet, wat wij bidden zullen, gelijk het behoort, maar de Geest Zelf bidt voor ons met onuitsprekelijke zuchtingen.
27 God, who examines our inner feelings, understands what his Spirit desires. What God understands is that his Spirit prays for us who belong to God exactly as God wants him to pray.
En Die de harten doorzoekt, weet, welke de mening des Geestes zij, dewijl Hij naar God voor de heiligen bidt.
28 And we know that to those/us who love God, he works out all things that happen [to them/us] in a way that produces good [spiritual] benefits [for us]. He does these things for those/us whom he has chosen, because that was (OR, was according to) what he planned to do.
En wij weten, dat dengenen, die God liefhebben, alle dingen medewerken ten goede, namelijk dengenen, die naar Zijn voornemen geroepen zijn.
29 God knew previously [that we would believe] in him (OR, [would be saved]). We are those who God also decided previously would develop a character like his Son’s character. The result of that is that [Christ is like] a firstborn/highest-ranking [son], and [those/we who are God’s children] [MET] are [like] [MET] many [younger] brothers [of Jesus].
Want die Hij te voren gekend heeft, die heeft Hij ook te voren verordineerd, den beelde Zijns Zoons gelijkvormig te zijn, opdat Hij de Eerstgeborene zij onder vele broederen.
30 And us who God decided previously [that we would become like his Son], he also summoned. And for us whom he summoned, he also erased the record of our sins. And for us whose record of sins he has erased, he also will surely give future splendor.
En die Hij te voren verordineerd heeft, dezen heeft Hij ook geroepen; en die Hij geroepen heeft, dezen heeft Hij ook gerechtvaardigd; en die Hij gerechtvaardigd heeft, dezen heeft Hij ook verheerlijkt.
31 So (I will tell you what we must conclude from [all] these things [that God does for us]./what shall we conclude from [all] these things [that God does for us]?) [RHQ] Because God [is acting] on our behalf, (no one can win against us!/can anyone defeat us? (OR, it does not matter if anyone opposes us)!) [RHQ]
Wat zullen wij dan tot deze dingen zeggen? Zo God voor ons is, wie zal tegen ons zijn?
32 God did not spare even his very own Son. Instead, he turned him over [to others to cruelly kill him] in order that all we [who believe in him] may benefit [from his dying for us. Therefore, because God did that], (he will also certainly give us freely everything [that we need to live for him], in addition to [giving us] Christ./will he not also certainly give us freely everything [that we need to live for him], in addition to [giving us] Christ?) [RHQ]
Die ook Zijn eigen Zoon niet gespaard heeft, maar heeft Hem voor ons allen overgegeven, hoe zal Hij ons ook met Hem niet alle dingen schenken?
33 It is God himself who erases the record of our sins. So (no one who accuses us [before God will win against us] (OR, [it does not matter] if anyone tries to accuse us) whom God has chosen./is it possible that anyone who accuses us [before God] will win against us (OR, does it matter if anyone tries to accuse us) whom God has chosen?) [RHQ]
Wie zal beschuldiging inbrengen tegen de uitverkorenen Gods? God is het, Die rechtvaardig maakt.
34 It is Christ Jesus himself who pleads [with God] for us, so (no one can condemn us (OR, say that we are still guilty for our sin)./can anyone condemn us (OR, say that we are still guilty for our sin)?) [RHQ] Christ died [for us], but he was also brought back to life {[God] also raised him from the dead}, and he is now at the place of honor [ruling] with God [MTY].
Wie is het, die verdoemt? Christus is het, Die gestorven is; ja, wat meer is, Die ook opgewekt is, Die ook ter rechter hand Gods is, Die ook voor ons bidt.
35 Absolutely no one and nothing can cause Christ to stop loving us! [RHQ] That could not [RHQ] happen [because someone] caused us to have trouble [DOU], or [because someone did things to] harm us, or [because we did] not have anything to eat, or [because we did] not have enough clothes, or [because we lived in a] dangerous situation, or [because someone killed us with] a sword [MTY] (OR, murdered us).
Wie zal ons scheiden van de liefde van Christus? Verdrukking, of benauwdheid, of vervolging, of honger, naaktheid, of gevaar, of zwaard?
36 [Such things may happen to us, just like] it is written {[as David] wrote} [that David said to God], “Because we are your [(sg)] people, [other people repeatedly attempt to] kill us. They consider that we are [only people to be killed], [like a butcher considers] that sheep are [only] animals to be slaughtered [MET].”
(Gelijk geschreven is: Want om Uwentwil worden wij den gansen dag gedood; wij zijn geacht als schapen ter slachting.)
37 But even though all these bad things [may happen to us], we win a great victory/triumph [over these things because Christ], who loves us, [helps us].
Maar in dit alles zijn wij meer dan overwinnaars, door Hem, Die ons liefgehad heeft.
38 I am absolutely certain that neither being dead (OR, being killed), nor [what happens to us while] we live, nor angels, nor demons, nor present events, nor future events, nor powerful [beings/forces],
Want ik ben verzekerd, dat noch dood, noch leven, noch engelen, noch overheden, noch machten, noch tegenwoordige, noch toekomende dingen,
39 nor [powerful beings] above [the horizon] or below [the horizon] [MTY], nor anything else that [God has] created can cause God to stop loving us. [God showed us that he loves us by sending] Jesus Christ our Lord [to die for us].
Noch hoogte, noch diepte, noch enig ander schepsel ons zal kunnen scheiden van de liefde Gods, welke is in Christus Jezus, onzen Heere.