< Romans 5 >
1 Because we trusted [in Christ], the record of our sins has been erased {[God] has erased the record of our sins}. So we [now] have a peaceful relationship with God because of our trust in what our Lord Jesus Christ [has done for us].
Justificati ergo ex fide, pacem habeamus ad Deum per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum:
2 Because of [what] Christ [has done], God has also enabled us to begin experiencing his continually acting toward us in ways that we do not deserve. Also, we rejoice because we are confidently expecting that God [will gladly show] us how great he is.
per quem et habemus accessum per fidem in gratiam istam, in qua stamus, et gloriamur in spe gloriæ filiorum Dei.
3 We rejoice even when we suffer [as a result of our trusting in Christ], because we know that when we are suffering, the result is that we learn to endure things [patiently].
Non solum autem, sed et gloriamur in tribulationibus: scientes quod tribulatio patientiam operatur:
4 And [we know] that when we endure things [patiently], the result is that [God] approves [of us]. And when we [know that God] approves [of us], the result is that we confidently expect [that he will do great things for us].
patientia autem probationem, probatio vero spem,
5 And we are very confident [PRS] that we will receive the things that we wait expectantly [for], because God loves us very much. His Holy Spirit, who has been {whom [he] has} given to us, [causes] us to understand how much God loves us.
spes autem non confundit: quia caritas Dei diffusa est in cordibus nostris per Spiritum Sanctum, qui datus est nobis.
6 When we were unable [to save ourselves], it was Christ who, at the time [that God chose], died on behalf of [us] ungodly [people].
Ut quid enim Christus, cum adhuc infirmi essemus, secundum tempus, pro impiis mortuus est?
7 Rarely would anyone die on behalf of another person, [even if] that person were righteous, although someone might be courageous enough to die on behalf of a truly good person person.
vix enim pro justo quis moritur: nam pro bono forsitan quis audeat mori.
8 Nevertheless, as for God, the way he showed us that he loves us is that Christ died on our behalf while we were still rebelling against God.
Commendat autem caritatem suam Deus in nobis: quoniam cum adhuc peccatores essemus, secundum tempus,
9 The record of our sins has been erased {[God] has erased the record of our sins} because of [what Christ accomplished when] his blood [MTY] [flowed when he died]. So it is even more certain that we will be saved by Christ {that Christ will save us} from God’s punishing us [eternally] [MTY].
Christus pro nobis mortuus est: multo igitur magis nunc justificati in sanguine ipsius, salvi erimus ab ira per ipsum.
10 Even when we were acting hostilely towards God, he enabled us to have a peaceful relationship with him as a result of his Son dying [for us]. So it is even more certain that we will be saved {Christ will be able to save us} [from God’s punishing us] [MTY] because Christ is alive [again] and because [God] has enabled us to have a peaceful relationship [with himself].
Si enim cum inimici essemus, reconciliati sumus Deo per mortem filii ejus: multo magis reconciliati, salvi erimus in vita ipsius.
11 And that’s not all! Now we also rejoice about [the things that] God [has done for us] because of our Lord Jesus Christ [dying for us] and enabling us to have a peaceful relationship with God.
Non solum autem: sed et gloriamur in Deo per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum, per quem nunc reconciliationem accepimus.
12 [What you can learn from what I have written so far is as follows]: All people are sinful [PRS], and that is the result of [Adam, the first] man whom [God created, sinning long ago]. Adam died [PRS] because he sinned. So, all people [who have lived since then] die, because [it is as though] all people sinned [when Adam sinned].
Propterea sicut per unum hominem peccatum in hunc mundum intravit, et per peccatum mors, et ita in omnes homines mors pertransiit, in quo omnes peccaverunt.
13 [People in] [MTY] the world sinned before [God gave his] laws [to Moses]. But people are not considered [by God] {[God] does not consider people} to be guilty for their sins if there is no law [stating that what they did was sinful].
Usque ad legem enim peccatum erat in mundo: peccatum autem non imputabatur, cum lex non esset.
14 But [we know] that from [the time when] Adam [lived] until [the time when] Moses [lived], all people sinned, and they died [as a consequence] [PRS, MET]. Even people who sinned differently from the way Adam [sinned, died]. [Adam’s sin] affected [all people], just like what [Christ did], the one who came later, can affect all people.
Sed regnavit mors ab Adam usque ad Moysen etiam in eos qui non peccaverunt in similitudinem prævaricationis Adæ, qui est forma futuri.
15 But [the results of God’s erasing the record of our sins as] a gift to us are not like [the results of Adam’s] sinning. The result of one man, [Adam], sinning was that many/all people have died. But [it is certain], [however], that many people have abundantly experienced God’s acting kindly toward them in a way they did not deserve. [It is also certain] that they have experienced God’s erasing the record of their sins as the result of one man, Jesus Christ, acting kindly toward them/towards them in a way they did not deserve.
Sed non sicut delictum, ita et donum: si enim unius delicto multi mortui sunt: multo magis gratia Dei et donum in gratia unius hominis Jesu Christi in plures abundavit.
16 And [there is another way in which God’s] freely [erasing the record of our sins] is not like [the results of Adam’s] sinning. One person, [Adam, sinned]. As a result, God declared that all people deserve to be punished. Many people sinned. But what God did was that he erased the record of their sins without their earning it.
Et non sicut per unum peccatum, ita et donum. Nam judicium quidem ex uno in condemnationem: gratia autem ex multis delictis in justificationem.
17 All people die [MET, PRS] because of what one man, [Adam], did. But now many of us experience that God has abundantly acted towards us in ways we did not deserve, and we experience that he has erased the record of our sins without our earning it. It is also very certain that we will rule [with Christ] (OR, share [the glory] of Christ’s being king), [in heaven. This will happen] because of [what] one man, Jesus Christ, [did for us].
Si enim unius delicto mors regnavit per unum: multo magis abundantiam gratiæ, et donationis, et justitiæ accipientes, in vita regnabunt per unum Jesum Christum.
18 So, [because one man, Adam], disobeyed [God’s law], that resulted in all people deserving to be punished {that God punish them}. Similarly, because one man, [Jesus], acted righteously [by obeying God when he died], the result was that God is [able to erase the record of] all people’s sins and [enable them to] live eternally.
Igitur sicut per unius delictum in omnes homines in condemnationem: sic et per unius justitiam in omnes homines in justificationem vitæ.
19 It was because one person, [Adam], disobeyed [God] that many/all people became sinners. Similarly, it is because one person, [Jesus], obeyed [God when he died] that the record of many people’s sins will be erased {that [he] will erase the record of many people’s sins}.
Sicut enim per inobedientiam unius hominis, peccatores constituti sunt multi: ita et per unius obeditionem, justi constituentur multi.
20 [God gave] [PRS] his laws [to Moses] [PRS] in order that [people might realize] how greatly they had sinned; but as people sinned more, God continued to act even more kindly toward them, in a way that they did not deserve.
Lex autem subintravit ut abundaret delictum. Ubi autem abundavit delictum, superabundavit gratia:
21 He did that in order that just like people everywhere inevitably sin, [which results in their] dying [MET, PRS], people everywhere might inevitably experience God’s acting kindly towards them in a way they do not deserve [MET, PRS] by [erasing the record of their sins]. [The result is that people can] live eternally because of what Jesus Christ our Lord [did for them]. (aiōnios )
ut sicut regnavit peccatum in mortem: ita et gratia regnet per justitiam in vitam æternam, per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum. (aiōnios )