< Romans 16 >

1 [By means of this letter] I am introducing and recommending to you our fellow believer Phoebe, [who will be taking this letter to you]. She is a deacon in the congregation in Cenchrea [city].
A zalecam wam Febę, siostrę naszę, która jest służebnicą zboru Kienchreeńskiego;
2 [I request that] you receive her because of her relationship with the Lord. [You should do that because] those who are God’s people ought to receive [their fellow believers]. [I am also requesting] that you help her [by giving her] [EUP] whatever she needs, because she has helped many people, including me.
Abyście ją przyjęli w Panu, jako przystoi świętym, i stali przy niej, w którejkolwiek by was rzeczy potrzebowała; albowiem i ona wielom gospody użyczała, aż i mnie samemu.
3 Tell Priscilla and [her husband] Aquila that I (send greetings to/am thinking fondly of) them. They worked with me for Christ Jesus,
Pozdrówcie Pryscyllę i Akwilę, pomocniki moje w Chrystusie Jezusie;
4 and they were even willing to die [IDM] in order [to save] my life. It is not only I who thank them [for helping me], but the people in all [HYP] the non-Jewish congregations also [thank them for saving my life].
(Którzy za duszę moję swojej własnej szyi nadstawiali; którym nie ja sam dziękuję, ale i wszystkie zbory pogańskie.)
5 Also tell the congregation [that meets] in their house that I (send my greetings to/am thinking fondly of) them. Tell my dear friend Epaenetus the same thing. He is the first man in Asia [province] who [believed] in Christ.
Także zbór, który jest w domu ich. Pozdrówcie Epeneta miłego mojego, który jest pierwiastkiem Achai do Chrystusa.
6 Tell Mary, who has worked hard [for Christ] in order to [help] you, that I (send my greetings to/am thinking fondly of) her.
Pozdrówcie Maryję, która wiele pracowała dla nas.
7 Tell the same thing to Andronicus and [his wife] Junia (OR, and [his sister] Junia) who are my fellow Jews and who were also [previously] in prison with me. They are well-known/respected (OR, respected by the) apostles, and they became Christians before I did.
Pozdrówcie Andronika i Junijasza, krewnych moich i spółwięźni moich, którzy znacznymi są między Apostołami, którzy i przede mną byli w Chrystusie.
8 I also send my greetings to Ampliatus, who is a dear friend because of his relationship with the Lord.
Pozdrówcie Amplijasa, miłego mojego w Panu.
9 I also send my greetings to Urbanus, who works for Christ with us, and to my dear friend Stachys.
Pozdrówcie Urbana, pomocnika naszego w Chrystusie i Stachyna mnie miłego.
10 I also send my greetings to Apelles, whom Christ has approved [because Apelles successfully endured trials]. Tell the [believers] who [live in the house] of Aristobulus that I send my greetings to them.
Pozdrówcie Apellesa doświadczonego w Chrystusie. Pozdrówcie tych, którzy są z domu Arystobulowego.
11 Also tell Herodion, who is my fellow Jew, that I send my greetings to him. Tell the same thing to those who [live in the house] of Narcissus who belong to the Lord.
Pozdrówcie Herodijona, pokrewnego mojego. Pozdrówcie tych, którzy są z domu Narcyssowego, tych, którzy są w Panu.
12 Tell the same thing to Tryphaena and [her sister] Tryphosa, who work hard for the Lord. I also send my greetings to Persis. [We all] love her and she has worked very hard for the Lord.
Pozdrówcie Tryfenę i Tryfosę, które pracują w Panu. Pozdrówcie Persydę miłą, która wiele pracowała w Panu.
13 Tell Rufus, who is an outstanding Christian, that I send my greetings to him. [Tell the same thing to] his mother, [who has treated me as though] I [were her son] [MET].
Pozdrówcie Rufa, wybranego w Panu i matkę jego, i moję.
14 Tell Asyncritus and Phlegon and Hermes and Patrobas and Hermas and the fellow believers who [meet] with them that I am sending my greetings to them.
Pozdrówcie Asynkryta, Flegonta, Hermana, Patrobę, Hermena i braci, którzy są z nimi.
15 I also send my greetings to Philologus, to [his wife] Julia (OR, [his sister] Julia), to Nereus and his sister, and to Olympas, and to all God’s people who [meet] with them.
Pozdrówcie Filologa i Juliję, Nerego i siostrę jego, i Olimpa, i wszystkich świętych, którzy są z nimi.
16 Greet one another affectionately, but in a pure way, [when you gather together]. The [believers in] all the Christian congregations [HYP] [in this area (send their] greetings to/say they are thinking fondly of) you.
Pozdrówcie jedni drugich z pocałowaniem świętem. Pozdrawiają was zbory Chrystusowe.
17 My fellow believers, I exhort you that you beware of those people who are causing divisions among you and who cause people to turn away [from God] [MTY] [because they teach things that] are contrary to the message [about Christ] that you have learned (OR, that others taught you). Keep away from such people!
A proszę was, bracia! abyście upatrywali tych, którzy czynią rozerwania i zgorszenia przeciwko tej nauce, którejście się wy nauczyli; i chrońcie się ich.
18 They do not serve our Lord Christ! On the contrary, they only want to satisfy their own desires [MTY]! Also, by all the eloquent things that they say [DOU] they deceive those people who do not realize [that their teaching is false].
Albowiem takowi Panu naszemu Jezusowi Chrystusowi nie służą, ale własnemu brzuchowi swemu, a przez łagodną mowę i pochlebstwo serca prostych zwodzą.
19 [Believers] everywhere know that you have paid attention to [the good message about Christ], with the result that I rejoice about you. But I also want you to be wise, [with the result that you do] what is good. I also want you to avoid doing what is evil.
Bo posłuszeństwo wasze wszystkich doszło. A przetoż raduję się z was; ale chcę, abyście byli mądrymi na dobre, a prostymi na złe.
20 [If you avoid people who teach what is false], what will [soon happen] [MET] [will be as though] God, who causes us to be peaceful, will be crushing Satan under your feet! [I pray that] our Lord Jesus will continue to act kindly towards you.
A Bóg pokoju zetrze szatana pod nogi wasze w rychle. Łaska Pana naszego Jezusa Chrystusa niech będzie z wami. Amen.
21 Timothy, who works with me, and Lucius and Jason and Sosipater, who are my fellow Jews, [want you to know that they are] (sending their greetings to/thinking fondly of) you.
Pozdrawiają was Tymoteusz, pomocnik mój, i Lucyjusz, i Jazon, i Sosypater, pokrewni moi.
22 I, Tertius, [one who belongs to] the Lord, [also want you to know] that I am (sending my greetings to/thinking fondly of) you. [I am writing this letter as Paul tells me what to write for him].
Pozdrawiam was w Panu ja Tercyjusz, którym ten list pisał.
23 I, [Paul], am staying in the house of Gaius, and the whole congregation [here meets] in his house. He [also wants you to know] that he is (sending his greetings to/thinking fondly of) you. Erastus, the treasurer of [this] city, also [wants you to know that] he is (sending his greetings to/thinking fondly of) you. Our fellow believer Quartus also (sends his greetings to you./says he is thinking fondly of you.)
Pozdrawia was Gajus, gospodarz mój i wszystkiego zboru. Pozdrawia was Erastus, szafarz miejski, i Kwartus brat.
Łaska Pana naszego Jezusa Chrystusa niech będzie z wami wszystkimi. Amen.
25 As [I] proclaim [the good message about] Jesus Christ, [I tell about God], the one who is able to strengthen you [spiritually]. I also proclaim the [truth] that was not revealed {which [God] did not reveal} in all previous ages/times (aiōnios g166)
A temu, który was może utwierdzić według Ewangielii mojej i opowiadania Jezusa Chrystusa, według objawienia tajemnicy od czasów wiecznych zamilczanej, (aiōnios g166)
26 but which has now been {which [he] has now} revealed. [I, along with others, have proclaimed] what the prophets wrote [about Christ]. We are doing what the eternal God commanded [us(exc)/me to do]. We want [people in] all ethnic groups to know [Christ] so that they can believe [in him] and obey [him]. (aiōnios g166)
Lecz teraz objawionej i przez Pisma prorockie według postanowienia wiecznego Boga ku posłuszeństwu wiary między wszystkimi narody oznajmionej; (aiōnios g166)
27 [I desire that by] Jesus Christ [enabling us, we] will forever praise the one who alone is God, who alone is [truly] wise. (May it be so!/Amen!) (aiōn g165)
Temu, samemu mądremu Bogu niech będzie chwała przez Jezusa Chrystusa na wieki. Amen. (aiōn g165)

< Romans 16 >