< Romans 15 >

1 Most of us are sure [that God will not punish us for doing certain things that the laws and rituals God gave Moses said the Jews should not do. But we] should be patient with those who are uncertain [about such things], and we should not let them irritate us. We should not [simply] please ourselves.
Ni, kiuj estas fortaj, devas porti la malfortaĵojn de la nefortaj, kaj ne plaĉi al ni mem.
2 Each of us should [do the things that] please the fellow [believers with whom we come in contact, and things that will] benefit them. [We should do those things] in order to help them mature [spiritually].
Ĉiu el ni plaĉu al sia proksimulo per tia bono, kia taŭgas, por edifi.
3 [We should please our fellow believers], since Christ [has set us an example]. He did not [do things to] please himself. On the contrary, [he tried to please God even when others insulted him. That was] as it is written {as ([someone/the Psalmist]) wrote} [in Scripture that the Messiah said to God]: “When people insulted you [(sg)], [it was as though] they were also insulting me.”
Ĉar Kristo ankaŭ ne plaĉis al si mem, sed, kiel estas skribite: La insultoj de Viaj insultantoj falis sur min.
4 And [you need to remember that] what was written previously {what [God’s servants] previously wrote} [in the Scriptures], was written {[they] wrote} to teach us in order that we would be patient and be encouraged by [reading/believing] what they wrote. If we do that, we can confidently expect [God to do for us all he has promised].
Ĉar ĉio, kio estas antaŭe skribita, estas skribita por nia instruado, por ke per pacienco kaj per konsolo de la Skriboj ni havu esperon.
5 God is the one who enables us to be patient and encourages us. ([Ask/Pray to]) [him that he would] enable you [all] to live harmoniously with each other, doing as Christ Jesus [did].
Kaj la Dio de pacienco kaj konsolo donu al vi, ke vi simpatiu unu kun alia laŭ Kristo Jesuo;
6 Then, as you are united in what you think and say [MTY], you will praise God, [who is the heavenly] father [MET] of our Lord Jesus Christ.
por ke vi unuanime per unu voĉo gloru la Dion kaj Patron de nia Sinjoro Jesuo Kristo.
7 So [I say to all of you believers at Rome], accept each other. [If you do that], people will praise God [as they see you behaving like Christ. Accept each other] just like Christ accepted you!
Tial akceptu unu la alian, kiel ankaŭ Kristo akceptis vin, al la gloro de Dio.
8 I want [you to remember] that Christ [helped us] Jews [MTY] by what he did, in order to show that God (is faithful/does what he says he will do). That is, [his coming as our Messiah] fulfilled what God promised to [our Jewish] ancestors.
Ĉar mi diras, ke Kristo fariĝis servanto al la cirkumcidularo pro la vereco de Dio, por konfirmi la promesojn al la patroj,
9 And [by acting mercifully to them, he also caused] non-Jews to praise him. [What he has done for non-Jews] fulfills what is written [in the Scriptures that David said to God]: “So I will praise you [(sg) when I am] among the non-Jews, and I will sing to you [MTY].”
kaj ke la nacianoj pro lia kompato gloru Dion, kiel estas skribite: Tial mi gloros Vin inter la popoloj, Kaj pri Via nomo mi kantos.
10 [David] also wrote, “You non-Jews, rejoice with us who are God’s people.”
Kaj ankaŭ oni diras: Ĝoju, ho gentoj, kun Lia popolo.
11 [And Moses wrote in] the [Scriptures], “Praise the Lord, all [you] non-Jews, and may everyone praise him [DOU].”
Kaj ankaŭ: Gloru la Eternulon ĉiuj popoloj, Kaj laŭdu Lin ĉiuj gentoj.
12 And Isaiah wrote [in the Scriptures], “There will be a descendant [MET] of [King] David who will begin to rule the non-Jews. They will confidently expect him [to fulfill what he has promised].”
Kaj ankaŭ Jesaja diras: Estos radiko de Jiŝaj, Kaj la stariĝanto por regi la naciojn. Al li celados la nacioj.
13 God is the one who causes you to confidently expect [him to do what he has promised. I pray/ask] that he will cause you to be completely joyful and peaceful as you trust [in him]. As you do that, the Holy Spirit will enable you to more and more confidently expect [to receive what God has promised you].
Kaj la Dio de espero plenigu vin per ĉia ĝojo kaj paco en kredado, por ke vi abunde havu esperon, laŭ la potenco de la Sankta Spirito.
14 My fellow believers, I myself am [completely] sure that you yourselves [have acted toward others] in a completely good way. You have done that because you have known completely [all that God wants you to know] [HYP], and because you are able to teach each other.
Kaj, ho miaj fratoj, mi mem konvinkiĝis pri vi, ke vi mem estas plenaj de boneco, plenigitaj per ĉia sciado, kaj kapablaj admoni unu la alian.
15 However, I have written to you quite frankly [in this letter] about some things in order to remind you [about those things]. [I have written this letter] because I have been appointed by God {God has [appointed] me}, which I did not deserve,
Tamen mi iom pli kuraĝe skribas al vi, kvazaŭ rememorigante vin per la graco, donita al mi de Dio,
16 in order that I would work for Jesus Christ among non-Jews. [God has appointed me] to act like a priest as I [proclaim] his good message in order that he will accept the non-Jews [who believe in Christ. They will be] like an offering [MET] [to God] as a result of their being dedicated [to him] by the Holy Spirit {the Holy Spirit dedicating them [to God]}.
ke mi estu servanto de Kristo Jesuo al la nacianoj, solenanta la evangelion de Dio, por ke la oferado de la nacianoj fariĝu akceptebla, sanktigite de la Sankta Spirito.
17 It follows that, because [of my relationship with] (OR, because [I belong to]) Christ Jesus, I am happy about [my work for] God.
Mi povas do fieri en Kristo Jesuo pri tio, kio rilatas al Dio.
18 I will speak boldly only [LIT] about the work that Christ has enabled me to do. [I do that work] in order that non-Jews might pay attention to [the message about Christ] as a result of what I have said and done,
Ĉar mi ne kuraĝos priparoli ion, krom tio, kion Kristo faris per mi, por obeigi la nacianojn, vorte kaj fare,
19 specifically, by [my performing] many powerful miracles [DOU]. [I have done those things] as a result of [God’s] Spirit powerfully [enabling me]. As a result [of doing those things, while traveling] all the way around from Jerusalem to Illyricum [province], I have completed [my work] of proclaiming the message about Christ [in those places].
en la potenco de signoj kaj mirindaĵoj, en la potenco de la Sankta Spirito; tiel, ke de Jerusalem kaj ĉirkaŭe ĝis Iliriko mi plene predikis la evangelion de Kristo;
20 As [I proclaim] that message, I am always eagerly trying to proclaim it [in places] where people have not already heard about Christ. I do that in order that [as I work for God] I might not [be continuing the work for him that someone else already started] [MET]. [I do not want to be like a man who] builds [a house] on someone else’s foundation.
jenon ambiciante: tiel prediki la evangelion, ne tie, kie Kristo jam estis priparolita, ke mi ne konstruu sur la fundamento de alia;
21 On the contrary, [I teach non-Jews, so that what happens may be like] what was written {the prophet Isaiah wrote} [in the Scriptures about the Messiah]: “Those who did not hear about him previously will know [the truth about him]. Truly, those who have not heard [about him will hear and] understand [his message] [DOU].”
sed kiel estas skribite: Vidos tiuj, al kiuj ne estis dirite pri li, Kaj komprenos tiuj, kiuj ne aŭdis.
22 Because [I have attempted to preach the message about Christ in places where they have not heard about him], I have been hindered {things have hindered me} many times [from being able] to visit you.
Pro tio ankaŭ mi ofte estis malhelpita veni al vi;
23 But now there are no more places in these regions [where people have not heard about Christ]. Furthermore, for several years I have wanted to visit you.
sed jam ne havante lokon en ĉi tiuj regionoj, kaj dum multe da jaroj sopirante veni al vi,
24 [So I hope to go/come to see you]. I hope to do that as soon as I am on my way to [the provinces in] Spain. I hope to see you as I journey through [your area], and I hope that [by whatever you give me] [EUP] you will help me on my journey to Spain. But before [I go there], I want to enjoy being with you for a little while, although [I would like to stay with you longer].
kiam mi veturos al Hispanujo, mi venos al vi (ĉar mi esperas vin viziti travojaĝante, kaj esti helpata de vi sur la vojo, se antaŭe mi estos sufiĉe gastinta ĉe vi);
25 But [I cannot visit you] now, because I am about to go to Jerusalem in order to take money [EUP] for God’s people [there].
sed nun mi veturas al Jerusalem, farante servon al la sanktuloj.
26 [The believers in] Macedonia and Achaia [provinces] [MTY] decided to contribute some [money] [EUP] for those of God’s people in Jerusalem who are poor.
Ĉar Makedonujo kaj la Aĥaja lando volonte decidis fari monoferon por la neriĉaj sanktuloj en Jerusalem.
27 They themselves decided [to do this, but] truly they owe something to God’s people in Jerusalem. The non-Jewish [believers] benefited spiritually from Jewish [believers as a result of hearing the message about Christ from them], so the non-Jews should also help the Jewish believers [in Jerusalem by giving them] material things (OR, money) [EUP].
Volonte ili decidis, estante iliaj ŝuldantoj. Ĉar se la nacianoj partoprenas en iliaj spiritaj aferoj, tiuj siavice devas servi al ili ankaŭ en materiaj aferoj.
28 So when I have finished this [task] by safely delivering all this money [MET, EUP] [that the believers in Macedonia and Achaia have given], I will leave [Jerusalem and visit] you [in Rome while I am] on my way to Spain.
Tial, plenuminte ĉi tion, kaj sigelinte por ili ĉi tiun frukton, mi ekiros Hispanujon, kaj vizitos vin survoje.
29 And I know that when I visit you, Christ will abundantly bless [us] (OR, enable [me] to bless [you]).
Kaj mi scias, ke venante al vi, mi venos en la pleneco de la beno de Kristo.
30 Because [we belong to] our Lord Jesus Christ and because the Spirit [of God causes us to] love [each other], I urge you [all] that [you help me] by fervently/intensely praying to God for me.
Sed mi petas vin, fratoj, pro nia Sinjoro Jesuo Kristo kaj pro la amo de la Spirito, ke vi kunluktu kun mi en viaj preĝoj al Dio pro mi;
31 [Pray that] I will be protected {[that God] will protect me} so that the [Jews] in Judea who do not believe [the message about Christ will not harm me]. Also pray that God’s people in Jerusalem will accept the money [EUP] that I [take] to them.
ke mi liberiĝu de la malobeemuloj en Judujo, kaj ke mia servo al Jerusalem estu akceptebla al la sanktuloj;
32 Pray these things in order that I may go/come to you if God wants me to go/come, and that I may go/come joyfully, and that then God will refresh my [spirit as a result of my visiting/being] with you.
por ke mi venu ĝoje al vi per la volo de Dio kaj trovu ripozon ĉe vi.
33 [I pray that] God, who [causes us to have inner] peace, will be with all of you [and will help] you. (May it be so!/Amen!)
Kaj la Dio de paco estu kun vi ĉiuj. Amen.

< Romans 15 >