< Romans 15 >

1 Most of us are sure [that God will not punish us for doing certain things that the laws and rituals God gave Moses said the Jews should not do. But we] should be patient with those who are uncertain [about such things], and we should not let them irritate us. We should not [simply] please ourselves.
Wan joma otegno nyaka watingʼ nyawo mar joma yomyom ma ok watimo mana gik mamorowa wan wawegi.
2 Each of us should [do the things that] please the fellow [believers with whom we come in contact, and things that will] benefit them. [We should do those things] in order to help them mature [spiritually].
Ngʼato ka ngʼato kuomwa nyaka tim gik mamoro nyawadgi, ka en gi paro maber mar gere.
3 [We should please our fellow believers], since Christ [has set us an example]. He did not [do things to] please himself. On the contrary, [he tried to please God even when others insulted him. That was] as it is written {as ([someone/the Psalmist]) wrote} [in Scripture that the Messiah said to God]: “When people insulted you [(sg)], [it was as though] they were also insulting me.”
Nimar kata Kristo bende ne ok otimo gik mamore en owuon, to mana kaka ondiki: “Ayany duto mag joma yanyi nolwar kuoma.”
4 And [you need to remember that] what was written previously {what [God’s servants] previously wrote} [in the Scriptures], was written {[they] wrote} to teach us in order that we would be patient and be encouraged by [reading/believing] what they wrote. If we do that, we can confidently expect [God to do for us all he has promised].
Nimar weche duto ma nondiki e ndalo machon, nondiki mondo opuonjwa, mondo kwachungʼ motegno kendo ka wajiwore gi Ndiko, to wanyalo bedo gi geno.
5 God is the one who enables us to be patient and encourages us. ([Ask/Pray to]) [him that he would] enable you [all] to live harmoniously with each other, doing as Christ Jesus [did].
Mad Nyasaye mamiyo ji kinda kendo ma jiwo ji, omi ubed gi chuny achiel e kindu uwegi, kendo kuluwo Kristo Yesu,
6 Then, as you are united in what you think and say [MTY], you will praise God, [who is the heavenly] father [MET] of our Lord Jesus Christ.
mondo ka un gi chuny achiel kendo uwacho gi chuny achiel kamano, to umi Nyasaye ma wuon Ruodhwa Yesu Kristo duongʼ.
7 So [I say to all of you believers at Rome], accept each other. [If you do that], people will praise God [as they see you behaving like Christ. Accept each other] just like Christ accepted you!
Kuom mano, rwakuru joweteu mana kaka Kristo bende norwakou eka Nyasaye oyud pak.
8 I want [you to remember] that Christ [helped us] Jews [MTY] by what he did, in order to show that God (is faithful/does what he says he will do). That is, [his coming as our Messiah] fulfilled what God promised to [our Jewish] ancestors.
Nimar anyisou ni Kristo osedoko jatich jo-Yahudi mondo ochop adiera mar Nyasaye, mondo omi singruok mane omi kwerewa otimre,
9 And [by acting mercifully to them, he also caused] non-Jews to praise him. [What he has done for non-Jews] fulfills what is written [in the Scriptures that David said to God]: “So I will praise you [(sg) when I am] among the non-Jews, and I will sing to you [MTY].”
kendo joma ok jo-Yahudi omi Nyasaye duongʼ kuom kechne, mana kaka ondiki niya, “Emomiyo anapaki e kind ogendini, kendo anawer wende mapako nyingi.”
10 [David] also wrote, “You non-Jews, rejoice with us who are God’s people.”
Owacho kendo niya, “Moruru un joma ok jo-Yahudi kaachiel gi joge,”
11 [And Moses wrote in] the [Scriptures], “Praise the Lord, all [you] non-Jews, and may everyone praise him [DOU].”
Kendo niya, “Pakuru Jehova Nyasaye un joma ok jo-Yahudi duto, ee ji duto mondo odende,”
12 And Isaiah wrote [in the Scriptures], “There will be a descendant [MET] of [King] David who will begin to rule the non-Jews. They will confidently expect him [to fulfill what he has promised].”
Isaya bende wacho niya, “Nyakwar Jesse nobi, en ema nowuogi mondo otel ni joma ok jo-Yahudi, kendo ogendini nogen kuome.”
13 God is the one who causes you to confidently expect [him to do what he has promised. I pray/ask] that he will cause you to be completely joyful and peaceful as you trust [in him]. As you do that, the Holy Spirit will enable you to more and more confidently expect [to receive what God has promised you].
Mad Nyasach geno opongʼu gi mor kod kwe mogundho ka ugeno kuome, mondo omi upongʼ gi geno malach kuom teko mar Roho Maler.
14 My fellow believers, I myself am [completely] sure that you yourselves [have acted toward others] in a completely good way. You have done that because you have known completely [all that God wants you to know] [HYP], and because you are able to teach each other.
Jowetena, angʼeyo chutho ni un joma beyo kendo mariek kendo ngʼato ka ngʼato kuomu nyalo puonjo nyawadgi.
15 However, I have written to you quite frankly [in this letter] about some things in order to remind you [about those things]. [I have written this letter] because I have been appointed by God {God has [appointed] me}, which I did not deserve,
Kata kamano, asendikonu kuom weche moko ka an gi chir mana mondo aparnugi, kendo kuom ngʼwono ma Nyasaye omiya,
16 in order that I would work for Jesus Christ among non-Jews. [God has appointed me] to act like a priest as I [proclaim] his good message in order that he will accept the non-Jews [who believe in Christ. They will be] like an offering [MET] [to God] as a result of their being dedicated [to him] by the Holy Spirit {the Holy Spirit dedicating them [to God]}.
mar bedo Jatich Kristo Yesu e kind joma ok jo-Yahudi, ka atiyo tich dolo mar lando Injili Maber mar Nyasaye mondo ogendini obed misango maler ma Nyasaye oyiego kendo ma Roho Maler opwodho.
17 It follows that, because [of my relationship with] (OR, because [I belong to]) Christ Jesus, I am happy about [my work for] God.
Emomiyo ei Kristo Yesu anyalo sungora kuom tichna matiyo ni Nyasaye.
18 I will speak boldly only [LIT] about the work that Christ has enabled me to do. [I do that work] in order that non-Jews might pay attention to [the message about Christ] as a result of what I have said and done,
To ok anyal hedhora mar wacho gimoro amora, makmana gigo ma Kristo osetimo kotiyo koda kuom loko joma ok jo-Yahudi mondo oluor Nyasaye, kuom wechena gi timbena,
19 specifically, by [my performing] many powerful miracles [DOU]. [I have done those things] as a result of [God’s] Spirit powerfully [enabling me]. As a result [of doing those things, while traveling] all the way around from Jerusalem to Illyricum [province], I have completed [my work] of proclaiming the message about Christ [in those places].
kotiyo gi teko mar honni gi ranyisi kuom teko mar Roho Maler mar Nyasaye. Kamano aselworora e piny Jerusalem nyaka Iliriko, kalando Injili mar Kristo.
20 As [I proclaim] that message, I am always eagerly trying to proclaim it [in places] where people have not already heard about Christ. I do that in order that [as I work for God] I might not [be continuing the work for him that someone else already started] [MET]. [I do not want to be like a man who] builds [a house] on someone else’s foundation.
Aseketo chunya mondo ayal Injili kuonde ma ji pok ongʼeyoe Kristo, mondo kik agedi ewi mise ma ngʼat machielo ema nochako.
21 On the contrary, [I teach non-Jews, so that what happens may be like] what was written {the prophet Isaiah wrote} [in the Scriptures about the Messiah]: “Those who did not hear about him previously will know [the truth about him]. Truly, those who have not heard [about him will hear and] understand [his message] [DOU].”
To mana kaka ondiki ni: “Joma ne pok onyis wach kuome none kendo jogo mapok owinjo kuome nowinj tiend wach.”
22 Because [I have attempted to preach the message about Christ in places where they have not heard about him], I have been hindered {things have hindered me} many times [from being able] to visit you.
Ma emomiyo asetemo ndalo mangʼeny mar biro iru to osetama.
23 But now there are no more places in these regions [where people have not heard about Christ]. Furthermore, for several years I have wanted to visit you.
To kaka koro onge kuonde modongʼ ma anyalo tiye e gwengegi, kendo nikech asebedo ka anenou kuom higni mangʼeny,
24 [So I hope to go/come to see you]. I hope to do that as soon as I am on my way to [the provinces in] Spain. I hope to see you as I journey through [your area], and I hope that [by whatever you give me] [EUP] you will help me on my journey to Spain. But before [I go there], I want to enjoy being with you for a little while, although [I would like to stay with you longer].
achano mar timo kamano kadhi Spania. Ageno mar limou ka abiro akadho mondo bangʼ bedo kodu moromo to ukonya e wuodhano.
25 But [I cannot visit you] now, because I am about to go to Jerusalem in order to take money [EUP] for God’s people [there].
Sani to pod an e wuodha adhi Jerusalem mondo adhi akony jomaler man kuno.
26 [The believers in] Macedonia and Achaia [provinces] [MTY] decided to contribute some [money] [EUP] for those of God’s people in Jerusalem who are poor.
Nimar jo-Makedonia gi jo-Akaya osechiwo kony gimor ne jomaler modhier man Jerusalem.
27 They themselves decided [to do this, but] truly they owe something to God’s people in Jerusalem. The non-Jewish [believers] benefited spiritually from Jewish [believers as a result of hearing the message about Christ from them], so the non-Jews should also help the Jewish believers [in Jerusalem by giving them] material things (OR, money) [EUP].
Negimor mar timo ma, to chutho gin jogop jogo. Nimar owinjore mondo joma ok jo-Yahudi, moseyudo konyruok mar chuny mar jo-Yahudi opog negie mwandu mag pinyni.
28 So when I have finished this [task] by safely delivering all this money [MET, EUP] [that the believers in Macedonia and Achaia have given], I will leave [Jerusalem and visit] you [in Rome while I am] on my way to Spain.
Omiyo ka asechopo wuodhani, kendo ka aseneno ni giyudo olemoni, to abiro dhi Spania, kendo anaraw alimu kakadho.
29 And I know that when I visit you, Christ will abundantly bless [us] (OR, enable [me] to bless [you]).
Angʼeyo ni ka abiro iru to anabi katingʼo gweth mogundho mar Kristo.
30 Because [we belong to] our Lord Jesus Christ and because the Spirit [of God causes us to] love [each other], I urge you [all] that [you help me] by fervently/intensely praying to God for me.
Owetena, ajiwou kuom Ruodhwa Yesu Kristo, kendo kuom hera mar Roho, mondo uriwru koda e nyagruokna, kulamona Nyasaye.
31 [Pray that] I will be protected {[that God] will protect me} so that the [Jews] in Judea who do not believe [the message about Christ will not harm me]. Also pray that God’s people in Jerusalem will accept the money [EUP] that I [take] to them.
Lamnauru mondo Nyasaye oresa e lwet joma odagi yie man Judea, kendo mondo jomaler man Jerusalem orwak tich ma atimo e diergi,
32 Pray these things in order that I may go/come to you if God wants me to go/come, and that I may go/come joyfully, and that then God will refresh my [spirit as a result of my visiting/being] with you.
mondo ka Nyasaye oyie to abi iru ka amor kendo mondo ka an kodu to uduog chunya, to an bende aduog chunyu.
33 [I pray that] God, who [causes us to have inner] peace, will be with all of you [and will help] you. (May it be so!/Amen!)
Nyasach kwe mondo obed kodu uduto. Amin!

< Romans 15 >