< Romans 11 >
1 Because of that, [if anyone should ask], “Has God rejected his people [the Jews?” I would declare that] he certainly has not [rejected all of us! You can realize that by remembering that] I also belong to the [people of] Israel. I am a descendant of Abraham, and I belong to the tribe of Benjamin, [but God has not rejected me]!
Na, ko taku kupu tenei, Kua peia oti e te Atua tana iwi? Kahore rapea. No Iharaira ano hoki ahau, no te uri o Aperahama, no to Pineamine iwi.
2 No, God has not rejected his people, whom he chose long ago [to be people whom he would bless in a special way]. Remember [RHQ] what is written [PRS] in the Scriptures about Elijah when he [mistakenly] complained to God about [the people of] Israel, saying,
Kahore hoki te Atua i pei i tana iwi i mohio ai i mua. Kahore oti koutou i matau ki te korero a te karaipiture i ta Iraia? i inoi ra hoki ia ki te Atua, i whakahe i a Iharaira, i mea,
3 “Lord, they have killed [the rest of] your [(sg)] prophets, they have destroyed your altars. I am the only one [who believes in you] who remains [alive], and now they are trying to kill me!”
E te Ariki, kua patua e ratou au poropiti, kua whakahoroa au aata; ko ahau anake hoki kua mahue nei, a e whai ana ratou kia patua ahau.
4 God answered him like this: “[You(sg) are not the only one who believes in me]! I have protected for myself [not just you, but] 7,000 [other] men who have not worshipped [the false god] Baal. (Remember that!/Do you not remember that?) [RHQ]”
Heoi e pehea ana te whakahoki a te Atua ki a ia? E whitu mano tangata kua waiho e ahau maku, kahore nei i piko te ture ki a Paara.
5 So, similarly, there is also at this time a small group [of us Jews] who have become [believers. God] has chosen us [to become believers] (OR, [his people]) only because he acts kindly toward us, in ways that we do not deserve.
Waihoki i te wa nei ano, tera ano he toenga, he whiriwhiringa na te aroha noa.
6 Since it is because he acts kindly [toward those whom he chooses, it is] not because they have done good things [that he has chosen them]. If [God chose people because they did good deeds], then it would not be because he was acting toward them in a way that they did not deserve.
Ki te mea ia na te aroha noa, ehara i te mea na nga mahi: penei ehara te aroha noa i te aroha noa.
7 [Since God chose only some people of Israel], [this is what I conclude: [RHQ] Most of the people of] Israel did not find [the way for him to erase the record of their sins], even though some of them were earnestly looking for it. The [people of Israel whom God had] chosen found it, but the rest [of them] were {[God]} made spiritually insensitive/unresponsive.
Ha, he pehea ra? Ko ta Iharaira e rapu nei, kihai tenei i taea e ia; otira kua taea e te hunga whiriwhiri, ko era atu ia i whakapakeketia:
8 [Our] fellow Jews are just like the [ones] about whom Isaiah wrote, God (caused their senses to be dull/made them unable to think clearly). Up to this very day, [they have] eyes but they cannot see [spiritually] [MET]. [They have] ears, but they cannot understand [spiritually] what they hear.
Ko te mea hoki ia i tuhituhia, Kua hoatu ki a ratou e te Atua he wairua hiamoe, he kanohi e kore ai ratou e kite, he taringa e kore ai e rongo; a taea noatia tenei ra.
9 And [they remind me of what King] David said, [when he asked God to cause his enemies’ senses to be dull] [MET], [Make them stupid] [MTY], [like animals that are] caught in snares! May they [feel secure because of the things that they enjoy but which will catch them like a] trap [DOU, MET], with the result that you will destroy them.
E mea ana hoki a Rawiri, Kia whakatupu mahanga to ratou tepu, hei rore hoki, hei tutukitanga waewae, hei utu ano ki a ratou:
10 May their ability to perceive [danger] be dulled {Dull their ability to perceive [spiritually]} [MET], with the result that they will not [become alarmed] [MET] [when there is danger]. May you cause them to carry heavy loads on their backs continually [as slaves do] [MTY].
Kia whakapouritia o ratou kanohi, kia kaua ratou e kite, a kia whakapikoa tonutia iho e koe to ratou tuara.
11 [Perhaps someone will ask], “[When the Jews] sinned [by not believing in Christ, did] it result in their separating themselves from God [permanently?]” Then I [would reply], [No], they have certainly not [separated themselves from God permanently]! What is happening is that because they sinned, [God] is saving non-Jews in order to cause [the Jews] to envy [the way he blesses non-Jews and so ask Christ to save them].
Na, ko taku kupu tenei, He tutuki ranei to ratou e hinga rawa ai? Kahore rapea: engari na to ratou hinga i puta ai te ora ki nga tauiwi, he mea kia hae ai ratou.
12 [When the Jews] sinned (OR, rejected Christ), [the result was that God] abundantly [blessed other people in] [MTY] the world by [offering them the opportunity to believe]. And [when the Jews] failed [spiritually, the result was that God] abundantly [blessed] the non-Jews. Since that is true, think how wonderful it will be when the complete number [of the Jews whom God has chosen will believe in Christ] [RHQ]!
Na, ki te mea hei taonga mo te ao to ratou hinganga, hei taonga ano mo nga Tauiwi to ratou whakaitinga: tera noa ake i to ratou whakanuinga?
13 Now it is to you non-Jews that I am saying [what follows]. I am the one who is the apostle to non-Jews, and I highly esteem this work [that God appointed] me to do.
Ki a koutou, ki nga Tauiwi tenei kupu aku, I te mea he apotoro ahau ki nga Tauiwi, e whakanui ana ahau i taku mahi minita:
14 But I also hope that [by my labors] I will make my fellow Jews (jealous/want what you non-Jews have), [with the result that] some of them will [believe and] be saved.
Me kore e hae nga tangata o toku kikokiko, kia ora ai etahi o ratou i ahau.
15 [God] has rejected [most of my fellow Jews because they refused to believe, with the result that] he reconciled [many other people in] the world [MTY] [to himself]. But he will accept [my fellow Jews again when they trust in Christ]! And (this is what the result will be./do you know what the result will be?) [RHQ] It will be [as though God is making them] alive again after they have been dead!
Mehemea hoki ko to ratou makanga atu hei houhanga rongo mo te ao, ka aha to ratou tangohanga mai? he teka ianei he oranga ake i roto i te hunga mate?
16 [Just like] the whole lump [of dough] will belong to God if [people offer] to God [MET] the [bread baked from] the first part [of it] [MET], [so the Jews will belong to God because their ancestors belonged to God]. And just like the branches [of a tree] will be good if the roots are good [MET], [so the descendants of our great Jewish ancestors who belonged to God will also some day belong to God].
Ki te mea hoki he tapu te mea matamua, ka pera ano te puranga: ki te tapu hoki te pakiaka, e pera ano nga manga.
17 [God has rejected] many of [the Jews] [MET], [like] branches [of a tree] are broken off {[like people] break off [dead] branches [of a tree]}. And each of you [non-Jews whom God has accepted is like] [MET] [a branch of] a wild/uncultivated olive tree [that] was {[that someone]} grafted among the branches (OR, onto one of the branches) [that were left on a cultivated olive tree]. [God has caused] you [to benefit from how he blessed our(exc) first Jewish ancestors, as branches] benefit from the nutritious sap from the roots of a [cultivated] olive tree [MET].
Engari ki te mea kua whatiia atu etahi o nga manga, a ka honoa mai koe, te oriwa ngahere, ki roto i nga manga, ka whiwhi ngatahi ki te pakiaka o te momonatanga o te oriwa;
18 However, you [non-Jews] must not despise [the Jews whom God rejected] [MET], [who are like] the branches that [were broken off from the tree] If any of you [wants to] boast [about having received blessings from God], [remember this: Branches] do not nourish the roots. Instead the roots nourish [the branches] [MET]. [Similarly, you are blessed by God because of what] you [have received from the Jews! It is not what the Jews have received from] you [that blesses them] [MET]!
Aua e whakapehapeha ki nga manga. Ki te whakapehapeha ia koe, ehara i te mea nau i mau ake ai te pakiaka, engari na te pakiaka koe.
19 If one of you then says, “[God rejected the Jews] [MET] [like] branches [MET] that are broken {that people broke} off [a tree and rejected], in order that [he might accept us non-Jews, as] branches [MET] of a tree are grafted in {[as people] graft in branches of a tree},”
Na, tera koe e mea, I whatiia atu nga manga, kia honoa iho ai ahau.
20 [I would reply that] this is true. However, it is because the Jews did not believe [in Christ] that they were rejected [MET] {that [God] rejected [MET] them}. As for you, it is [only] because you believe [in Christ] that [God has accepted] you! [So] do not [any of you] become proud, but instead beware [of what could happen to you]
Ae ra; na te whakaponokore ratou i whatiia atu ai, na tou whakapono koe i tu ai. Aua e whakakake, engari kia wehi.
21 Since God did not spare [the unbelieving Jews] [MET] [who were like a tree’s] natural branches, he will not spare any of you [if you do] not [keep trusting in him]!
Na, ki te mea kihai i tohungia nga manga tupu e te Atua, e kore ano ia e tohu i a koe.
22 Note then, that God acts kindly, but he also acts severely. He has acted severely toward [the Jews] who have stopped trusting in him. On the other hand, he acts kindly toward each of you [non-Jews only] if you continue [to appreciate his acting] kindly [toward you]. However, you will be rejected {[he] will reject you} if you do not [keep trusting in him].
Na, tirohia iho te ngawari me te pakeke o te Atua: pakeke ki te hunga i hinga; ngawari ki a koe, ki te u koe ki tana tikanga ngawari: ki te kahore, ka tapahia hoki koe.
23 And if the Jews believe [in Christ] [LIT], God also will [reunite them to himself as] branches are grafted {[as people] graft branches} into [a tree again], because God is able to do that.
Me ratou ano, ki te kore e u ki to ratou whakaponokore, ka honoa ano: e taea hoki ratou e te Atua te hono mai ano.
24 Each of you [non-Jews who were previously separated from God has benefited from the ways in which God blessed the Jews] [MET]. [That is like taking branches] that have been cut {that someone has cut} from a wild olive tree that just grew [without being planted] {[someone planting it]} and, contrary to what people usually do, grafting them into a cultivated olive tree. So God will much more readily [receive back the Jews because they belonged to him before] [MET]! [That will be like] the original branches [that had been cut off] being grafted {like grafting the original branches [that someone cut off], } back into the olive tree to which they [originally belonged]!
Mehemea hoki ka tapahia mai koe i te oriwa ngahere, a ka honoa mai ki te oriwa pai, he mea rere ke i te tikanga; tera noa ake te honoa o enei, o nga manga tupu, ki to ratou oriwa ano.
25 My [non-Jewish] fellow believers, I certainly want you to understand [LIT] this truth that God has now revealed [about my fellow Jews who are refusing to believe]. You should not proudly think [that] God [now favors you] more [than the Jews] (OR, [that you understand God’s further plans for the Jews]). Many [people of] Israel will continue to be stubborn until all the non-Jews [whom God has chosen have believed in Jesus].
E kore hoki ahau e pai, e oku teina, kia kuware koutou ki tenei mea ngaro, kei mea noa koutou he matau koutou, kua tau tetahi wahi o te whakapakeketanga ki a Iharaira, kia riro mai ra ano te tokomahatanga o nga tauiwi.
26 And then all [HYP] [the people of] Israel will be saved {[God] will save all [HYP] [the people of] Israel}. Then these words that are written {that [a prophet] wrote} [in the Scriptures will] ([become true/be fulfilled]): The one who sets [his people] free will originate from [the place where] God dwells (OR, from the Jews) [MTY]. Then he will remove the guilt of the Israelite people (OR, descendants of Jacob) [MTY].
Ko reira a Iharaira katoa ora ai: ko te mea hoki ia i tuhituhia, Tera e puta mai te Kaiwhakaora i Hiona, mana e kaupare te karakiakore i a Hakopa:
27 And [as God says], The contract that I will make with them is that I will forgive their sins.
Ko taku kawenata hoki tenei ki a ratou, ina tangohia atu e ahau o ratou hara.
28 With regard to [the Jews rejecting] the good message [about Christ, God treats] them as enemies, which has benefited you [non-Jews]. But in regard to [their being the people whom God] chose, [God still] loves them because of [what he promised] their ancestors.
Na i runga i te rongopai he hoariri ratou, he whakaaro ki a koutou; i runga ia i te whiriwhiringa, e arohaina ana ratou, he whakaaro ki nga matua.
29 [He still loves them], because he never changed his mind about the privileges/blessings he [gave to them] and about his choosing [them to be his people].
I a te Atua homaitanga hoki, i tana karangatanga, kahore e puta ke te whakaaro.
30 You [non-Jews] once disobeyed God, but now he has acted mercifully towards you because the [Jews] disobeyed him.
Ka rite hoki ki a koutou kihai i whakapono i mua ki te Atua, inaianei ia kua tohungia, he mea na to ratou whakaponokore:
31 Now the Jews have disobeyed God. The result is that by the very same way in which he acted mercifully towards you, he will act mercifully towards them [again].
Waihoki kua kahore enei i whakapono inaianei, kia tohungia ai ano ratou i runga i te mahi tohu i whiwhi nei koutou.
32 God has declared and proved that all people, [both Jews and non-Jews] [MET], disobey ([him/his laws]). He has declared that because he wants to act mercifully towards us all. (eleēsē )
Kua oti hoki te katoa te kopani e te Atua ki roto ki te whakateka, he mea kia tohungia ai e ia te katoa. (eleēsē )
33 [I marvel how] vast and great are the wise things that God [has done] and what he has [always] known [DOU]! We are completely unable to understand the things that he has decided and the ways [in which he acts toward us] [DOU]!
Ano te hohonu, te hua ngatahi hoki o te whakaaro o te Atua me tona mohio! e kore ana tikanga e taea te rapu, ona huarahi te whakataki!
34 [I remember the Scriptures that say], (No one has known what the Lord thinks./Who has known what the Lord thinks?) [RHQ] (Absolutely no one has given him advice [about what he should do!]/Who has advised him [about what he should do]?) [RHQ]
Ko wai hoki te mohio ana ki te hinengaro o te Ariki? ko wai hoki tona hoa whakatakoto whakaaro?
35 And, (No one has given anything to God that [he did not previously receive from God!]/Has anyone given anything to God that [he did not previously receive from God]?) [RHQ] So God (is not obligated to/does not have to) pay back anything to anyone!
Ko ta wai hoki kua matua hoatu ki a ia, a ka whakahokia mai he utu ki a ia?
36 God [is the one who created] all things. He is also the one who [sustains all things]. The reason that he created them was that [everything he created might praise] him. May [all people] honor him forever! (May it be so!/Amen!) (aiōn )
Ko nga mea katoa nei hoki, nana, a kei runga ano i a ia, a e ahu ana hoki ki a ia: mona te kororia ake tonu atu. Amine. (aiōn )