< Romans 1 >
1 [I], Paul, who serve Christ Jesus, [am writing this letter]. God chose me to be an apostle, and I was appointed by him {he appointed me} in order that [I should proclaim] (the good message/the gospel) that [comes from him].
Paul, — esclave de Jésus-Christ, appelé à être apôtre, mis à part pour l'évangile de Dieu
2 Long before [Jesus came to earth, God] promised [that he would reveal] this good message by means of what his prophets [wrote] in the sacred Scriptures.
que d'avance Il avait promis par Ses prophètes dans les écritures saintes,
3 This good message is [about the one whom we know as] his Son. As to his Son’s physical/human nature, he was born a descendant of [King] David.
concernant Son Fils, qui est né de la postérité de David, selon la chair,
4 As to his divine nature, it was shown {[God] showed} powerfully that he is (God’s own Son/the man who is also God). [God] showed this by his Holy Spirit causing him to become alive again after he died. He is Jesus Christ our Lord.
qui a été déclaré Fils de Dieu, avec puissance selon l'Esprit de sainteté, par la résurrection des morts, Jésus-Christ notre Seigneur,
5 He is the one who appointed me, who did not deserve it, [to be] an apostle. He did that in order that [many] among the non-Jews would honor [him] and would obey him as a result of their believing [my message about him].
par lequel nous avons reçu la grâce et l'apostolat, pour prêcher en son nom l'obéissance de la foi parmi tous les Gentils,
6 You [believers] who are living in Rome [city] are included among those whom God has chosen to belong to Jesus Christ.
parmi lesquels vous êtes aussi, vous qu'a appelés Jésus-Christ, —
7 [I am writing this letter] to all of [you in Rome] whom God loves and whom he has chosen [to become his] people. [I pray that] God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord will [continue to] act kindly toward you and [will continue to] cause you to have [inner] peace.
à tous les bien-aimés de Dieu, appelés à être saints, qui sont à Rome: que la grâce et la paix vous soient données par Dieu notre Père et par le Seigneur Jésus-Christ!
8 As I begin [this letter], I thank my God for all you [believers in Rome]. It is because of [what] Jesus Christ [has done for us that] I [am able to do that]. I thank him because your trusting [in Jesus Christ] is something that people all over [the Roman Empire] [HYP] are talking about.
Je rends d'abord grâces à mon Dieu par Jésus-Christ, au sujet de vous tous, parce que votre foi est proclamée dans le monde entier.
9 God, whom I devotedly serve as I [proclaim to people] the gospel concerning his Son, knows that I tell the truth when I say that I always mention you whenever [DOU] I pray [to God] [HYP].
Car Dieu, auquel je rends un culte dans mon esprit en prêchant l'évangile de Son Fils, m'est témoin que je fais incessamment mention de vous,
10 I especially ask God that if he desires [me to visit you], somehow at last I shall be able to do so.
demandant constamment dans mes prières si je n'aurai point enfin le bonheur, par la volonté de Dieu, de venir jusques à vous.
11 [I pray this] because I long to visit you to help you spiritually, in order that you will become stronger [spiritually].
Car je désire ardemment vous voir, afin de vous communiquer quelque don spirituel pour vous affermir,
12 I long to visit you in order that you and I might encourage each other [by means of our sharing with each other] how each of us trusts [in Jesus].
ou plutôt pour trouver de l'encouragement au milieu de vous par la foi qui nous est commune à vous et à moi.
13 My fellow believers, many times I planned to visit you. I certainly want you to know [LIT] that. [But I have not been able to come to you because] I have been hindered {[things] have always prevented me} until the present time. I have wanted to come in order that I might help you to mature spiritually [IDM], as [I have helped people to mature spiritually] in many other non-Jewish groups [HYP].
Je ne veux pas toutefois que vous ignoriez, frères, que j'ai souvent formé le projet d'aller jusques à vous (et j'en ai été empêché jusques à présent), afin de recueillir quelque fruit parmi vous, aussi bien que parmi les autres Gentils:
14 I feel obliged [to proclaim the gospel to all non-Jewish people], specifically to [people who know] the Greek [language and culture] and to those who do not know it, to people who are educated and to those who are uneducated.
je me dois aux Grecs et aux Barbares, aux sages et aux ignorants.
15 So what I have eagerly desired is that I might proclaim this good message to you who are living in Rome also.
Ainsi, pour ce qui me concerne, je suis impatient de vous porter aussi la bonne nouvelle, à vous qui êtes à Rome.
16 [That leads me to say that] I very confidently proclaim [LIT] the good message [about what Christ has done], because this good message is the powerful [means] that God [uses] to save [from the guilt of their sins] all people who trust [in what Christ has done for them]. Specifically, God first has saved the Jews [who believe the good message], and then he has saved non-Jews.
Je n'ai point honte, en effet, de l'évangile, car c'est une puissance de Dieu qui produit le salut pour tout croyant, Juif et Grec;
17 By means of this good message God reveals how he erases the record of people’s sins (OR, declares people no longer guilty for having sinned); and his doing this is entirely because [IDM] they trust [in Christ. This is confirmed] by what [a prophet long ago] wrote [that God said], “Those (whose record of sin [I] have erased/whom [I] have declared no longer guilty for sin) because they trust [in me] will live [forever].”
parce que la justice de Dieu y est révélée par la foi pour la foi, selon qu'il est écrit: « Or celui qui est juste par la foi vivra. »
18 From [where God rules in] heaven he is making it clear to all [non-Jewish] people who show no respect for God and who do wicked things, that he is angry with them [and that they deserve to be punished] {[that he would punish them]} [MTY]. By means of [their behaving] wickedly, they keep other people [from believing what they know] to be true [about God].
En effet, la colère de Dieu est révélée du ciel contre toute impiété et toute injustice des hommes qui asservissent injustement la vérité,
19 [Everyone] can clearly know what God [is like], because God himself has revealed to everyone [what he is like].
parce que ce que l'on connaît de Dieu leur est intérieurement manifesté, car Dieu le leur manifeste.
20 [People] cannot see what God is like. But ever since he created the world, by means of what he created he has clearly revealed what he is like. He has made clear to everyone that he has always been able to do very powerful things. [Therefore, we should recognize that] God is powerful, [completely different from all that he created]. So no one has a basis for saying, [“We never knew about God].” (aïdios )
En effet, ce qui en Lui est invisible, tant Sa puissance éternelle que Sa divinité, se fait voir depuis la création du monde par Ses œuvres, quand on y réfléchit; en sorte qu'ils sont inexcusables, (aïdios )
21 Although [the non-Jews] knew what God [is like], they did not honor him as God, nor did they thank [him for what he had done]. But instead, they began to think foolish [things about him], and they became unable to understand [MET] [what he wanted them to know].
parce qu'ayant connu Dieu, ils ne L'ont point glorifié comme Dieu, ni ne Lui ont rendu grâces, mais ils se sont égarés dans leurs pensées, et leur cœur dépourvu d'intelligence s'est obscurci.
22 Although they claimed that they were wise, they became foolish,
Se donnant pour sages ils ont été atteints de folie,
23 and they refused to [admit that] God is glorious and will never die. Instead, they made and worshipped idols [that resembled people who] will some day die, and [then they made other idols that resembled] birds and four-footed animals, and [finally] they made idols that resembled reptiles.
et ils ont échangé la gloire du Dieu incorruptible contre des simulacres faits à l'image de l'homme corruptible et des oiseaux et des quadrupèdes et des reptiles.
24 So God allowed [the non-Jews] do immoral sexual things that they [SYN] strongly desired, things [that their desires were compelling them to do]. As a result, they [began to] dishonor each other’s bodies [by their sexual actions].
C'est pourquoi Dieu les a livrés, dans les convoitises de leurs cœurs, à une impureté telle que leurs corps sont déshonorés parmi eux;
25 Also, they [chose to worship] false [gods] instead (of admitting/of choosing to believe) what is true [about] God. They worshipped and served things [that God] created instead of [worshipping and serving God himself], the one who created [everything. They did this even though] he [deserves that those he created] would forever praise him. Amen!/May it be so! (aiōn )
eux qui ont changé la vérité de Dieu en mensonge, et rendu des hommages et un culte à la créature à l'exclusion du Créateur, qui est béni pour les siècles! Amen! (aiōn )
26 So, God allowed [the non-Jews to do] shameful [sexual] things that they [strongly] desired. As a result, many women did not have natural sexual relations [with their husbands] [EUP]. Instead, they were doing sexual actions with other women [EUP].
C'est pourquoi Dieu les a livrés à des passions infâmes: d'un côté, en effet, leurs femmes ont changé l'usage naturel en celui qui est contre nature,
27 Similarly, [many] men stopped having/did not have natural sexual relations with women [EUP]. Instead, they strongly desired to have sexual relations with other men. They committed [homosexual] acts with other men, acts that were shameful. As a result, [God has] punished them [by sicknesses] in their bodies, which is what they deserve [because] they [thought] wrongly [that God would not punish them for doing that].
et de l'autre, les hommes, ayant aussi abandonné l'usage naturel de la femme, se sont enflammés dans leur passion les uns pour les autres en perpétrant l'infamie d'hommes à hommes et recevant en eux-mêmes la rétribution qui était due à leur égarement.
28 Furthermore, because they decided that it was not [worthwhile] to know God, he allowed their own worthless thoughts [to completely control them]. As a result, they began doing [evil] things that [God says that people] should not do.
Et comme ils n'ont pas daigné retenir la connaissance de Dieu, Dieu les a livrés à leur sens réprouvé, de sorte qu'ils font ce qui est indigne,
29 They strongly desire to do all [kinds of] unrighteous [things]. They strongly desire to do all [kinds of] evil things [to others]. They strongly desire to possess things that [belong to others]. They strongly desire to harm [others] in various ways. [Many non-Jews] are constantly envying [other people. Many] constantly desire to murder [people. Many] constantly desire to cause strife [between people. Many] constantly desire to deceive [others. Many] constantly desire to speak hatefully [about others] (OR, [to speak harmful things about others, things that are not true]). [Many] gossip [about others].
étant remplis de toute espèce d'injustice, de méchanceté, de cupidité, de perversité; pleins d'envie, de meurtre, de querelle, de ruse, de malveillance;
30 [Many] slander [others. Many] act especially hatefully toward God. [Many] speak or act in an insulting way [toward others. Many] treat others contemptuously. [Many] boast [about themselves to others. Many] invent new ways to do evil things. [Many non-Jewish children] disobey their parents.
délateurs, médisants, ennemis de Dieu, insulteurs, superbes, fanfarons, ingénieux au mal, rebelles à leurs parents,
31 [Many non-Jews] act in other morally foolish ways. [Many] do not do what they promised [others that they would do. Many] do not [even] love [their own family members. And many] do not act mercifully [toward other people].
dépourvus d'intelligence, insensibles, impitoyables,
32 Although they know that God has declared that those who do such things deserve to be killed, they not only habitually do these [kinds of evil] things, but they also approve of others who habitually do them.
lesquels, quoiqu'ils connaissent le décret de Dieu qui déclare dignes de mort ceux qui commettent de telles choses, non seulement les pratiquent, mais encore approuvent ceux qui les commettent.