< Revelation 22 +
1 The angel showed me the river of water [that causes people who drink from it] to live [forever]. The water was sparkling and clear like crystal. The river was flowing out from the throne where God and the [one who is like a] lamb [were sitting].
Síðan benti hann mér á fljót lífsvatnsins. Það rann silfurtært frá hásæti Guðs og lambsins
2 It flowed down through the middle of the [main] street of the city. On each side of the river were trees [bearing fruit that causes people who eat it] to live forever. [The trees] bear twelve [crops] (OR, twelve [kinds]) of fruit; [they] produce one crop each month. The [people of the] nations [MTY] [use] the leaves of these trees [as medicine] in order that they may feel stronger
og niður aðalgötuna. Sitt hvoru megin við fljótið óx lífsins tré og ber það ávöxt tólf sinnum á ári, eina uppskeru í mánuði hverjum, og blöðin eru notuð til lækninga fyrir þjóðirnar.
3 There will never be [anyone or anything there that God] will be [under God’s] curse. The throne of God and the [one who is like a] lamb will be in the city. And God’s servants will worship him there.
Í borginni finnst ekkert illt, því að þar er hásæti Guðs og lambsins og þjónar hans munu tilbiðja hann.
4 They will see him face-to-face, and his name will be [written] {[he] will [write] his name} on their foreheads.
Þeir munu sjá auglit hans og nafn hans mun vera skrifað á enni þeirra.
5 There will never again be night. [God’s servants] will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, because the Lord God will shine his light upon them. And they will rule forever. (aiōn )
Þar verður aldrei nótt og því engin þörf fyrir lampa eða sól, því að Drottinn Guð mun lýsa þeim og þeir munu ríkja um alla eilífð. (aiōn )
6 The angel said to me: “These words that [God has revealed to you] are true, and he will certainly do what he has promised to do. The Lord God who ([inspires] the prophets/tells the prophets what to say) sent his angel to show the people who serve him the events that must happen soon.”
Þá sagði engillinn við mig: „Það sem ég segi nú er áreiðanlegt og satt: „Ég kem skjótt!“Guð, sem segir spámönnum sínum hvað framtíðin ber í skauti, hefur sent engil sinn til að segja ykkur að þetta muni verða innan skamms. Blessaður er sá, sem trúir því, og öllu öðru, sem skráð er í þessa bók.“
7 [Jesus says to all his people], “Listen [to] this! I am coming soon; [God will abundantly] bless everyone who obeys what [has been commanded] in this book.”
8 I, John, am the one who heard and saw [in a vision] these things [that I have written down]. When I had heard and seen [them], I immediately knelt down at the feet of the angel who was showing them to me, in order to worship him.
Ég, Jóhannes, sá þetta allt og heyrði og ég féll að fótum engilsins til þess að tilbiðja hann, því að hann hafði opinberað mér þetta.
9 But he said to me, “Do not [worship me] I am [just] your fellow servant! I am also the fellow servant of your fellow believers who are (the prophets/the ones who tell messages that come directly from God), and I am a fellow servant of those who obey what has been commanded in this book. [Instead], worship God!”
En hann sagði aftur: „Nei, gerðu þetta ekki. Ég er líka þjónn Jesú eins og þú og bræður þínir, spámennirnir, og allir þeir sem varðveita sannleikann, sem skráður er í þessa bók. Þú skalt tilbiðja Guð, hann einan.“
10 He also said to me, “Do not keep secret the message about what [God] has foretold in this book, because it is almost time [MTY] for him to [what he has promised to do in this message].
Síðan gaf hann mér þessi fyrirmæli: „Innsiglaðu ekki það, sem þú hefur skrifað, því að það mun rætast innan skamms.
11 [Since that time is near, if] those who act in an evil manner [want to] continue to act that way [IRO], [that is up to them. God will soon] ([pay them back/punish them]) [for that. If] those who are vile [want to] continue to be vile [IRO], [that is up to them. God will soon] ([pay them back/punish them]) [for that]. Those who are [acting] righteously should continue to act righteously. And those who are holy should continue to be holy.”
Þegar sá tími kemur, munu illgjörðamenn verða önnum kafnir í illsku sinni. Vondir menn munu versna, en góðir batna og hinir heilögu munu helgast enn meira.
12 [Jesus says this to everyone]: “Listen! I am coming soon! And I will pay back everyone according to what each one has done, by [punishing or] rewarding them.
Sjá, ég kem skjótt og launin hef ég með mér til að gjalda hverjum og einum eftir verkum hans. Ég er upphafið og endirinn, hinn fyrsti og hinn síðasti.
13 I [am] the one who began all things [MET] and the one who will cause all things to end [MET]. I existed before [all things existed] and I will exist at the end [of all things] [DOU].
Blessaðir eru þeir að eilífu sem þvo skikkjur sínar.
14 [God] is very pleased with the people who wash their robes, [making themselves spiritually clean] [MET], because they will be able to [eat the fruit of] [MTY] the tree [that enables people] to live [forever], and because they will [be able] to enter the gates into the [holy] city.
Þeir komast um hliðin inn í borgina og borða ávextina, sem vaxa á lífsins tré.
15 [People who are unholy] will not be allowed to enter the city. They include people who practice sorcery, people who sin sexually, murderers, idol worshipers, and everyone who enjoys telling lies and are continual liars. [They can never enter that city].”
Úti fyrir borginni eru þeir sem snúið hafa baki við Guði, töframenn, saurlífismenn, morðingjar, skurðgoðadýrkendur og allir þeir sem elska og iðka lygi.
16 “I, Jesus, sent my angel in order that he might tell you who are in the congregations [that all] these things [that have been said are true]. I am the descendant of [King] David [whom the prophets promised would come] [MET]. I am the [one who is like] the bright morning star [MET], the one [that Moses promised would come].”
Ég, Jesús, hef sent engil minn til ykkar, til þess að segja kirkjunni – söfnuði trúaðra – frá öllu þessu. Ég er hvort tveggja: Forfaðir Davíðs og afkomandi hans. Ég er stjarnan skínandi, morgunstjarnan.“
17 [God’s] Spirit and [his people, who are like] [MET] the bride [of Christ], say [to each one who desires to believe], “Come!” Whoever hears [this] should also say [to each one who desires to believe], “Come!” [Spiritually thirsty people should come] [MET]! Everyone who desires the water [that enables people to] live [forever] should take it as a free gift!
Andi Guðs og brúðurin segja: „Kom þú!“Komi sá, sem þyrstur er! Hver sem vill, komi og drekki lífsvatnið endurgjaldslaust.
18 “I, [Jesus, solemnly] warn everyone who hears what [I] have foretold in this book: If anyone adds anything to this message, God will cause him to experience the plagues that are {that [I] have} described in this book.
Ég segi í fyllstu alvöru við hvern þann sem les þessa bók: Ef einhver bætir einhverju við það, sem hér er skráð, þá mun Guð bæta við líf hans þeim plágum sem þar er lýst.
19 If anyone omits any of the message about what [I] have foretold in this book, God will take away that person’s right [to eat fruit from] [MTY] the tree [that enables people] to live [forever]. He [will also take away] that person’s right [to enter] God’s city. [Both these things] are described {[I] have described [both these things]} in this book.”
Ef einhver tekur burt einhvern af þessum spádómum, þá mun Guð taka frá honum hlut hans í lífsins tré og borginni helgu sem áður var lýst.
20 [Jesus], who says that [all] the things written here are true, says, “Certainly I am coming soon!” [I, John, reply], “(May it be so!/Amen!) Lord Jesus, come!”
Sá, sem þetta hefur sagt, segir: „Já, ég kem skjótt!“Amen! Kom þú Drottinn Jesús!
21 [I pray that our] Lord Jesus [will continue to] act kindly to all [of you who are God’s people]. (Amen!/May it be so!)
Náð Drottins Jesú Krists sé með öllum þeim sem hann hefur helgað. Amen.