< Revelation 19 >
1 After these things I heard [what sounded] like a huge crowd in heaven. They were shouting things like, “(Hallelujah!/Praise our God!)” “He has saved us!” “He is glorious and mighty!”
tataH paraM svargasthAnAM mahAjanatAyA mahAzabdO 'yaM mayA zrUtaH, brUta parEzvaraM dhanyam asmadIyO ya IzvaraH| tasyAbhavat paritrANAM prabhAvazca parAkramaH|
2 “Praise him because he judges truly and justly!” “He has punished the very evil cities that are like a prostitute, because their people persuaded the other people of earth [MTY] to act immorally and idolatrously like they do.” “Praise him because he has punished them for murdering his servants [MTY]!”
vicArAjnjAzca tasyaiva satyA nyAyyA bhavanti ca| yA svavEzyAkriyAbhizca vyakarOt kRtsnamEdinIM| tAM sa daNPitavAn vEzyAM tasyAzca karatastathA| zONitasya svadAsAnAM saMzOdhaM sa gRhItavAn||
3 [The crowd] shouted a second time saying: (Hallelujah!/Praise God!) The smoke of the fire that is burning the cities will rise forever! (aiōn )
punarapi tairidamuktaM yathA, brUta parEzvaraM dhanyaM yannityaM nityamEva ca| tasyA dAhasya dhUmO 'sau dizamUrddhvamudESyati|| (aiōn )
4 The 24 elders and the four living [creatures] (prostrated themselves/knelt down) and worshipped God, who sits on the throne. Then they said, “[It] is true! (Hallelujah!/Praise God!)”
tataH paraM caturvviMzatiprAcInAzcatvAraH prANinazca praNipatya siMhAsanOpaviSTam IzvaraM praNamyAvadan, tathAstu paramEzazca sarvvairEva prazasyatAM||
5 Someone spoke from the throne and said, “All you who are our God’s servants, praise him! All you who reverence him, [whether you are socially] significant or insignificant, praise him! [Everyone]!”
anantaraM siMhAsanamadhyAd ESa ravO nirgatO, yathA, hE Izvarasya dAsEyAstadbhaktAH sakalA narAH| yUyaM kSudrA mahAntazca prazaMsata va IzvaraM||
6 I heard something like the noise of a huge crowd [of people], like the sound of a huge waterfall (OR, a great/wide river of rushing water), and like the sound of loud thunder. They were shouting: (Hallelujah!/Praise God!) Because the Lord God, the Almighty One, reigns!
tataH paraM mahAjanatAyAH zabda iva bahutOyAnAnjca zabda iva gRrutarastanitAnAnjca zabda iva zabdO 'yaM mayA zrutaH, brUta parEzvaraM dhanyaM rAjatvaM prAptavAn yataH| sa paramEzvarO 'smAkaM yaH sarvvazaktimAn prabhuH|
7 We should rejoice, we should be extremely glad, and we should honor him, because it is now time for Jesus, the one who is like a lamb, to be united permanently with his people, which will be like a man [MET] marrying his bride, and because those who belong to him have prepared themselves to be united with him.
kIrttayAmaH stavaM tasya hRSTAzcOllAsitA vayaM| yanmESazAvakasyaiva vivAhasamayO 'bhavat| vAgdattA cAbhavat tasmai yA kanyA sA susajjitA|
8 God has permitted them to be completely pure, like a bride who [MET] dresses in fine linen that is bright and clean. Fine [bright and clean] linen represents the righteous acts of God’s people.
paridhAnAya tasyai ca dattaH zubhraH sucElakaH||
9 Then the angel said to me, “Write [this: God will abundantly] bless the people who are {whom [he] has} invited to the feast [that celebrates Jesus, the one who is like a] lamb, [permanently uniting with his people, like someone] [MET] [marrying a wife].” He also said [to me]: “These words that God [declares] are true!”
sa sucElakaH pavitralOkAnAM puNyAni| tataH sa mAm uktavAn tvamidaM likha mESazAvakasya vivAhabhOjyAya yE nimantritAstE dhanyA iti| punarapi mAm avadat, imAnIzvarasya satyAni vAkyAni|
10 I [immediately] (prostrated myself/knelt down) at his feet in order to worship him. But he said to me, “Do not [worship me]! I am [just] your [(sg)] fellow servant and the fellow servant of your [(sg)] fellow believers who tell people about Jesus. God is the one whom you should worship, because it is the Spirit of God who gives people the power to tell others about Jesus (OR, [those who tell others about] Jesus are [truly] declaring [the words that the Spirit of God has given them])!”
anantaraM ahaM tasya caraNayOrantikE nipatya taM praNantumudyataH|tataH sa mAm uktavAn sAvadhAnastiSTha maivaM kuru yIzOH sAkSyaviziSTaistava bhrAtRbhistvayA ca sahadAsO 'haM| IzvaramEva praNama yasmAd yIzOH sAkSyaM bhaviSyadvAkyasya sAraM|
11 [In the vision] I saw heaven opened {open}, and I was surprised to see a white horse. [Jesus], the one who was riding on the horse, is called ‘Trustworthy and Genuine/True’. He judges [all people according to] what is right, and fights righteously [against his enemies].
anantaraM mayA muktaH svargO dRSTaH, EkaH zvEtavarNO 'zvO 'pi dRSTastadArUPhO janO vizvAsyaH satyamayazcEti nAmnA khyAtaH sa yAthArthyEna vicAraM yuddhanjca karOti|
12 His eyes [shone like] [MET] a flame of fire. There were many royal crowns on his head. A name had been written [on him]. Only he knows [the meaning of that name].
tasya nEtrE 'gnizikhAtulyE zirasi ca bahukirITAni vidyantE tatra tasya nAma likhitamasti tamEva vinA nAparaH kO 'pi tannAma jAnAti|
13 The robe he was wearing was drenched with blood. His name is [also] “(The one who expresses what God is like/The Word of God).”
sa rudhiramagnEna paricchadEnAcchAdita IzvaravAda iti nAmnAbhidhIyatE ca|
14 The armies of heaven were following him. [They were also] riding on white horses. They were wearing clothes [made of] clean white linen.
aparaM svargasthasainyAni zvEtAzvArUPhAni parihitanirmmalazvEtasUkSmavastrANi ca bhUtvA tamanugacchanti|
15 [The words] that Jesus speaks [are like] [MTY] a sharp sword with which he will strike [the rebellious people of] the nations. He himself will rule them [powerfully, as though he had] [MET] an iron rod. He will crush [his enemies just like] [MET] [a person crushes grapes in a] winepress. [He will do this for] God Almighty, who is extremely angry [with them because of their sins].
tasya vaktrAd EkastIkSaNaH khaggO nirgacchati tEna khaggEna sarvvajAtIyAstEnAghAtitavyAH sa ca lauhadaNPEna tAn cArayiSyati sarvvazaktimata Izvarasya pracaNPakOparasOtpAdakadrAkSAkuNPE yadyat tiSThati tat sarvvaM sa Eva padAbhyAM pinaSTi|
16 On his cloak close to his thigh a name had been written {[he] had written a name}, which is “King who [rules over all other] kings and Lord who [rules over all other] lords.”
aparaM tasya paricchada urasi ca rAjnjAM rAjA prabhUnAM prabhuzcEti nAma nikhitamasti|
17 I saw an angel who was standing in [the light of] [MTY] the sun. He called loudly to all the [flesh-eating] birds flying high in the sky, “Come and gather for the wonderful feast that God [is providing for you]!
anantaraM sUryyE tiSThan EkO dUtO mayA dRSTaH, AkAzamadhya uPPIyamAnAn sarvvAn pakSiNaH prati sa uccaiHsvarENEdaM ghOSayati, atrAgacchata|
18 [Come] and eat the flesh of all [God’s enemies who are dead—] the flesh of kings, army commanders, [people who fought] powerfully, horses and the [soldiers] who rode them, [and the flesh of all other kinds of people], whether [they were] free or slaves, [socially] insignificant or significant. [All kinds]!”
Izvarasya mahAbhOjyE milata, rAjnjAM kravyANi sEnApatInAM kravyANi vIrANAM kravyANyazvAnAM tadArUPhAnAnjca kravyANi dAsamuktAnAM kSudramahatAM sarvvESAmEva kravyANi ca yuSmAbhi rbhakSitavyAni|
19 Then I saw the beast and the kings of earth with their armies gathered together to fight against the Rider on the horse, and against his army.
tataH paraM tEnAzvArUPhajanEna tadIyasainyaizca sArddhaM yuddhaM karttuM sa pazuH pRthivyA rAjAnastESAM sainyAni ca samAgacchantIti mayA dRSTaM|
20 The beast and the false prophet were captured {[He] captured the beast and the false prophet}. The false prophet is the one who had performed miracles in the beast’s presence. By doing that he had deceived the people who had accepted the beast’s mark [on their foreheads] and who worshipped its image. The beast and the false prophet were thrown {[He] threw the beast and the one who falsely said that he spoke messages that came directly from God} alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur. (Limnē Pyr )
tataH sa pazu rdhRtO yazca mithyAbhaviSyadvaktA tasyAntikE citrakarmmANi kurvvan tairEva pazvagkadhAriNastatpratimApUjakAMzca bhramitavAn sO 'pi tEna sArddhaM dhRtaH| tau ca vahnigandhakajvalitahradE jIvantau nikSiptau| (Limnē Pyr )
21 The rider on the horse killed the rest [of their armies] just by [speaking words], [which were like] [MTY] a sword that extended from his mouth. All those birds gorged themselves on the flesh of [the people whom he had killed].
avaziSTAzca tasyAzvArUPhasya vaktranirgatakhaggEna hatAH, tESAM kravyaizca pakSiNaH sarvvE tRptiM gatAH|