< Revelation 18 >

1 After this, [in the vision] I saw another angel, who had great authority, coming down from heaven. The earth became bright [because] he was shining so intensely/brightly.
μετα ταυτα ειδον αλλον αγγελον καταβαινοντα εκ του ουρανου εχοντα εξουσιαν μεγαλην και η γη εφωτισθη εκ της δοξης αυτου
2 He shouted with a very loud voice, “[God is about to] completely destroy [DOU] all the very [evil] cities (OR, the very evil [city]) [that] Babylon [represents]. As a result, all [kinds of] evil spirits [DOU] will live there, and all [kinds of] foul and detestable [DOU] birds will live there.
και εκραξεν εν ισχυρα φωνη λεγων επεσεν επεσεν βαβυλων η μεγαλη και εγενετο κατοικητηριον δαιμονιων και φυλακη παντος πνευματος ακαθαρτου και φυλακη παντος ορνεου ακαθαρτου και μεμισημενου
3 [God will destroy those cities] because [their rulers have persuaded] the people of [MTY] all nations to act very immorally [and idolatrously with the people of] [MET] [those cities, just like] a prostitute persuades men to drink [strong] wine and then commit fornication with her. The rulers of the earth have also acted immorally [and idolatrously] with the people of [MTY] those cities. The merchants of the earth have become rich [because the people of those cities] strongly desired [and bought from the merchants] many (luxuries/expensive things).”
οτι εκ του οινου του θυμου της πορνειας αυτης πεπωκαν παντα τα εθνη και οι βασιλεις της γης μετ αυτης επορνευσαν και οι εμποροι της γης εκ της δυναμεως του στρηνους αυτης επλουτησαν
4 I heard [Jesus] speak from heaven. He said, “My people, flee from [those cities], in order that you do not sin as the people [of those cities do. If you sin as they do], I will punish you as I will punish them.
και ηκουσα αλλην φωνην εκ του ουρανου λεγουσαν εξελθε εξ αυτης ο λαος μου ινα μη συγκοινωνησητε ταις αμαρτιαις αυτης και ινα εκ των πληγων αυτης μη λαβητε
5 [It is as though] their sins have been piled {have piled} up to heaven, and God remembers them [DOU], [so now he will punish them] [MTY].”
οτι εκολληθησαν αυτης αι αμαρτιαι αχρι του ουρανου και εμνημονευσεν ο θεος τα αδικηματα αυτης
6 [To the angels whom God assigned to punish those cities, Jesus said], “Pay back/Punish the people of those cities to the same extent that they harmed [other people]. Cause them to suffer twice as much [as they caused other people to suffer] [DOU, MET].
αποδοτε αυτη ως και αυτη απεδωκεν και διπλωσατε [ αυτη ] διπλα κατα τα εργα αυτης εν τω ποτηριω ω εκερασεν κερασατε αυτη διπλουν
7 To the same extent that they have boasted about themselves and done the things that they wanted to do, to that extent torment them and cause them to grieve. [Do that because] in their minds they think, ‘We rule as queens! We are not widows, and we will never mourn [as widows do]’!
οσα εδοξασεν εαυτην και εστρηνιασεν τοσουτον δοτε αυτη βασανισμον και πενθος οτι εν τη καρδια αυτης λεγει οτι καθημαι [ καθως ] βασιλισσα και χηρα ουκ ειμι και πενθος ου μη ιδω
8 So in one day terrible calamities/troubles will come upon them. [The people in those cities] will die, others will mourn for them, people will be hungry [because there will be no food], and [their cities] will be burned up. The Lord God is able to punish those cities [like that], because he is very powerful.”
δια τουτο εν μια ημερα ηξουσιν αι πληγαι αυτης θανατος και πενθος και λιμος και εν πυρι κατακαυθησεται οτι ισχυρος κυριος ο θεος ο κρινας αυτην
9 “The kings of the earth who have acted immorally [with people of those cities] and have lived with the people of those cities, doing just what they wanted to do, will weep and mourn [DOU] for them when they see the smoke of the fire that is burning those cities.
και κλαυσουσιν αυτην και κοψονται επ αυτη οι βασιλεις της γης οι μετ αυτης πορνευσαντες και στρηνιασαντες οταν βλεπωσιν τον καπνον της πυρωσεως αυτης
10 They will stand far away [from those cities], because they will be afraid [that they will suffer just like the people of those cities] are suffering. They will say, ‘Terrible things will happen to the awesome and mighty cities [represented by] Babylon! [God] will punish them suddenly and swiftly [MTY]!’
απο μακροθεν εστηκοτες δια τον φοβον του βασανισμου αυτης λεγοντες ουαι ουαι η πολις η μεγαλη βαβυλων η πολις η ισχυρα οτι μια ωρα ηλθεν η κρισις σου
11 The merchants of the earth will weep and will mourn [DOU] [for those cities], because no one will ever again buy the things that they have [to sell to the people in those cities].
και οι εμποροι της γης κλαυσουσιν και πενθησουσιν επ αυτη οτι τον γομον αυτων ουδεις αγοραζει ουκετι
12 [They sell ornaments made] of gold, silver, precious stones, and pearls. They sell [expensive cloth made of] fine linen and silk, [expensive cloth that is dyed] purple and crimson. They sell all kinds of [rare] wood, all kinds of items [made of] ivory, costly wood, bronze, iron, and marble. They sell cinnamon, spice, perfume, frankincense, wine, olive oil, fine flour, and grain. They sell cattle, sheep, horses, and chariots. They even sell human beings [SYN, DOU] to become slaves.
γομον χρυσου και αργυρου και λιθου τιμιου και μαργαριτου και βυσσινου και πορφυρας και σηρικου και κοκκινου και παν ξυλον θυινον και παν σκευος ελεφαντινον και παν σκευος εκ ξυλου τιμιωτατου και χαλκου και σιδηρου και μαρμαρου
και κιναμωμον και αμωμον και θυμιαματα και μυρον και λιβανον και οινον και ελαιον και σεμιδαλιν και σιτον και κτηνη και προβατα και ιππων και ρεδων και σωματων και ψυχας ανθρωπων
14 [The merchants will say], ‘The good things you people longed to have are gone! All your luxurious and splendid [DOU] [possessions have vanished!]! They will be gone forever/You will never have them again [LIT]!’
και η οπωρα της επιθυμιας της ψυχης σου απωλετο απο σου και παντα τα λιπαρα και τα λαμπρα απηλθεν απο σου και ουκετι ου μη αυτα ευρησεις
15 The merchants [who sold] these things and who had become rich by [supplying them] for those [cities] will stand far away, because they will be afraid [that they will suffer just like] the people [of those cities] are suffering. They will weep and mourn [DOU],
οι εμποροι τουτων οι πλουτησαντες απ αυτης απο μακροθεν στησονται δια τον φοβον του βασανισμου αυτης κλαιοντες και πενθουντες
16 and they will say, ‘Terrible things [DOU] have happened to the awesome/great [MET] cities! [They were like queens] who dressed themselves in [clothes made of] [MTY] fine linen [cloth] and expensive cloth dyed purple and crimson, and who were adorned with gold, precious stones, and pearls.
λεγοντες ουαι ουαι η πολις η μεγαλη η περιβεβλημενη βυσσινον και πορφυρουν και κοκκινον και κεχρυσωμενη εν χρυσιω και λιθω τιμιω και μαργαριταις
17 But suddenly and swiftly [MTY] [God] has destroyed these expensive things.’ Every ship captain, all people who travel by ship, all (sailors/those who work on ships), and all others who earn their living [by traveling on] the ocean will stand far away [from those cities].
οτι μια ωρα ηρημωθη ο τοσουτος πλουτος και πας κυβερνητης και πας ο επι τοπον πλεων και ναυται και οσοι την θαλασσαν εργαζονται απο μακροθεν εστησαν
18 When they see the smoke of the fire that is burning those cities, they will shout, ‘No [other] cities have ever been so awesome!’ [RHQ]
και εκραζον βλεποντες τον καπνον της πυρωσεως αυτης λεγοντες τις ομοια τη πολει τη μεγαλη
19 They will throw dust on their heads [to show that they are sad], and they will shout, weep, and mourn [DOU]. They will say, ‘Terrible things have happened to the awesome/great cities, the cities that made all people who own ships [that sail] on the ocean become rich by [carrying] their costly (things for them to sell/merchandise)! [God] has suddenly and swiftly destroyed [MTY] those cities!’”
και εβαλον χουν επι τας κεφαλας αυτων και εκραζον κλαιοντες και πενθουντες λεγοντες ουαι ουαι η πολις η μεγαλη εν η επλουτησαν παντες οι εχοντες τα πλοια εν τη θαλασση εκ της τιμιοτητος αυτης οτι μια ωρα ηρημωθη
20 Then someone spoke from heaven saying, “All you who live in heaven, rejoice over what has happened to [the cities represented by] Babylon! You who are God’s people, including you apostles, you (prophets/who speak messages that come directly from God), rejoice, because God has justly punished the people of those cities because they acted in an evil way toward you!”
ευφραινου επ αυτη ουρανε και οι αγιοι και οι αποστολοι και οι προφηται οτι εκρινεν ο θεος το κριμα υμων εξ αυτης
21 Then a mighty angel picked up a boulder the size of a large stone for grinding grain, and threw it into the ocean. Then he said, “O you people in [APO] the awesome/great cities [represented by] Babylon, your cities will be destroyed so that they will disappear just like that stone disappeared in the ocean! Your cities will be gone forever [LIT]!
και ηρεν εις αγγελος ισχυρος λιθον ως μυλον μεγαν και εβαλεν εις την θαλασσαν λεγων ουτως ορμηματι βληθησεται βαβυλων η μεγαλη πολις και ου μη ευρεθη ετι
22 In your cities there will never again be [anyone] playing harps, singing, playing flutes, and blowing trumpets. There will no longer be any (skilled workers/craftsmen) making things. There will never again be people grinding [grain at] [MTY] the mills.
και φωνη κιθαρωδων και μουσικων και αυλητων και σαλπιστων ου μη ακουσθη εν σοι ετι και πας τεχνιτης πασης τεχνης ου μη ευρεθη εν σοι ετι και φωνη μυλου ου μη ακουσθη εν σοι ετι
23 No lamplight will ever again shine. There will never again be the [happy] voices of a bridegroom and his bride. [God will destroy your cities] because your merchants were the most [deceitful] men in the world. You persuaded them to deceive [people of] [MTY] all nations.
και φως λυχνου ου μη φανη εν σοι ετι και φωνη νυμφιου και νυμφης ου μη ακουσθη εν σοι ετι οτι οι εμποροι σου ησαν οι μεγιστανες της γης οτι εν τη φαρμακεια σου επλανηθησαν παντα τα εθνη
24 You are also [responsible for killing] [MTY] [the] prophets and [others] of God’s people. Indeed, you are the ones who are guilty for the deaths of all those who have been {whom [others] have} killed on the earth!”
και εν αυτη αιματα προφητων και αγιων ευρεθη και παντων των εσφαγμενων επι της γης

< Revelation 18 >