< Revelation 17 >
1 One of the seven angels, who had [one of] the seven bowls, came to me. He said to me, “Come [with me], and I will show you how [God] will punish the very evil [city that is represented by] [SYM] a prostitute, a city in which there are many canals [of] water.
E veiu um dos sete anjos que tinham as sete taças, e fallou comigo, dizendo-me: Vem, mostrar-te-hei a condemnação da grande prostituta que está assentada sobre muitas aguas;
2 [It is as though] the rulers of earth have acted immorally [and idolatrously] with the people of that city [MET], and they [have persuaded people] who live on the earth to act immorally [and idolatrously] with them [MET], [just like a prostitute persuades men to drink] the [strong] wine [she gives them, resulting in their] becoming drunk [and] then committing sexual immorality. with her.”
Com a qual fornicaram os reis da terra; e os que habitam na terra se embebedaram com o vinho da sua fornicação.
3 Then, as [God’s] Spirit [controlled me], the angel carried me away to a desolate area. There I saw a woman who was sitting on a red beast. The beast had names [written] all over itself. They were names that (insulted/spoke evil against) [God]. The beast had seven heads and ten horns.
E levou-me em espirito a um deserto, e vi uma mulher assentada sobre uma besta de côr de escarlata, que estava cheia de nomes de blasphemia, e tinha sete cabeças e dez cornos.
4 The woman [that I saw] was wearing purple and red [clothes]; and gold, precious stones, and pearls were fastened to her [clothes and her body]. She held in her hand a golden cup. The cup was full of [a liquid that represents] [SYM] the detestable/disgusting, idolatrous things and filthy immoral things that she [does].
E a mulher estava vestida de purpura e de escarlata, e adornada com oiro, e pedras preciosas e perolas; e tinha na sua mão um calix de oiro cheio das abominações e da immundicia da sua fornicação;
5 This name, that has a hidden/secret [meaning], was written on her forehead: “[This woman is] Babylon, the very evil [city! She acts like] the mother of the prostitutes on the earth. She teaches them to [act] immorally and to worship idols.”
E na sua testa escripto o nome: Mysterio: A grande Babylonia, a mãe das fornicações e abominações da terra.
6 I saw that the woman had become drunk as a result of drinking the blood of God’s people, those who had told others about Jesus. When I saw her, I was very bewildered/perplexed.
E vi que a mulher estava embriagada do sangue dos sanctos, e do sangue das testemunhas de Jesus. E, vendo-a eu, maravilhei-me com grande admiração.
7 The angel said to me, “Do not be bewildered [RHQ]! I will explain to you the hidden/secret meaning of the woman and of the beast on which she rides, the beast that has the seven heads and the ten horns.
E o anjo me disse: Porque te admiras? Eu te direi o mysterio da mulher, e da besta que a traz, a qual tem sete cabeças e dez cornos.
8 The beast that you saw [lived] previously. Eventually God will destroy him, but now he is dead. He is [about to] come up (from the underworld/from the deep dark pit). [When] the beast who had previously lived, and who then had died, reappears, the people who live on the earth will be amazed. [They are people whose] names were not in the book in which are written the names of people [who will] have eternal life. [The angels have been writing those names in a list] (from the beginning of the world/from the time when the world began). (Abyssos )
A besta que viste foi e já não é, e ha de subir do abysmo, e ir-se á perdição; e os que habitam na terra (cujos nomes não estão escriptos no livro da vida, desde a fundação do mundo) se admirarão vendo a besta que era e já não é, ainda que é. (Abyssos )
9 Those who [think] wisely [can understand] this: The seven heads [of the beast] on which the woman sits [symbolize] the seven hills [of the city that the woman represents]. They also [symbolize] seven rulers.
Aqui ha sentido, que tem sabedoria. As sete cabeças são sete montes, sobre os quaes a mulher está assentada.
10 Five [of those rulers] have died. One is [still alive]. The seventh [ruler] has not yet come. When he comes, he must remain on earth for [only] a short [time].
E são tambem sete reis; os cinco são caidos; e um já é, outro ainda não é vindo; e, quando vier, convem que dure um pouco de tempo
11 The beast that [lived] before and then was not [alive] will be the eighth [ruler]. He will be [evil like] the seven [rulers were, but God] will surely destroy him.
E a besta que era e já não é, esta é tambem o oitavo, e é dos sete, e vae-se á perdição.
12 The ten horns that you saw [represent] ten rulers who have not yet begun to rule. They, together with the beast, will be authorized to rule [people for only a short time, as if it were] [MET] for one hour.
E os dez cornos que viste são dez reis, que ainda não receberam o reino, porém receberão poder como reis por uma hora, juntamente com a besta.
13 Those [rulers] will all agree to do the same thing. [As a result] they will give to the beast their power [to rule people] as well as their authority [to rule people] [DOU].
Estes teem um mesmo intento, e entregarão o seu poder e auctoridade á besta.
14 The rulers and the beast will fight against [Jesus], the [one who is like a] lamb. He will defeat them, because he is Lord [who rules over all other] lords and the King [who rules over all other] kings. Those [people] who are with [and helping him] are the ones whom [God] has chosen, and who keep [serving him] faithfully.”
Estes combaterão contra o Cordeiro, e o Cordeiro os vencerá (porque é o Senhor dos senhores e o Rei dos reis), e os que estão com elle são os chamados, e eleitos, e fieis.
15 Then the angel said to me, “The waters that you saw in the city where the prostitute sits represent people-[groups], multitudes [of people], nations, and [speakers of many languages] [MTY].
E disse-me: As aguas que viste, onde se assenta a prostituta, são povos, e multidões, e nações, e linguas.
16 The ten horns that you saw [represent rulers] [SYM]. They and the beast will hate [the people in the city] [MTY] that the prostitute [represents]. As a result, they will [take away everything that is in the city, as if] they were [MET] leaving it naked. They will [destroy it as if] [MET] devouring flesh/meat, and they will burn it with fire.
E os dez cornos que viste na besta são os que aborrecerão a prostituta, e a farão assolada e núa, e comerão a sua carne, e a queimarão com fogo.
17 They will do that because God has caused them to decide to do what he wants them to do. As a result, they will let the beast have their power to rule until what God has said is fulfilled {until [they] fulfill what God has said} [MTY].
Porque Deus deu-lhes em seus corações que cumpram o seu intento, e que tenham um mesmo intento, e que deem á besta o seu reino, até que se cumpram as palavras de Deus.
18 The prostitute that you saw [represents] the very evil city [whose leaders] [MTY] rule over the kings of the earth.”
E a mulher que viste é a grande cidade que reina sobre os reis da terra.