< Revelation 17 >
1 One of the seven angels, who had [one of] the seven bowls, came to me. He said to me, “Come [with me], and I will show you how [God] will punish the very evil [city that is represented by] [SYM] a prostitute, a city in which there are many canals [of] water.
Kemudian salah satu dari tujuh malaikat yang memegang ketujuh mangkuk tadi datang dan berkata kepada saya, “Datanglah kemari. Saya akan menunjukkan kepadamu hukuman yang akan dijatuhkan kepada pelacur terkenal itu, yaitu dia yang duduk di tempat yang banyak sungai mengalir.
2 [It is as though] the rulers of earth have acted immorally [and idolatrously] with the people of that city [MET], and they [have persuaded people] who live on the earth to act immorally [and idolatrously] with them [MET], [just like a prostitute persuades men to drink] the [strong] wine [she gives them, resulting in their] becoming drunk [and] then committing sexual immorality. with her.”
Raja-raja di bumi sudah berbuat cabul dengan dia, dan semua penduduk bumi sudah mabuk karena air anggurnya.”
3 Then, as [God’s] Spirit [controlled me], the angel carried me away to a desolate area. There I saw a woman who was sitting on a red beast. The beast had names [written] all over itself. They were names that (insulted/spoke evil against) [God]. The beast had seven heads and ten horns.
Tiba-tiba saya dikuasai Roh Kudus, lalu malaikat itu membawa saya ke suatu padang belantara. Di situ saya melihat seorang perempuan sedang duduk di punggung seekor binatang yang berwarna merah. Pada kulit binatang itu tertulis banyak nama yang semuanya menghina Allah. Binatang itu juga mempunyai tujuh kepala dan sepuluh tanduk.
4 The woman [that I saw] was wearing purple and red [clothes]; and gold, precious stones, and pearls were fastened to her [clothes and her body]. She held in her hand a golden cup. The cup was full of [a liquid that represents] [SYM] the detestable/disgusting, idolatrous things and filthy immoral things that she [does].
Perempuan itu memakai pakaian yang sangat mewah berwarna ungu dan merah, juga didandani dengan berbagai perhiasan emas, batu permata, dan mutiara. Dia memegang sebuah mangkuk emas yang penuh dengan air anggur kenajisan, yaitu ketidaksetiaan kepada Allah dan segala macam perbuatan cabul yang menajiskan.
5 This name, that has a hidden/secret [meaning], was written on her forehead: “[This woman is] Babylon, the very evil [city! She acts like] the mother of the prostitutes on the earth. She teaches them to [act] immorally and to worship idols.”
Di dahinya tertulis sebuah nama yang menggambarkan dirinya yang sebenarnya, yaitu “Aku ibukota Babel terbesar, ibu dari semua pelacur, sumber segala kenajisan di bumi.”
6 I saw that the woman had become drunk as a result of drinking the blood of God’s people, those who had told others about Jesus. When I saw her, I was very bewildered/perplexed.
Lalu saya menyadari bahwa perempuan itu sedang minum darah! Dia mabuk oleh darah umat Allah yang dibunuh karena mereka setia dan tidak malu bersaksi tentang Yesus! Saya memandang perempuan itu dengan sangat heran.
7 The angel said to me, “Do not be bewildered [RHQ]! I will explain to you the hidden/secret meaning of the woman and of the beast on which she rides, the beast that has the seven heads and the ten horns.
Tetapi malaikat itu berkata kepada saya, “Mengapa kamu heran? Saya akan menjelaskan kepadamu rahasia dari gambaran pelacur dan binatang yang ditungganginya itu, yang berkepala tujuh dan bertanduk sepuluh.
8 The beast that you saw [lived] previously. Eventually God will destroy him, but now he is dead. He is [about to] come up (from the underworld/from the deep dark pit). [When] the beast who had previously lived, and who then had died, reappears, the people who live on the earth will be amazed. [They are people whose] names were not in the book in which are written the names of people [who will] have eternal life. [The angels have been writing those names in a list] (from the beginning of the world/from the time when the world began). (Abyssos )
Binatang itu menggambarkan seseorang yang dulu pernah hidup di dunia, tetapi sekarang sudah mati. Dia akan hidup kembali dan muncul dari Syeol untuk menjadi raja lagi. Seluruh penduduk bumi, yang namanya tidak tertulis dalam Kitab Kehidupan sejak dunia diciptakan, akan heran ketika melihat binatang itu hidup kembali. Namun kemudian dia akan dibinasakan ke dalam neraka. (Abyssos )
9 Those who [think] wisely [can understand] this: The seven heads [of the beast] on which the woman sits [symbolize] the seven hills [of the city that the woman represents]. They also [symbolize] seven rulers.
“Untuk menjelaskan arti dari hal-hal ini diperlukan pikiran yang bijaksana. Tujuh kepala binatang itu menggambarkan tujuh bukit tempat perempuan itu duduk.
10 Five [of those rulers] have died. One is [still alive]. The seventh [ruler] has not yet come. When he comes, he must remain on earth for [only] a short [time].
Tujuh kepala juga melambangkan tujuh raja besar. Lima di antaranya sudah mati. Raja yang keenam sedang memerintah sekarang. Raja yang ketujuh belum muncul, dan waktu dia muncul dia akan memerintah sebentar saja.
11 The beast that [lived] before and then was not [alive] will be the eighth [ruler]. He will be [evil like] the seven [rulers were, but God] will surely destroy him.
Nah, seperti yang saya katakan, binatang berwarna merah itu dulu hidup di dunia, tetapi sekarang tidak ada lagi. Dulu dia juga salah satu dari ketujuh raja itu. Tetapi ketika dia hidup kembali, dia akan terhitung sebagai raja kedelapan. Lalu dia akan dibinasakan ke dalam neraka. ()
12 The ten horns that you saw [represent] ten rulers who have not yet begun to rule. They, together with the beast, will be authorized to rule [people for only a short time, as if it were] [MET] for one hour.
“Sepuluh tanduk yang kamu lihat itu juga menggambarkan sepuluh raja yang akan memerintah dalam waktu yang sama. Sekarang mereka belum mulai memerintah. Mereka akan menerima kuasa untuk memerintah bersama binatang itu selama waktu yang singkat saja.
13 Those [rulers] will all agree to do the same thing. [As a result] they will give to the beast their power [to rule people] as well as their authority [to rule people] [DOU].
Kesepuluh raja tersebut akan bersepakat untuk menyerahkan segala kuasa kerajaan mereka kepada binatang itu.
14 The rulers and the beast will fight against [Jesus], the [one who is like a] lamb. He will defeat them, because he is Lord [who rules over all other] lords and the King [who rules over all other] kings. Those [people] who are with [and helping him] are the ones whom [God] has chosen, and who keep [serving him] faithfully.”
Mereka semuanya akan berperang melawan Sang Anak Domba! Tetapi Anak Domba akan mengalahkan mereka, karena Dialah Penguasa atas segala penguasa dan Raja atas segala raja. Batalion tentara-Nya adalah umat pilihan-Nya sendiri, yaitu mereka yang dipanggil-Nya dan yang setia kepada-Nya.”
15 Then the angel said to me, “The waters that you saw in the city where the prostitute sits represent people-[groups], multitudes [of people], nations, and [speakers of many languages] [MTY].
Lalu malaikat itu berkata kepada saya, “Tempat dengan banyak sungai mengalir itu, yakni tempat duduk pelacur tadi, menggambarkan banyak kelompok orang dari berbagai suku bahasa dan bangsa.
16 The ten horns that you saw [represent rulers] [SYM]. They and the beast will hate [the people in the city] [MTY] that the prostitute [represents]. As a result, they will [take away everything that is in the city, as if] they were [MET] leaving it naked. They will [destroy it as if] [MET] devouring flesh/meat, and they will burn it with fire.
Kesepuluh tanduk, yaitu para raja, bersama dengan binatang yang sudah kamu lihat akan membenci pelacur itu. Mereka akan merampas semua harta dan pakaiannya sampai dia telanjang. Mereka akan menangkap dia lalu memakan dagingnya. Pada akhirnya, mereka akan membakar sisa-sisa mayatnya sampai habis bersih.
17 They will do that because God has caused them to decide to do what he wants them to do. As a result, they will let the beast have their power to rule until what God has said is fulfilled {until [they] fulfill what God has said} [MTY].
Sebenarnya Allah sendirilah yang menggerakkan hati mereka agar sepakat melakukan apa yang sesuai dengan rencana-Nya. Karena itulah mereka menyerahkan kuasa kerajaan mereka kepada binatang itu, supaya semua rencana Allah digenapi.
18 The prostitute that you saw [represents] the very evil city [whose leaders] [MTY] rule over the kings of the earth.”
Pelacur yang kamu lihat itu menggambarkan ibukota terbesar yang menguasai semua kerajaan di bumi.”