< Revelation 11 >

1 [An angel gave] to me a reed similar to a measuring stick. He said [to me], “[Christ says this: ‘Go] to the temple [where people worship] God, measure it and the altar [in it], and count the people who worship there.
anantaraM parimANadaNPavad EkO nalO mahyamadAyi, sa ca dUta upatiSThan mAm avadat, utthAyEzvarasya mandiraM vEdIM tatratyasEvakAMzca mimISva|
2 But do not measure the courtyard outside [of the temple] [DOU], because [it] has been given {[God] has given it} to [the] non-Jewish [people. As a result], they will trample [Jerusalem city] for 42 months.
kintu mandirasya bahiHprAggaNaM tyaja na mimISva yatastad anyajAtIyEbhyO dattaM, pavitraM nagaranjca dvicatvAriMzanmAsAn yAvat tESAM caraNai rmarddiSyatE|
3 I will appoint my two (witnesses/men who will tell others about me). They will proclaim what I reveal to them for 1,260 days. They will wear [rough] clothes made from goat’s hair [to show that they are sad about people’s sin].’”
pazcAt mama dvAbhyAM sAkSibhyAM mayA sAmarthyaM dAyiSyatE tAvuSTralOmajavastraparihitau SaSThyadhikadvizatAdhikasahasradinAni yAvad bhaviSyadvAkyAni vadiSyataH|
4 Those [witnesses are the ones] that are represented by the two olive trees and the two lampstands that are in the presence of the Lord [who rules] the earth [SYM].
tAvEva jagadIzvarasyAntikE tiSThantau jitavRkSau dIpavRkSau ca|
5 If enemies try to harm those [witnesses], fire will come from the mouths of the witnesses and destroy them. If people want to harm them, [the two witnesses] will certainly kill them similarly.
yadi kEcit tau hiMsituM cESTantE tarhi tayO rvadanAbhyAm agni rnirgatya tayOH zatrUn bhasmIkariSyati| yaH kazcit tau hiMsituM cESTatE tEnaivamEva vinaSTavyaM|
6 Those [witnesses] will have authority to keep rain from falling during the time that they are proclaiming what God reveals to them. They also will have authority to cause water [everywhere] to become [red like] [MET] blood, and [authority] to cause all kinds of plagues to occur. They will do this as often as they want to.
tayO rbhaviSyadvAkyakathanadinESu yathA vRSTi rna jAyatE tathA gaganaM rOddhuM tayOH sAmarthyam asti, aparaM tOyAni zONitarUpANi karttuM nijAbhilASAt muhurmuhuH sarvvavidhadaNPaiH pRthivIm Ahantunjca tayOH sAmarthyamasti|
7 When they have finished proclaiming [to people the message from God], the beast that comes up (from the underworld/from the deep dark pit) will attack them, overcome them, and kill them. (Abyssos g12)
aparaM tayOH sAkSyE samAptE sati rasAtalAd yEnOtthitavyaM sa pazustAbhyAM saha yuddhvA tau jESyati haniSyati ca| (Abyssos g12)
8 The dead bodies of the [two] witnesses will lie in the street of the great city where their Lord was crucified, the city that is symbolically named Sodom or Egypt [because its people are very evil, like the people who lived in Sodom and Egypt].
tatastayOH prabhurapi yasyAM mahApuryyAM kruzE hatO 'rthatO yasyAH pAramArthikanAmanI sidOmaM misarazcEti tasyA mahApuryyAMH sannivEzE tayOH kuNapE sthAsyataH|
9 Individuals of many people-[groups], tribes, language [groups] [MTY], and nations will look at their dead bodies for three and a half days. But these individuals will not allow [anyone] to bury their bodies.
tatO nAnAjAtIyA nAnAvaMzIyA nAnAbhASAvAdinO nAnAdEzIyAzca bahavO mAnavAH sArddhadinatrayaM tayOH kuNapE nirIkSiSyantE, tayOH kuNapayOH zmazAnE sthApanaM nAnujnjAsyanti|
10 When the [rebellious] people who live on the earth [see that the witnesses are dead], they will rejoice and celebrate. They will send gifts to each other, because these two prophets had [caused plagues to occur which] tormented the [rebellious] people on the earth.
pRthivInivAsinazca tayO rhEtOrAnandiSyanti sukhabhOgaM kurvvantaH parasparaM dAnAni prESayiSyanti ca yatastAbhyAM bhaviSyadvAdibhyAM pRthivInivAsinO yAtanAM prAptAH|
11 But after three and a half days, God will cause those two witnesses to breathe again and live. They will stand up, and those who see them will be terrified.
tasmAt sArddhadinatrayAt param IzvarAt jIvanadAyaka Atmani tau praviSTE tau caraNairudatiSThatAM, tEna yAvantastAvapazyan tE 'tIva trAsayuktA abhavan|
12 The [two witnesses] will hear a loud voice which came from heaven saying to them: “Come up here!” Then they will go up to heaven in a cloud. Their enemies will see them [as they ascend].
tataH paraM tau svargAd uccairidaM kathayantaM ravam azRNutAM yuvAM sthAnam Etad ArOhatAM tatastayOH zatruSu nirIkSamANESu tau mEghEna svargam ArUPhavantau|
13 At that same time there will be a terrible earthquake, which will cause a tenth of [the buildings in] [MTY] the city will collapse, and 7,000 people will die. The rest of the people will be afraid and [acknowledge] that the God [who rules in] heaven is awesome.
taddaNPE mahAbhUmikampE jAtE puryyA dazamAMzaH patitaH saptasahasrANi mAnuSAzca tEna bhUmikampEna hatAH, avaziSTAzca bhayaM gatvA svargIyEzvarasya prazaMsAm akIrttayan|
14 That will be the second terrible event. [Be aware that] the third tragic event will happen soon.
dvitIyaH santApO gataH pazya tRtIyaH santApastUrNam Agacchati|
15 Then the seventh angel blew [his trumpet]. Angels in heaven shouted loudly, “Our Lord [God] and the Messiah [whom he has appointed] can now govern [everyone in] [MTY] the world, and they will continue to rule people forever!” (aiōn g165)
anantaraM saptadUtEna tUryyAM vAditAyAM svarga uccaiH svarairvAgiyaM kIrttitA, rAjatvaM jagatO yadyad rAjyaM tadadhunAbhavat| asmatprabhOstadIyAbhiSiktasya tArakasya ca| tEna cAnantakAlIyaM rAjatvaM prakariSyatE|| (aiōn g165)
16 The 24 elders who sit on their thrones in God’s presence (prostrated themselves/bowed down low) and worshipped him.
aparam IzvarasyAntikE svakIyasiMhAsanESUpaviSTAzcaturviMzatiprAcInA bhuvi nyagbhUkhA bhUtvEzvaraM praNamyAvadan,
17 They said: Lord God, you are the Almighty One! You are the one who exists now! You are the one who has always existed! We thank you that you have defeated by your power everyone who has rebelled against you, and you now rule over everyone in the world.
hE bhUta varttamAnApi bhaviSyaMzca parEzvara| hE sarvvazaktiman svAmin vayaM tE kurmmahE stavaM| yat tvayA kriyatE rAjyaM gRhItvA tE mahAbalaM|
18 The unbelieving people of [MTY] the nations were raging at you. As a result you have become very angry with them. You have decided that this is the appropriate time for you to judge all the dead people. You have also decided that it is the time for you to reward all your servants, both the prophets and the rest of your people who reverence you [MTY], whether they were considered socially significant/important or socially insignificant/unimportant. It is time for you to reward all of them! You have also decided it is the time for you to destroy the people who are destroying others on the earth.
vijAtIyESu kupyatsu prAdurbhUtA tava krudhA| mRtAnAmapi kAlO 'sau vicArO bhavitA yadA| bhRtyAzca tava yAvantO bhaviSyadvAdisAdhavaH|yE ca kSudrA mahAntO vA nAmatastE hi bibhyati| yadA sarvvEbhya EtEbhyO vEtanaM vitariSyatE| gantavyazca yadA nAzO vasudhAyA vinAzakaiH||
19 Then God’s temple in heaven was opened {was open} and [I] saw in the temple the sacred box/chest that contains God’s commandments. Lightning was flashing, it was thundering and rumbling, the earth shook, and large hailstones [fell from the sky].
anantaram Izvarasya svargasthamandirasya dvAraM muktaM tanmandiramadhyE ca niyamamanjjUSA dRzyAbhavat, tEna taPitO ravAH stanitAni bhUmikampO gurutarazilAvRSTizcaitAni samabhavan|

< Revelation 11 >