< Psalms 99 >

1 Yahweh is the [supreme] king, so [all] the people-groups should tremble ([in his presence/in front of him])! He sits on his throne [in the temple] above the [statues of] winged creatures, [so] the earth should quake/shake!
El Señor reina; ¡Tiemblen todas las naciones! Porque él se sienta en su trono sobre los querubines; ¡Qué la tierra tiemble!
2 Yahweh is a mighty [king] in Jerusalem; [but] he is [also] the supreme ruler of all people-groups.
El Señor gobierna con poder sobre Sión, él es soberano sobre todas las naciones.
3 [So] they should praise him because he is very great/powerful; and he is holy!
Alaben su grandeza, y respétenlo por quien es, porque él es santo,
4 He is a mighty king who (loves/is pleased with) what is just/right; he has acted justly and fairly [DOU] in Israel.
y tiene poder real. Tú amas la justicias; tomas decisiones imparciales. Te has asegurado que todo esté hecho con rectitud y de acuerdo a lo que está bien.
5 Praise Yahweh our God! Worship him [in front of the Sacred Chest in his temple] [MTY], where he rules people. He is holy!
¡Brinden respeto al Señor, nuestro Dios! ¡Póstrense a sus pies, porque él es santo!
6 Moses and Aaron were two of his priests; Samuel also was someone who prayed to him. Those [three] cried out to Yahweh [to help them], and he answered them.
Moisés y Aaron estuvieron entre sus sacerdotes; Samuel también le rogó. Ellos clamaron al Señor por ayuda, y él les respondió.
7 He spoke to Moses and Aaron from the cloud [that was like a huge] pillar; they obeyed [all] the laws and commandments [DOU] that he gave to them.
Les habló desde el pilar de nubes, y ellos guardaron las leyes y los decretos que él les dio.
8 Yahweh, our God, you answered [your people] [when they cried out to you to help them]; you are a God who forgave them [for those sins that they had committed], even though you punished them for the things that they did that are wrong.
Señor nuestro Dios, tú les respondiste. Fuiste un Dios perdonador con ellos, pero los castigaste cuando hicieron algo mal.
9 Praise Yahweh, our God, and worship him [at the temple] on his sacred hill; [it is right to do that] because Yahweh, our God, is holy!
Honren al Señor, y alábenlo en su monte santo. ¡Porque el Señor, nuestro Dios, es santo!

< Psalms 99 >