< Psalms 97 >

1 Yahweh is the king! I want [everyone on] the earth to be glad/happy, and the [people who live on] the islands in the oceans to [also] rejoice [about that!]
huic David quando terra eius restituta est Dominus regnavit exultet terra laetentur insulae multae
2 There are very dark clouds around him [to hide him]; he rules [MTY] righteously/justly and fairly.
nubes et caligo in circuitu eius iustitia et iudicium correctio sedis eius
3 He [sends] fire in front of him, and he completely burns all his enemies in that fire.
ignis ante ipsum praecedet et inflammabit in circuitu inimicos eius
4 All around the world he causes lightning to flash; [people on] the earth see it, and it causes them to [be afraid and] tremble.
adluxerunt fulgora eius orbi terrae vidit et commota est terra
5 The mountains/hills melt like wax in front of Yahweh, the one who is the Lord, [who rules] over all the earth.
montes sicut cera fluxerunt a facie Domini; a facie Domini omnis terrae
6 The [angels in] [MTY] heaven proclaim that he acts righteously, and all the people-groups see his glory.
adnuntiaverunt caeli iustitiam eius et viderunt omnes populi gloriam eius
7 Everyone who worships idols should be ashamed; all those who are proud of their false gods [should realize that their gods are useless], [It is as though] all those gods bow down [to worship] Yahweh.
confundantur omnes qui adorant sculptilia qui gloriantur in simulacris suis adorate eum omnes angeli eius
8 [The people] [MTY] of Jerusalem hear [about Yahweh] and are glad/happy, and [people in the other] [MTY] cities in Judah [also] rejoice, because Yahweh judges [and punishes wicked people].
audivit et laetata est Sion et exultaverunt filiae Iudaeae propter iudicia tua Domine
9 Yahweh is the supreme [king] over all the earth; he has very great power, and all the [other] gods have no power at all.
quoniam tu Dominus Altissimus super omnem terram nimis superexaltatus es super omnes deos
10 Yahweh loves those who hate what [people do that] is evil; he protects the lives of his people, and he rescues them when the wicked [people try to harm them].
qui diligitis Dominum odite malum custodit animas sanctorum suorum de manu peccatoris liberabit eos
11 His light shines on righteous [people]; he causes those who are righteous to rejoice.
lux orta est iusto et rectis corde laetitia
12 You righteous [people], rejoice about what Yahweh [has done], and thank him, our holy God!
laetamini iusti in Domino et confitemini memoriae sanctificationis eius

< Psalms 97 >