< Psalms 95 >

1 Come, sing to Yahweh; sing joyfully to the one who protects us [MET] and saves us!
Uyai, tiimbire Jehovha nomufaro; ngatidanidzirei kuDombo roruponeso rwedu.
2 We should thank him as we come before him, and sing (joyful songs/joyfully) as we praise him.
Ngatisvikei pamberi pake nokuvonga uye timukudze nenziyo.
3 Because Yahweh is the great God, he is a great king [who rules] over all [other] gods.
Nokuti Jehovha ndiye Mwari mukuru, Mambo mukuru pamusoro pavamwari vose.
4 He rules over the whole earth, from the deepest places/caves to the highest mountains.
Nzvimbo dzakadzika dzapanyika dziri muruoko rwake, uye misoro yamakomo ndeyake.
5 The seas are his, because he made them. He is [also] the one who [SYN] formed/made the dry land.
Gungwa nderake, nokuti ndiye akariita, uye maoko ake akaumba nyika yakaoma.
6 We should come, worship, and bow down before him. We should kneel before Yahweh, the one who made us.
Uyai tikotame, tinamate, ngatipfugamei pamberi paJehovha Muiti wedu;
7 He is our God, and we are the people whom he takes care of [MET]; like sheep [that a shepherd] takes care of. Today, listen to what Yahweh is saying to you.
nokuti ndiye Mwari wedu, uye isu tiri vanhu vanofudzwa naye, makwai anochengetwa naye. Nhasi kana muchinzwa inzwi rake,
8 He says, “Do not become stubborn [IDM] like [your ancestors] did at Meribah, and like [they did] at Massah in the desert.
musaomesa mwoyo yenyu sezvamakaita paMeribha, sezvamakaita pazuva riya paMasa mugwenga,
9 There your ancestors (wanted to see/tried to determine) if they could do many very evil things [without my punishing them]. Even though they had seen me perform [many] miracles, they tested whether I [would continue to be patient with them].
pandakaedzwa namadzibaba enyu kunyange vakanga vaona zvandakanga ndaita.
10 For 40 years I was angry with those people, and I said, ‘Those people say that they want to please me, but they do things that I detest. They refuse to obey my commands.’
Ndakatsamwira rudzi urwu kwamakore makumi mana; ndakati, “Ava vanhu vane mwoyo yakatsauka, uye havana kuziva nzira dzangu.”
11 So because I was very angry, I solemnly said/declared about them: ‘They will never enter [the land of Canaan] where I would have allowed them to rest!’”
Saka ndakapika pakutsamwa kwangu ndikati, “Havangazombopindi pazororo rangu.”

< Psalms 95 >