< Psalms 94 >
1 Yahweh, you are able to get revenge [on your enemies]. [So] show them that you are going to punish them!
Dio che fai giustizia, o Signore, Dio che fai giustizia: mostrati!
2 You are the one who judges all [people on] the earth; [so] arise, and give/punish the proud [leaders of our] people like they deserve.
Alzati, giudice della terra, rendi la ricompensa ai superbi.
3 Yahweh, how long will those wicked [people] be glad/happy? It is not right that [RHQ] they continue being glad!
Fino a quando gli empi, Signore, fino a quando gli empi trionferanno?
4 They do evil things, and they boast about doing them; how long will they [be allowed to] continue doing that?
Sparleranno, diranno insolenze, si vanteranno tutti i malfattori?
5 Yahweh, [it is as though] those wicked people crush [us], your people; they (oppress/treat cruelly) those who belong to you [DOU].
Signore, calpestano il tuo popolo, opprimono la tua eredità.
6 They murder widows and orphans and people from other countries who [think it is safe to] live in our land.
Uccidono la vedova e il forestiero, danno la morte agli orfani.
7 Those wicked people say, “Yahweh does not see anything; [so] the God whom those Israelis [worship] does not see [the evil things that we do].”
Dicono: «Il Signore non vede, il Dio di Giacobbe non se ne cura».
8 You evil people [who rule Israel], you are foolish and stupid; when will you become wise [RHQ]?
Comprendete, insensati tra il popolo, stolti, quando diventerete saggi?
9 God made our ears; so [do you think that] he cannot hear [what you say] [RHQ]? He created our eyes; so do you think that he cannot see [the evil things that you do] [RHQ]?
Chi ha formato l'orecchio, forse non sente? Chi ha plasmato l'occhio, forse non guarda?
10 He also scolds [the leaders of other] nations; so do you think that he will not punish [you] [RHQ]? He is the one who knows everything; [so why do you think that he does not know what you do] [RHQ]?
Chi regge i popoli forse non castiga, lui che insegna all'uomo il sapere?
11 Yahweh knows [everything] that people are thinking; he knows that what they think ([is useless/vanishes as quickly as]) smoke [MET].
Il Signore conosce i pensieri dell'uomo: non sono che un soffio.
12 Yahweh, you are pleased with people who [want you to] discipline/correct them, those who [want you to] teach them your laws.
Beato l'uomo che tu istruisci, Signore, e che ammaestri nella tua legge,
13 When those people have had troubles, you cause those troubles to cease, and some day [it will be as though] you will dig pits for wicked people, and they will fall into those pits [and die].
per dargli riposo nei giorni di sventura, finché all'empio sia scavata la fossa.
14 Yahweh will not abandon his people; he will not desert like that those who belong to him [DOU].
Perché il Signore non respinge il suo popolo, la sua eredità non la può abbandonare,
15 [Some day] judges will decide matters fairly for people, and all honest/righteous people will be pleased about that.
ma il giudizio si volgerà a giustizia, la seguiranno tutti i retti di cuore.
16 But when wicked [people] ([oppressed me/treated me cruelly]), (who defended me?/no one defended me.) [RHQ] No one stood up to testify for me against those evil people [RHQ].
Chi sorgerà per me contro i malvagi? Chi starà con me contro i malfattori?
17 If Yahweh had not helped me [at that time], [I would have been executed], [and] my soul/spirit would have gone to the place where [dead people] say nothing.
Se il Signore non fosse il mio aiuto, in breve io abiterei nel regno del silenzio.
18 I said/thought [to myself], “I am about to die,” but Yahweh, you held me up by faithfully loving me.
Quando dicevo: «Il mio piede vacilla», la tua grazia, Signore, mi ha sostenuto.
19 Whenever I am very worried, you comfort/encourage me and cause me to be happy.
Quand'ero oppresso dall'angoscia, il tuo conforto mi ha consolato.
20 You have nothing to do with wicked judges, who establish laws that allow people to do what is not legal.
Può essere tuo alleato un tribunale iniquo, che fa angherie contro la legge?
21 They plan to get rid of righteous [people], and they declare that (innocent people/people who have not done what is wrong) must be executed.
Si avventano contro la vita del giusto, e condannano il sangue innocente.
22 But Yahweh (has become [like] my fortress/protects me) [MET]; my God is [like a huge] rock under which I am protected/safe [MET].
Ma il Signore è la mia difesa, roccia del mio rifugio è il mio Dio;
23 He will punish those wicked leaders in return for the wicked things that they have done, and will get rid of them for the sins that they have committed; [yes], Yahweh our God will (wipe them out/destroy them completely).
egli ritorcerà contro di essi la loro malizia, per la loro perfidia li farà perire, li farà perire il Signore, nostro Dio.