< Psalms 91 >

1 Those who live under the protection of God Almighty, will be able to rest [safely] under his care.
Louange de cantique à David.
2 I will declare to Yahweh, “You protect me; [you are like] a fort [MET] in which I am safe. You are my God, the one in whom I trust.”
Il dira au Seigneur: Vous êtes mon soutien et mon refuge; il est mon Dieu, j’espérerai en lui.
3 Yahweh will rescue you from all hidden traps and save you from deadly diseases.
Parce que c’est lui-même qui m’a délivré d’un filet de chasseurs et d’une parole meurtrière.
4 He will shield/protect you [like a bird shields/protects its chicks] [MET] with/under her wings. You will be safe (in his care/because he takes care of you). His faithfully doing what he has promised is like a shield [MET] that will protect you.
Il te mettra à l’ombre sous ses épaules, et sous ses ailes tu espéreras.
5 You will not be afraid of things that happen during the night that could (terrorize you/cause you to be very afraid), or of arrows that [your enemies will shoot at you] during the day.
Sa vérité t’environnera de son bouclier, et tu n’auras pas à craindre d’une terreur nocturne,
6 You will not be afraid of (plagues/widespread sicknesses) that demons cause when they attack people at night, or of other [evil forces] that kill people at midday.
D’une flèche volant dans le jour, d’une affaire qui marche dans des ténèbres, et de l’attaque d’un démon du midi.
7 Even if 1,000 people fall [dead] alongside you, even if 10,000 [people are dying] around you, you will not be harmed.
Mille tomberont à ton côté, et dix mille à ta droite; mais nul n’approchera de toi.
8 Look and see that (wicked people are being punished/God is punishing wicked people)!
Et même tu considéreras de tes propres yeux, et tu verras la punition méritée des pécheurs.
9 If you allow Yahweh to protect you, if you trust God Almighty to (shelter/take care of) you,
Parce que tu as dit: Seigneur, vous êtes mon espérance, et que tu as choisi le Très-Haut pour ton refuge.
10 nothing evil will happen to you; no plague will come near your house,
Le mal ne viendra pas jusqu’à toi, et aucun fléau n’approchera de ton tabernacle.
11 because Yahweh will command his angels to protect you wherever you go.
Parce qu’il a commandé à ses anges à ton sujet, de te garder dans toutes tes voies.
12 They will hold you up with their hands, with the result that you will not hurt your foot on a big stone.
Ils te porteront dans leurs mains, de peur que ton pied ne heurte contre une pierre.
13 You will be [kept safe from being harmed by your enemies] [MET]; [it will be as though] you are stepping on lions and poisonous snakes [without them harming you!]
Tu marcheras sur l’aspic et le basilic, et tu fouleras aux pieds le lion et le dragon.
14 [Yahweh says], “I will rescue those who love me, I will protect them because they (acknowledge that I am Yahweh/know me).
Parce qu’il a espéré en moi, je le délivrerai: je le protégerai, parce qu’il a connu mon nom.
15 When they call out to me, I will answer them. I will help them when they are experiencing trouble; I will rescue them and honor them.
Il criera vers moi, et je l’exaucerai: avec lui, je serai dans la tribulation, je le sauverai et le glorifierai.
16 I will reward them by enabling them to live a long time, and I will save them.”
Je le comblerai d’une longue suite de jours, et je lui montrerai mon salut.

< Psalms 91 >