< Psalms 90 >

1 Lord, you have always (been [like] a home for us/protected us) [MET].
Lusambulu lu Moyize, mutu Nzambi. Yave, ngeyo wuba buangu kieto kivuanda mu tsungi ka tsungi.
2 Before you created the mountains, before you formed the earth and everything that is in it, you were eternally God, and you will be God forever.
Tuamina miongo mibutuka voti tuamina wuvanga ntoto ayi nza; tona mu thangu ka thangu, ngeyo widi Nzambi.
3 [When people die], you cause their corpses to become soil again; you change their corpses to become dirt like [the first man] was created from.
Ngeyo wumvutulanga batu mu fundu-fundu bu weti tuba: “Vutuka mu fundu-fundu, e e bana ba batu.”
4 When you (consider/think about) time, 1,000 years are [as short as] [SIM] one day which passes; [you consider that] [HYP] they are as short as a few hours in the night.
Bila va meso maku mili di mimvu midedikini banga lumbu kimosi kiviokidi zono; voti banga thangu yimosi va builu,
5 You cause people suddenly to die [MET]; they [live only a short time], like a dream lasts only a short time. They are like grass/weeds [SIM] that grow up.
ngeyo weti botula batu mu tulu tu lufua, badi banga biti bimona va nsuka.
6 In the morning [DOU] the grass sprouts and grows well, but in the evening it dries up and (completely withers/dies).
Va nsuka bimenini bimona, va masika bilebukidi ayi biyumini.
7 [Similarly], [because of the sins that we have committed], you become angry with us; you terrify us and then you destroy us.
Tulembo lalakana mu diambu di nganzi aku ayi tsisi tulembo moni mu diambu di miangu miaku.
8 [It is as though] you place our sins in front of you, you spread out even our secret sins where you can see them.
Ngeyo wutudidi mambimbi meto va ntualꞌaku, masumu meto masuama va ntuala kiezila ki zizi kiaku.
9 Because you are angry with us, you cause our lives to end; the years that we live pass as quickly as a sigh does.
Bilumbu bieto bioso bilembo mani ku tsi nganzi aku; tulembo manisa mimvu mieto ayi luniongo.
10 People live for only 70 years; but if they are strong, some of them live for 80 years. But even during good years we have much pain and troubles; our lives soon end, and we die [EUP].
Tezo ki bilumbu bieto kidi ki lusambudi lumimvu voti lunana enati ngolo zidi yeto. Sina kiawu kidi kaki kiphasi ayi kimianga. Bila luzingu lueti lulembo vioki nsualu ayi tulembo yendi.
11 No one [RHQ] has fully experienced the powerful things you can do to them when you are angry with them, and people are not afraid that you will greatly punish them because of your being angry with them.
Nani zebi lulendo lu nganzi aku e? Muingi miangu miaku miba tola banga lukinzu lolo fueni tambula.
12 So teach/help us to realize that we live for only a short time in order that we may [use our time] wisely.
Wutulongisa tanga bilumbu bieto mu bufuana muingi tubaka ntima wu duenga.
13 Yahweh, how long [will you be angry with us]? Pity us who serve you.
Bika buela fuema, a Yave. Nate thangu mbi mela bela e? Bika wumona bisadi biaku kiadi.
14 Each morning show us that your faithfully loving us is enough for us in order that we may shout joyfully and be happy for the rest of our lives.
Mu nsuka, bika wutuyukutisa mu luzolo luaku lu ngolo; buna tuela yimbilanga mu khini ayi buna tuela yangalala mu bilumbu bioso.
15 Cause us to now be as happy for as many years as you (afflicted us/caused us to be sad) and we experienced troubles.
Wutuyangidikanga boso buididi bilumbu biobi wutumonisina phasi boso buididi mimvu miomi tuyamusunu.
16 Enable us to see the [great] things that you do and enable our descendants to [also] see your glorious power.
Bika mavanga maku mamonoso kuidi bisadi biaku; kiezila kiaku kuidi bana bawu.
17 Lord, our God, give us your blessings and enable us to be successful; yes, cause us to be successful in [everything] that we do [DOU]!
Bika nlemvo wu Yave, Nzambi eto wubanga va beto, bika mu diambu dieto, wukindisa kisalu ki mioko mieto. Nyinga, kindisa kisalu ki mioko mieto.

< Psalms 90 >