< Psalms 9 >

1 Yahweh, I will praise you with all of my inner being. I will tell [others] about all the wonderful things that you have done.
Az éneklőmesternek a múthlabbén szerint; Dávid zsoltára. Dicsérlek Uram teljes szívemmel, hirdetem minden csudatételedet.
2 I will sing to celebrate what you [MTY], who are much greater than all other gods, [have done].
Örülök és örvendezek tebenned, zengedezem, oh Magasságos, a te nevedet;
3 When my enemies realize [that you are very powerful], they stumble, and then they are killed.
Hogy az én ellenségeim meghátráltak, elbuktak és elvesztek a te orczád előtt;
4 You sat on your throne to judge people, and you have judged fairly/justly concerning me.
Hogy véghezvitted ítéletemet és ügyemet: az ítélő-székben ültél, mint igaz bíró.
5 You rebuked the [people of other] nations and you have gotten rid of the wicked people; you have erased their names forever.
Megdorgáltad a pogányokat, elvesztetted a gonoszt: nevöket mindörökre kitörölted.
6 Our enemies have disappeared; you destroyed their cities, and people do not even remember them any more.
Az ellenség megszünt, elpusztult örökre; és a városoknak, a miket feldúltál még az emlékezetök is elveszett.
7 But Yahweh rules forever. He judges [people while he sits] on his throne to judge people,
Az Úr pedig örökké trónol, ítéletre készítette el az ő székét.
8 and he will judge [all the people in] [SYN] the world justly; he will judge the people [of all nations] fairly [DOU].
És ő megítéli a világot igazsággal, törvényt tesz a népeknek méltányosan.
9 Yahweh will be a refuge for those who are oppressed; [yes, he will be like] a shelter for them when they have trouble.
És lesz az Úr nyomorultak kővára, kővár a szükség idején.
10 Those who know Yahweh [MTY] trust in him; he never abandons those who come to him ([for help/to worship him]).
Azért te benned bíznak, a kik ismerik a te nevedet; mert nem hagytad el, Uram, a kik keresnek téged.
11 Yahweh rules from Zion [Hill]; praise him while you sing to him. Tell [the people of all] the nations the [marvelous] things that he has done.
Zengjetek az Úrnak, a ki Sionban lakik; hirdessétek a népek között az ő cselekedeteit.
12 He does not forget [to punish] those who have murdered others; and he will not ignore people who are crying because they are suffering.
Mert számon kéri a kiontott vért, megemlékezik rólok, nem feledkezik el a szegények kiáltásáról.
13 Yahweh, be merciful to me! Look at the ways that my enemies have injured me. Do not allow me to die [because of these injuries].
Könyörülj rajtam, Uram! lásd meg az én nyomorúságomat, a mely gyűlölőim miatt van, a ki felemelsz engem a halál kapuiból;
14 I want to live in order that I can praise you at the gates of Jerusalem [MTY] and to rejoice because you rescued me.
Hogy hirdessem minden dicséretedet Sion leányának kapuiban; hadd örvendjek a te szabadításodban.
15 [It is as though] the [wicked people of many] nations have dug a pit for me to fall into [MET], but they have fallen into that same pit. [It is as if] they spread out a net to catch me [MET], but their feet have been caught in that same net.
Besülyedtek a pogányok a verembe, a melyet ástak; a hálóban, a melyet elrejtettek, megakadt a lábok.
16 Because of what you have done, people know that you decide matters [fairly/justly], but [you allow] wicked people to be trapped by the same evil things that they themselves do.
Megismertetett az Úr, ítéletet hozott; a gonoszt annak kezemunkájával ejtette el. (Higgajon, Szela)
17 Wicked people will all [die and] be buried in their graves, and [their spirits] will go to be with all those who have (forgotten about/rejected) you. (Sheol h7585)
Seolba jutnak a gonoszok, oda minden nép, a mely elfeledkezik Istenről. (Sheol h7585)
18 But you will not forget those who are needy/poor; what they confidently expect will certainly happen.
Mert a szegény nem lesz végképen elfelejtve, a nyomorultak reménye sem vész el örökre.
19 Yahweh, arise and judge the [wicked] people of the nations; do not allow them to think that [because they are strong] they will never be punished.
Kelj fel Uram, ne hatalmasodjék el a halandó; ítéltessenek meg a pogányok te előtted!
20 Yahweh, teach them to be terrified about you. Cause them to know that they are merely human beings.
Rettentsd meg, Uram, őket; tudják meg a pogányok, hogy halandók ők! (Szela)

< Psalms 9 >